For I used Solomon in a mighty way as King over Israel and he was the wisest man in all the world and also the wealthiest for I came to him in a dream and I said to him to ask for whatever you want and it shall be given you. And his answer to ME was that he asked for wisdom. That filled my heart with joy that he cared that much for the people he was ruling over for his heart was to serve his people well. And I say to you that this Very Conversation happened recently with My David and I. He also asked for wisdom from ME and I AM giving it to him. For he wants to Restore America and to make her great again~to close the borders, to make you healthy, to make you wealthy, to reduce wasteful spending of the government, to protect families, to bring back basic learning into the schools minus the teaching of morals that should go back to the parents…and so much more. For his heart has ached for you seeing how much the deep state has worked against you and he is working hard to make life better for you! And soon the wealth will be released for My David has been working on this as well and this is what I want you to do My Army of Light—just as Solomon and My David did—come to ME and ask ME for wisdom and I will grant it for this wisdom is not just meant for those in authority but for All for You Are Mine and I want you to have an understanding of My Will For You and how to sow into My Kingdom!
James 1:5 “And if anyone longs to be wise, ask God for wisdom and he will give it! He won’t see your lack of wisdom as an opportunity to scold you over your failures but he will overwhelm your failures with his generous grace.”
FATHER GOD, You known my heart that I wanted to speak eloquently due to my speak defects then anything else. I'm asking for wisdom to further Your ministry by opening up donations center by giving to others Ministries in needs.
ReplyDeleteAbba, thank you for wisdom! 🙏❤️