We Are Winning!

 For I the Lord am going to share with you some insight~one that will open your eyes to the unseen world. For there was a war in heaven when Satan found out about the soon-to-be creation of man for he was Very Jealous of your position so he didn’t want to serve ME anymore; but instead he wanted to be served and worshipped as well. So Michael and his angels cast him out of heaven and ever since then the devil’s motto has been to steal, kill and destroy mankind for he is full of hatred for you. But now, the devil is taking notice of My Remnant, My Army of Light using the authority given to you to fight against him and his cohorts . So My Friends if you are experiencing pushback and being attacked by the devil, Know This—he is aware that you understand Your Position of Authority over him now and he and all of hell are full of fear that you will frustrate and abolish their plans to completely take over. For the demons have been experiencing such a boomerang effect when spells, curses and incantations are completely powerless for they are annihilated right away from your prayers, declarations and decrees! For they are now feeling the heat because it comes back to them! Don’t you see My Friends—We Are Winning!

Revelations 12:7-9 “Then a terrible war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the great dragon. The dragon and his angels fought back. But the dragon did not have the power to win and they could not regain their place in heaven. So the great dragon was thrown down once and for all. He was the serpent, the ancient snake called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole earth. He was cast down into the earth and his angels along with him.


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