You Will Experience Victory!

For you have been in fighting mode for so long My Army of Light and soon the fighting will be over and the battle won and you will Experience Victory! Now~for some of you it will take some effort to change your mindset from a warrior mode to a receiving mode. For there will be Showers of Blessings coming that will be non-stop and for some of you it will take a bit of time to recalibrate yourself to receive all that is coming. Some might even feel guilty that you don’t deserve it—don’t receive that lie for My Word says that I love to give good gifts to My Children. So My Army of Light, once the Battle is over, Get Ready to Receive the Plunder and the Benefits of Being on the Winning Side!

Note: Just because the battle will be over doesn't mean we will no longer experience warfare from the devil. We will still have that but in a lessor manner as hell will no longer have control over the seven mountains.

Matthew 7:11 “If you, imperfect as you are, know how to lovingly take care of your children and give them what’s best, how much more ready is your heavenly Father to give wonderful gifts to those who ask him?”

Jeremiah 50:10 “So Babylonia will be plundered; all who plundered her will have their fill, declares the Lord.”


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