I AM Putting You On Notice!

For My David has received from ME a download of heavenly intel that he is going to use against the attacks of the deep state against America! For even now he is pushing their buttons and cornering them with their backs against the wall for he is in fighting mode and he is motivated and determined to drain the swamp and Take Them Down! For their evil and wicked ways are going to Come Out of the Darkness For All to See for I Myself Will Ruin Them and will Bring Them Shame Publicly for they have stood in front of a podium pointing their finger and accusing My David of doing things underhanded and wrong but I WILL TURN YOU UPSIDE DOWN AND I WILL SHOW THE PUBLIC WHAT YOU DO TO CHILDREN AND WHAT YOU CALL PIZZA! YOU HAVE OFFENDED ME BY HARMING THE CHILDREN AND YOU WILL BE SEVERELY PUNISHED—ALL OF YOU! For you will be made an Example of—of what happens to those who use the children to abuse, to make adenochrome and to ultimately kill. For I AM putting you on notice—THE END IS NEAR FOR YOU!

Luke 17;1, 2 “It is impossible that no offenses should come; but woe to him, through whom they do come! It were better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.”


  1. Wow! Your will be done! Father. ❤️🙏🙌

  2. Expose, Expose, and Expose them all Lord. How could anyone do these horrible evils acts of wickedness to little children.


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