The Transition

For I will protect My David from All Harm for My Plans for him and My using him to Restore America + more will Stand and Not Fail. For the powers of hell are No Match for My Heavenly Armies! For Satan was cast out of heaven by My Seraphim and if they can do that, can they not protect My David? So Do Not Fear but yes, it is good to pray on his behalf. Now~as I’ve mentioned you are on a roller coaster ride~some days there are good news and other days there is not but this transition from dark to light is a Process but there will be times when this process is accelerated. Now My vessel, Andrew Whalen spoke of events having an illusion and also a scare event for these things will surely happen but they will also be used to open the eyes of the blind and to waken them from their deep slumber. For things are going just as I have planned so Do Not Worry or Fret but Continue to Trust ME and Keep In Mind Proverbs 3:5,6.

Psalms 37


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