Come Alive!!!!!

For I AM So Very Excited for you My Army of Light for it will be So Out of Your Ability to process it~All that I have planned for you! You will think in your mind~how is this possible? Can this be Real? For as the deep state has tried to tear you down by causing disaster after disaster~like a tsunami of tragedies~I AM about to Come on the Scene and Do the Exact Opposite!!! For yes I will bring exposure BUT you will see the See the Arrests that your heart has longed for! For My Victorious Right Hand is being extended into the earth realm and will Complete My Justice to All that has defiled ME and you!! For you will say in your hearts—how can I handle all these blessings for my mind is being blown away more and more each passing day! For truly the Book of Enoch is about to Come Alive!!!!

Isaiah 41:10 “fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.”

Book of Enoch chapter 1vs 7b-8 “And there shall be a judgment upon all (men). But with the righteous He will make peace. And will protect the elect. And mercy shall be upon them. And they shall all belong to God. And they shall be prospered. And they shall [[all]] be blessed. [[And He will help them all]], And light shall appear unto them. [[And He shall make peace with them.]]


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