
Your Mantle

For I the Lord know that this battle has been a long and difficult one but through it your growth and faith in ME has grown exponentially! For you have learned to persevere when the going has gotten tough and instead of running away from challenges you have chosen to meet them head on! I especially appreciate the lack of fear you have now for your enemy, the devil for instead of running and hiding from him, you use the authority you’ve been given and you stop the weapons he uses against you and you negate his lies and you choose to believe what My Word says and not his. I have waited a long time for My Remnant to have an understanding of the authority they have been given and that they are not victims of the devil’s attacks, but instead they are more than conquerors~and so you are! And this is why this time has been chosen for My Rescue for once the evil and darkness has been dealt with, You My Army of Light will make sure it will Not Return! For this is the mantle you will carry—to ta...

Stay The Course!

For I know the weariness of your soul and you ask ME~how long must we wait for Your Rescue? For we have heard of the magnificent plans that You have for us and yet we feel stuck and we are feeling more and more unsafe in America everyday. When is it oh Lord that You will Rise Up and fight for us? And behold I will Answer you~much like I did Job when he had questions for ME. Can you see what I see? Do you Know and have All Wisdom of the Ages? How do you discern when the perfect timing is~when it affects just you? For I see clearly the Whole picture including every country that is on earth and I AM Very Aware for I See All! But You Do Not! For I have been hearing grumbling and complaining in My ears lately. For how can you say you trust ME and call ME Lord and yet complain? For I dealt harshly with the Israelites when they complained to ME and My servant, Moses. For I need My Army of Light to Stay the Course and Make Choices to Continue to Trust in ME despite what you see going on around...

My Plans Unfold!

For the enemy that is using the deep state is in a quandary and is very, very afraid of the reality of Donald Trump becoming President again so they are using violence to stir up strife and fear throughout America~but haven’t I said that I have plans too? Do you think this is a surprise to ME? NO! Now My Army of Light come together now and with One Voice destroy the enemy’s plans against you and Make This Decree against them—I Decree and Release Heaven’s Angelic Army to Eradicate Any and All forms of riots and/or violence! I boomerang back on them the fire of God, the power of God and the gift of repentance to fall on everyone of them! I decree that I am crushing Satan under my feet including any and all plans to stop Donald Trump from entering the office of President of the United States! For from these decrees, you shall see My Plans Unfold! Job 22:28 “Thou shalt also decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee: And the light shall shine upon thy ways.” Romans 16:20 “And...

Continue To Love

For the enemy has ramped up his attacks against you My Army of Light and also against DJT for he knows that he is a tool that I use against him. So~this battle is heating up even more now and you must be aware of the enemy’s attacks against you. For did you hear My servant, Barry Wunsch speak of people close to DJT having a Jezebel spirit for the enemy has released a more intense form of witchcraft now but what does My Word say? My Word says that you have been given authority over All the power of the enemy. For you are to Overcome! Now, there is a test that is coming your way in the year 2025 that I AM making you aware of now. For this wealth transfer is well on its way and My Word speaks of this test for it says you cannot serve two masters—ME and the love of money. For this coming blessing can be a curse if you allow it to be. But I say even now Surrender this money to ME—meaning ask ME for wisdom and discernment in how you spend it and Do Not Let It Control You but Continue to have...

A Day To Reflect

What I want My Children to do this day is to Reflect on 2024 on what I have done in your lives this past year. Ask Holy Spirit to remind you of things that you may have forgotten. For there were many blessings I bestowed upon each one of you. I also worked on behalf of America~keeping President Trump safe from all harm and particularly assassination attempts. For Donald Trump will never be the same as he realized how close he was to death, but I saved him! And now you have President Trump coming into office soon  and he shall bring changes for America that will bring healing to her. For 2025 will bring America Back to her True Identity!

It’s Just The Beginning!

So we are now nearing the year 2025 and oh what a Great Year It Shall Be! For there will be many surprises coming your way—medical breakthroughs that have been hidden from you will be released, more exposures that will be completely be hard to fathom but Truth will be sought out and the public will be sick of being lied to! For so many things will happen to bring about An Understanding of the Truth in every area from the past to the present and in all seven mountains! And It’s Just The Beginning!

These Are The Days!

For My Glory Will Be Seen By All for do you recall My servant, Barry Wunsch, when he described something like lightning shooting from the skies onto cities and countries below? For this is My Light bringing Great Change and causing the darkness to flee! For you have heard many prophetic voices say that it will only take a day for My Miraculous Power to be on display like at No Other Time and you, My Army of Light have been chosen to be alive now to be Eyewitnesses of this Great Feat that will occur! For what you have gone through these past few years will be completely forgotten when you Behold My Miraculous Power! Now My Friends start writing in journals of all that you are experiencing for you will want to Remember These Days Always! For these are the Days that will be Etched in Your Memory Forever! I Peter 5:10 “And then, after your brief suffering, the God of all grace, who has called you to share in his eternal glory in Christ, will personally and powerfully restore you and make y...