
For I have given to My David a much needed friend~Elon Musk. For he is a man of deep loyalty and a man who is very intelligent as well. For he is working as a means of implementing the Executive Orders that Donald Trump has put into law and now Elon Musk is experiencing the same criticisms and dirty looks that My David has experienced for years. For when the darkness is uncovered, there is anger at the person that is uncovering their dastardly deeds. But I have given them thick skins as a means of protecting their hearts and minds to enable them to continue in their tasks of Making America Great Again. For I also gave David in the Scriptures a good friend. His name was Jonathan, Saul’s son. For he was also Very Loyal to his friend; even though David’s enemy was his father. For I know the Value of Friendship for I gave My Son twelve disciples of whom he was close and shared his heart with. So if you My Army of Light are alone and without someone you can share you heart with, Come To ME and ask and you will receive. For I have made you to be in relationships and to have fellowship~one with another. And if you have already found one(s) that you can share your heart with, Rejoice for you have found a treasure, worth more than gold.

Luke 11:9-10 “So it is with your prayers. Ask and you’ll receive. Seek and you’ll discover. Knock on heaven’s door and it will one day open for you. Every persistent person will discover what he needs. And everyone who knocks persistently will one day find an open door.”


  1. That makes me cry. God thinks of everything ❤️

  2. Father God, I need to share my love with all my heart together.

  3. Thank you God. You know our human nature and You always give us exactly what we need when we need it. I pray for the salvation of Elon Musk. Holy Spirit bring Your truth to this man. Soften his heart, and show him Your ways in all things.


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