My Plans Unfold!

For the enemy that is using the deep state is in a quandary and is very, very afraid of the reality of Donald Trump becoming President again so they are using violence to stir up strife and fear throughout America~but haven’t I said that I have plans too? Do you think this is a surprise to ME? NO! Now My Army of Light come together now and with One Voice destroy the enemy’s plans against you and Make This Decree against them—I Decree and Release Heaven’s Angelic Army to Eradicate Any and All forms of riots and/or violence! I boomerang back on them the fire of God, the power of God and the gift of repentance to fall on everyone of them! I decree that I am crushing Satan under my feet including any and all plans to stop Donald Trump from entering the office of President of the United States! For from these decrees, you shall see My Plans Unfold!

Job 22:28 “Thou shalt also decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee: And the light shall shine upon thy ways.”

Romans 16:20 “And the God of peace will swiftly pound Satan to a pulp under your feet! And the wonderful favor of our Lord Jesus will surround you.”

Note: As the Lord mentioned that we are to say these decrees with One Voice, I would like to meet at 7PM tonight on X and Truth Social and say these decrees together! I hope you can join me.


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