Ask ME!

For many of you may be going through very difficult times but just like My servant, Kim Clement said to view these not as a setback, but as a setup for ME to work! What if these seemingly impossible situations you find yourself in is an Opportunity for ME to Shine Brightly in your life??!! For doesn’t it say in my Word that what is impossible with man is possible with God? (Luke 18:27) A long time ago I shared with My daughter, Patty Not to Limit ME, for when you do that, you miss out on the Miraculous! So My Army of light I AM Challenging you to NOT LIMIT ME but INSTEAD through your Faith~call out a Miracle from ME! Do you recall My Mother did that? For I hadn’t even done a miracle publicly yet and wasn’t planning on it either, but then she tells the servants at a wedding to do whatever I tell them…for out of her faith, she drew out the miracle from ME of turning water into wine.(John 2:1-11) This was much like the woman who had been bleeding for twelve years and she said in her heart, if I could just touch the hem of his garment, I will be healed…and IMMEDIATELY it was done for her~her bleeding stopped and she was free from her suffering. (Mark 5:25-34) So~I AM saying all this to make a point. I want to bring miracles into your life as well! So Do Not limit ME..BUT ASK ME!


  1. WOW! Father God, thank you for reminding and sharing your positive insight of blessings and rewards 🙏 for miracles to happen in faith. Praise the Lord Almighty God! Please Father God, give me strength to follow guidance to perform miracles in faith to glorified in you all things..

  2. So grateful. Thank you Our Almighty Father!
    We trust in Your Bountiful Love. !!


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