The Appointed Time!

Note: As I was spending time with the Lord and writing out my prayers this morning for the election, I realized that my words were being inspired by God as they came with mighty power and authority. Because of that, I am sharing them as they are anointed by Him and my prayer is that they inspire you as well!

I dedicate this day to You for the election! I pray Your Power be evident today and that voter fraud will be Completely Nullified in Jesus Name and by the Power of Your Blood! I also Take Authority over All incantations, hexes, vexes, spells, curses and assignments that would bring sorcery, divination and witchcraft into this election. I Render Them Null and Void and Completely Powerless and I Send Them All Back 100 fold to the people and persons that send them!!! May they Understand that their powers are only as powerful as they are negated by Your power that You have given us! For these are the Days of a Glorious Church Ignited by the Power of God and the power of Satan and his minions are under our feet. These are the days they have been so terrified of~all these many years for they will be Stopped and Unable to Fulfill their missions of evil corruption and death! For God’s powerful Church is Arising and Willing to Engage in this Battle of the Ages and Have Accepted the Challenge from our God. This is The Time and This is The Place of the Remnant not only Realizing Who We Are but Acting On it and Crushing Satan Under Our Feet! We Accept the Challenge With Everything In Our Hearts, Souls and Minds! For we have a Calling and We Will Fulfill It! For this is the Appointed Time!

Matthew 8:29 “The demons screamed at Jesus shouting, ‘Son of God, what do you want with us? Leave us alone! Have you come to torment us before the appointed time?”


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