
Showing posts from September, 2024

The Greatest Show Of All Time

I know many of you long for your heavenly home and to be present with ME as well~but I say that I Know your heart and your thoughts and I’d like to address them now. I Need You There~on earth at this time. But I realize the pressure of life and your culture can have a wearisome effect on you. And I say this darkness will be short-lived for I Am working on tearing down their control over your life for you will see a Huge Shift not only in America but the whole world! And I Myself will change the hearts of mankind as Truth will be Received and Acknowledged and My Glory will bring miracles, signs and wonders. And this billion soul harvest that has been talked about often will become a Reality. For I want you to see with My Perspective right now. For you don’t want to miss My Miraculous Power at work—many people set free from the powers of darkness and the narrative to change in this country~back to Good Morals! For I will deal with the gender issue and so much more for I have said that th

Rude Awakening

Soon My Army of Light~soon your heart is going to be So Full of Gratitude and Joy for your cup will overflow with blessing upon blessings~when I deal with our enemies. For the deep state that have used this darkness and brought it forth using witchcraft and evil practices are going to have a Rude Awakening when I Stand from My Throne on High and with My Royal Scepter Pronounce Judgment on them and Announce ENOUGH! For then My Angel Armies will be released along with the Seraphim and cause our enemies to fall~fall for their positions, fall from life to death~much like the nursery rhyme of Humpty Dumpty—for he had a great fall and all the King’s horses and all the King’s men couldn’t put Humpty back together again. For this the Great I AM declare is My Judgment against them! Psalms 23:5 “You serve me a six-course dinner right in front of my enemies. You revive my drooping head, my cup brims with blessing.”


For My Army of Light I Understand. I understand your weariness and disappointment in America for she has fallen mightily from where she was and the deep state revels in this downward spiral that she is in, for they caused it! But I Appreciate your Standing on My Words and Believing In Them! For the old adage that it’s the darkest before the dawn is true. For this darkness is covering the earth as prophesied in Isaiah (Isaiah 60:2) but this verse continues to read…BUT the Lord will rise upon you…and his glory will be seen upon you!!! Now, My Army of Light~CALL IT FORTH! pray and Seek My Face, Fast and Declare and Decree this verse to Manifest! For My Word says to decree a thing and it shall be established unto you and the light shall shine upon your ways. (Job 22:28). For this is My Assignment to you~CALL IT FORTH!  

A Huge Backlash

For I AM creating a huge backlash that is coming against the evil practices that were used in the debate for much like I AM defending My David with all these fake accusations and court cases against him~now I shall uncover the Truth about this debate! For Kamala and her team were all rejoicing that they made DJT look bad and ABC was in on it too. For I will Unravel their web of deceit, manipulation and lies to the public. For they tried hard to shame My David and make him look small and defeated. Wait until the web of deceit gets unraveled and Kamala and her team will be the ones who will be shamed and dishonored! For My David has given up his life and reputation for the benefit of seeing America saved and I will Not let him be ridiculed but instead the MSM will be Forced to speak the Truth! For the Tide is Turning and being a Trump supporter will No Longer be looked as negative for I AM going to cause a Glorious Change in this country from the public being lovers of deceit—to lovers o

Reflect ME!

For the enemy would have you down and out, weary and feeling all alone for in this state you are vulnerable for attack but I say Do The Opposite! Be in a constant state of worshipping ME and Do Not Let your Guard Down for My Word says to Guard Your Heart. And you ask ME what does that mean Lord? I AM so glad you asked. To guard you heard is to protect it and to protect it, you need to discern what to watch on TV—what programs do you see~do they align with My Kingdom? What kind of company do you keep? And what are your thoughts? For what you tell yourself, you become! So~My Army of Light You Must Be Aware of these things so that you are Not Vulnerable for attack, but on the contrary Renew Your Mind so that you Reflect ME! Proverbs 4:23 “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” I Corinthians 15:33 “Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character.” Proverbs 23:7a “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” Romans 12:1-2 “So here’s what I want you to d

Be Empowered!

The Heat Is On! For this battle is heating up and it was Very Evident last night at the debate. For Kamala had help with her responses from a source other than herself. So, My Army of Light, I don’t call you an army for nothing so I say—Let’s Fight! First, I want you to Call Forth a Barrier to surround President Trump to nullify all witchcraft, sorcery and divination used against him. Then pray that I grant him wisdom, words of knowledge and discernment. Pray that he hears My Responses to questions. Also pray that I give him supernatural strength so that he doesn’t grow weary in the fight. Then Call Forth the hosts of heaven to infiltrate the enemy’s camp and to wreck havoc on all their plans! Pray for exposure of lies that are constantly spewed out of their mouths. For the weapons of our warfare have divine power and this power overcomes our foes! So My Army of Light do not be discouraged but Instead Be Empowered! II Corinthians 10:3-4 “For although we live in the natural realm, we do

You Never Thought Possible!

For I AM asking you to get out of your comfort zone in this time we are in for I need My Ecclesia, My Army of light to be used by ME, to be My Vessel and to Reach Out to Others Now. For how can people know of ME unless you share? How can people know of My Healing Power unless you pray for them? For it’s Not Time to Play It Safe~No! It’s the Opposite—it’s Time for Faith To Arise in You~Christ in You, the Hope of Glory!~meaning Christ is living in you, you are empowered by Holy Spirit, the mantles of healing have been released—so you have Everything you need to be used by ME to bring miracles, healings and deliverance to others! For this is a time where I want to break out of the four walls of the church and reach the lost with My Power! So My Army of Light ask ME for boldness and More of ME and Watch ME use you in ways You Never Thought Possible! John 14:12 “I tell you this timeless truth:The person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do—eve

It’s Coming!

