A Mighty Work!

For so long you have been hearing through the MSM what the deep state has been up to but I say now you are hearing what I have been doing through My vessel, Donald Trump for I have been sharing with him how to bring about a Turnaround in America and you have already heard of the many plans I have for America—to get your bodies healthy again and bringing truth about immunizations and now there will be more and more truth about the covid shot as well. And there are plans to make your border secure as well~for Donald Trump is working on restoring America for the American people to believe that he has Everyone’s best in mind and Not just for those who voted for him. For he longs to restore Unity in America and I say the ones who are vile against him and speak in hurtful ways about him will No longer have a huge following for even now I AM changing hearts and making people see the benefits of having DJT as President. For they will see him as an ENGAGED President and one who cares about ALL facets of our life~even education for your children. For I will cause a Blanket of Peace and Security to Fall on America and people from all walks of life and beliefs will sigh a sigh of relief and they’ll say in their heart—so this is how a President is supposed to lead our country! And they will Also realize that the MSM has lied about President Trump all these years and many, many will be glad he was voted in. For I AM doing a Mighty Work in America!


  1. Thank you God!! All those who are devastated by President Trumps win will look back at this moment and be forever grateful. Their eyes will be opened to the truth and they will see what a great choice for President!!

  2. Did I read it wrong or was there a journal entry last week mentioning that this is the Thanksgiving Kim Clement mentioned in his prophesy? I can’t seem to find it to share with someone

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It was from Patty's prophecy dated November 1st.

    3. Oh ok, so I'm not losing my mind! haha Do we know why?


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