The Scale Of Justice

For I AM your Life-Giver! For I have Everything you need to have life that is Abundant! For I have said that I will bring justice and that I will Right the Wrongs. Now let Me explain that it doesn’t just go to those that need punishment—for there are two sides of justice—for in a trial, if the jurors find that the evidence against the accused is not valid and not viable for a conviction, the accused is set Free and that is their Reward! So Justice has a scale, one for guilty=punishment and a possible loss of funds (if they are being sued) then on the other side is a scale showing not guilty=freedom and reward (as in a lawsuit when they are awarded money for showing cause). And I say Justice Is About To Be Played Out as in the time before the Red Sea crossing when the Death Angel came and took down the first born in all of Egypt including the animals, But I Protected the Israelites from death, those who had put the lamb’s blood on their doorposts and I also Rewarded them with health and wealth and so Shall It Be Again! For the Death Angel has determined who is guilty and All Will See My Power and My Justice At Work!

Isaiah 61:8 “For I, YAHWEH, love fairness and justice, and I hate stealing and sin. I will rightly repay them because of my faithfulness and enter into an everlasting covenant with them.”


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