Dealt With

For My people thought the words I gave to prophets in 2020 about the Red Tsunami was for the 2020 election. Although the 2020 election was stolen, the Reality of the Red Tsunami I spoke of is for for the 2024 election. For my Words that I speak manifest when I choose to do so. Just like My Prophet, Kim Clement when he shouted Death to Debt and many called him a false prophet because it didn’t happen right away. How inappropriate for My Children to be so deceived by the religious spirit. For My Prophet, Isaiah prophesied unto us a child is born…in the years 739 to 681 BCE (Before the Christian Era). For My Children must learn to Trust in My Timing and even now My David’s timing to be President in 2025 is PERFECT! For in 2020 the deep state was still fully engaged but I will make a way where there is no way for My David for his enemies—foreign and domestic will be dealt with and he shall not be opposed and I shall bring healing to America for both sides of the aisle for the Restoration of America is in the works and shall occur! But first the cleansing will take place. Watch ME!


  1. So much has been revealed to us about the deep state since 2020. There are still some people who haven't seen it, but SOON they will . There will be a rude awakening for them. In these 4 years we have had Roe v Wade overturned, Elon Musk bought out Twitter, championing free speech. We have seen major corruption in judges and prosecutors as they tried to stop Trump. Yes, Lord, we will be watching You as deal with our enemies and heal and restore. God bless America!!!

    1. Amen & amen! Same here in Canada...serious house cleaning shall be done, and then and only then will God's appointed man take his position. Hallelujah! I am so happy for our American brothers and sisters in the USA. All glory to God! We love you and praise you Lord!


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