I AM Bringing Shame and Freedom!

For I the Lord God am going to Astound you in the coming days~for I AM working with My David and he is putting the deep state on notice everyday as he works with Elon Musk to stop the flow of money into their pet projects of darkness. For even now the social security payments are coming under scrutiny and finding many checks going to people that have deceased! For so long you have been duped by your government believing that they are doing a good job in spending your tax dollars, when in reality it’s Being Wasted! And the many senators and congressmen have a net worth far above their means for that too will come to light! For what has been hidden is going to be Seen and Reported for All To See! For I AM bringing shame on the perpetrators of injustice in Washington DC but I will also visit every state and uncover theirs as well. For I AM Cleaning and Uprooting the evil agendas in America and then it will affect other countries as well. For I See All and when USAID is dismantled and done away with~Major Changes will be put in place to bring Freedom and No Longer to Control!

Colossians 1:13 “He has rescued us completely from the tyrannical rule of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom realm of his beloved Son.”


  1. So grateful to God for what He is doing. And thank you Patty, for posting these words every day!

  2. Praise the Lord Almighty God! Be Alert! Armor Up! Father God, we are rejoicing and cheering for Your GLORY soon to come worldwide shaken. Thank you, Patty for sharing God's prophetic words.

  3. Hallelujah! 🙌🙌🙌


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