Wholly Committed To ME

For the movie Wicked was the enemy’s tool for the church to agree that friendship with witchcraft is not only OK, but accepted and celebrated. But I need you, My Army of Light to Defeat this tool of the enemy for it is hindering what I want to do in My Ecclesia. So My Army of Light Declare and Decree that there will Never Be An Agreement of Friendship with the Darkness and/or Witchcraft. Declare and Decree that the Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail Against The Church! Declare and Decree that My Ecclesia will be Wholly Committed to ME and to Not Commit Idolatry but to have a Pure Heart. Also Declare and Decree that Any Agreement made with darkness will be countered with the gift of repentance! For in the coming days, My Kingdom will become more dominant as the light overcomes darkness and I need My Ecclesia to have a heart that is Totally dedicated to ME so that I can use you to hold and impart My Glory!

Matthew 16:18 “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”


  1. Thank you Patty for your service to our Heavenly Father. I so look forward to what He shares with you each day. Heavenly Father, I will decree and declare all YOU have said.

  2. Praise the Lord Almighty God! Thank you, Patty, for sharing God's prophetic words.


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