Sweeping Changes

For I hear the demon’s screeching as DJT continues to make announcements to America of the Sweeping Changes he will make from abortion, to transgenderism, to the foods you eat and the immunizations given to children for he has been planning these changes for years. For he has known the evil agendas of the deep state has had to bring sickness and disease and to also to break up families too. The MSM is used as well to bring their propaganda to cause division between the left and right, different races and even the vaxed vs. unvaxed for their evil plots against you are now ending because of DJT for he is here to fight for you and this nation of America and these sweeping changes that will take place will not just be for America but will spread throughout the world. For I AM dealing with the darkness and they’re going down. But do not think the deep state will just give up and wave goodbye. For they are making plans even now to bring chaos on the streets. But there is nothing to fear for I have infiltrators in these meetings and they will pay the consequences of their plans and actions. For America Is Being Saved!


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