The Battle Isn’t Over

For yes this is a Time to Celebrate for DJT will be President! But~do not think the battle is over. For there will be a backlash that the deep state is planning to create riots in the streets. But even this backlash will be used by ME to bring a Greater GOOD. For the enemy knows a major reason for their loss is the Army of Light prayed and used its authority. For My Remnant is learning who she is! For this very reason you need to be On Guard and Understand this battle is about to get more fierce but I have given you everything you need for you have been equipped for what lies ahead. Now Do Not Be Discouraged or Downcast. For did you think the deep state would just accept their losses and surrender? So Be Prepared My Army of Light and Put On The Armor and Pray In Tongues for soon their fierce anger will be on display but Do Not Fear but instead make a Decree that I will send My Angel Armies to protect America and that Justice Will Prevail!

Psalms 80:19 “Restore us, Lord God Almighty; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved.”


  1. Armor up, mighty warriors!! He always causes us to triumph and leads us to victory. Thank You, Jesus!!!


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