Our Victory Is Sure!

For the appointed time of My justice has arrived. For so many things have been done in secret and behind the scenes that you do not know of, but are soon to be released. For the Unleashing of Truth is coming and soon to be Known and Understood! For the control of the deep state will be severed completely Never to be Reinstated again! For I AM God and There is Nothing I Cannot Do! But My Army of Light I AM calling for you to release a decree over America as a means of crushing Satan under your feet and his stranglehold over America and this will release My Angel Armies! So declare this~I decree that God is taking His Rightful Place over America and that Satan and his cohorts are defeated and are going down! And you shall see this decree manifest before your eyes! Rejoice for Our Victory Is Sure!

Psalms 60:12 “With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies.”


  1. I decrees that GOD is taking His Rightful Place Over America and that Satan and his cohorts are defeated and are going down! REJOICE FOR OUR VICTORY IS SURE! PRAISE THE LORD ALMIGHTY GOD! HALLELUJAH!

    1. Yes Harley! I agree. Hallelujah!! Amen & Amen!


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