Another Blessing
For I have mentioned to you of the blessing of the wealth transfer and now I shall tell you of another blessing that will come on the scene very shortly. And this blessing involves a Mighty Outpouring of My Favor. And what does that involve you ask? This favor involves Knowing ME on a deeper level than you’ve Ever Experienced Before and behold there will be “A Knowing” that will be released upon My Army of Light. For you will have “A Knowing” when something is of ME and when you have a choice to make and you will have an EXACT KNOWING of the right thing to do. For this blessing of favor and KNOWING will make life a joy and a blessing for instead of questions being on your mind, you will have the answers and problems? You will know how to solve them! Proverbs 8:35 “For the fountain of life pours into you every time that you find me, and this is the secret of growing in the delight and the favor of the Lord.”