Light Overcomes Darkness!

For the enemy is working hard to take his control back and one way he is using is by a certain movie called Wicked. For this movie is a powerful weapon that the darkness is using against America and all that see it for spells will be cast while the viewers watch it~among other things so My Army of Light—you must pray against this movie for there is a lot of evil attached to it as a means to counter what I want to do at this time. Now pray accordingly—I Declare and Decree that the church of Jesus Christ is given an anointing of discernment and are being shown Not to see this movie—in fact they are convinced of its evil intention. Then declare and decree that the powers of darkness are null and void including all forms of sorcery, divination and witchcraft! Declare that I AM Removing witchcraft from America—like Andrew Whalen said. Declare that Light Overcomes Darkness!

Psalms 107:14 “He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away their chains.”


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