Overcoming Darkness!

For this time is what is what My David calls the Golden Age and I say—So Shall It Be~much like the Kingdom Age might I add. For I have given My David supernatural wisdom to bring this country from destitute, poor and unhealthy to a country that will be healthy, prosperous and full of ingenuity and skill! And My David knows how to rid this country of its debt and how to generate money for America and will once again be a wealthy nation and she will no longer be laughed at; but be Revered! For I have told you that your future is bright and so shall it be! For the deep state was copying its lord—of stealing, killing and destroying—but My David who is in charge will change all that and this Nation of America will flourish and will in fact be an Example of how other nations can be as well! For the deep state will lose power over All Countries and Freedom Will Ring Everywhere! For My Light Is Overcoming Darkness!

Psalms 47:1-4 “Go ahead and celebrate! Come on and clap your hands, everyone! Shout to God with the raucous sounds of joy! The Lord God Most High is astonishing, awesome beyond words! He’s the formidable and powerful King over all the earth. He’s the one who conquered the nations before us and placed them all under our feet. He’s marked out our inheritance ahead of time, putting us in the front of the line, honoring Jacob, the one he loves.”


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