
For you are Now Entering the Final Phase of this Notorious Battle Over America of good vs. evil and what and/or who will lead her into the future. For in the earlier years she had a war called the Revolutionary War to fight for her freedom from England and I was with her then. For America had what was called the Minutemen to fight and be ready at a minute’s notice. And now, once again, I AM calling you to fight—not physically but in the spirit realm as you continue to ROAR, worship and make decrees for this shoots bombs into the enemy’s camp and brings destruction to their plans! For the devil is a loser and he will know it when all is said and done! For in this way you are Contending for America’s future and her destiny! And I AM enabling you to crush Satan under your feet! For Victory is in the air and will soon become Reality Across America and then the world!

Psalms 60:12 “With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies.”


  1. Yes, FATHER. We ROOAARR, worship and decree towards victory!

  2. Amen THANKYOU FATHER GOD We ROARR worship and decree .🦁🙌❤


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