For I AM going to do miracle after miracle for My Glory that My servant, Donna Rigney speaks of is coming forth into the natural realm. For she has been going around the country where I tell her to go opening up portals for My Glory to come through. And I say when My Glory starts to fall, it will begin in spots and in these spots—demons will scream out in terror for My Judgment will fall on them and they will be banished from the area for evil cannot stay when My Glory falls! So I will use my Glory to draw men, women and children to ME, to bring forth miracles and signs and wonders but also to take down the Satanic strongholds and dominions that have held people captive! For My Glory will have a two-fold effect~to show who I AM and to defeat the devil’s control! Behold…It’s Coming! Psalms 71:8 “My mouth is filled with thy praise, and with thy glory all the day.”

Get Ready For Change!

So My Army of Light I want to share something with you. For so long the enemy of your soul has been using the deep state to steal from you and you try and try to make ends meet but you find it difficult especially with inflation and the prices of everything rising. But I want to say~Get Ready for Change! For truly the Wealth Transfer is coming and I want you to steward it well! First of all~view it as a gift from ME and Do Not have a mindset of Not Deserving It! For the enemy can use that against you and that can lead you into guilt and shame. But as your Father, this is My Gift To You! Now, once received, I encourage you to dedicate this to ME and ask ME Lord what is on your heart for this money? For I want us to Partner Together for this can finance the dreams I have given you that you never thought possible! But with this money I urge you not to hoard it and not be stingy, but as I have freely given to you, freely give to others! And I AM going to tell you now along with this gift c

Push Through!

During this time of waiting ~before My Kingdom is Fully Realized is a journey and a process. For this time can be trying for your soul. For doubts can come and test your faith. But I say~you have never been on this journey before for everything is new to you. But I AM HERE. So once again I lead you to My Word and let it Guide You. For in these difficult and troubling times you cannot do life on your own. You must be Guided through these paths that are foreign to you. So take heed to My Word that says I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eyes on you (Psalms 32:8). So My Army of Light press in to this verse and take time with ME~are you struggling? I have the answer for I will instruct, teach and counsel you. And then another scripture that needs to be Front and Center in your heart and mind. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths stra

Raise A Hallelujah!

For as the Fall brings sudden changes in the weather with days of sunlight becoming shorter, the leaves changing colors and the temperatures getting colder so will things change in this country for the things that have been shared about the season of Fall will be manifest this year. For the fall of the cabal is near and some in this camp clearly see the writing on the wall for their control of everything is collapsing all around them and so many of them will choose to change their loyalties and instead become whistleblowers as they know they will be held accountable for their actions. For there is utter chaos happening in the enemy’s camp right now and confusion has taken hold of their minds. For the Healing Summit not only ushered in the mantles of healing but also the government of the church! For as My Word says that the government will be on My Son’s shoulders (Isaiah9:6b) and My Son dwells in you! For your declarations and decrees are hitting their mark and our enemies are feeling

We Will Win!

For as the deep state has seen that it’s very apparent that their pick for the Presidency is not being received very well, even with all their manipulation and lies so now their drastic measures will come into play. And this is when the darkness will seek to consume this country, along with many other countries as well. But this is where, My Army of Light, that I have shared with you to Hold On! Hold On to My Many Promises to you. Hold On to what I have said is coming after the Light Overcomes the Darkness. For this is Not a time for your faith to falter; on the contrary, this is a time for your Faith to Shine! So come and join the fight against the enemy by having a heart of worship and in so doing declaring that you’re not giving in to the darkness and their threats, but Instead you’re Believing and Trusting In ME! Pray in Tongues when your hope is wavering and Don’t Give In and Don’t Give Up! For I have been training you for these many years for such a time as this! So Fight the Goo

The United States of America!

For soon this Turnaround that I speak of will not only be words on a page but you will see evidence of it! For soon My Majesty and Power will be on display as the money that was stolen from you will be Returned and the EBS will sound and the Truth will be told on the airwaves for No Longer will the cabal have control over the MSM! And this Truth will be a hard pill to swallow for you have been lied to and deceived for a very long time! But this Truth needs to come out and understood by All So That Everyone will have the Same Understanding of What Is Truth! For this is All Part of My Plans not only for America~but for the world! And truly this will bring about Unity into this country like it hasn’t seen for decades. And you definitely will be the United States of America. Philippians 2:2 “Complete my joy of being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.”

Great Joy

For I AM going to use My David just as I used David in the scriptures to TAKE DOWN YOUR ENEMIES! For I gave King David supernatural strength to fight off his enemies and also war strategies to outmaneuver them and so shall it be again! For My David surely has a heart that loves me and also has a love for America and those that live within its borders. For I AM downloading My Plans so that he knows his part to execute. For ever since that assassination attempt, his love and commitment to ME has deepened and the connection we have reminds me of King David and I when I said that he is a man after my own heart and this My David is the same~for he is a man after my own heart as well for we want the Same Thing—to Save America and to rid the world of the evil that controls it! So~I will use him in powerful ways and Behold I will Take the Blinders Off of people’s eyes and the majority of Americans will love and support DJT~for as I have said Truth will be revealed and evil will be exposed as w


September. The month where you will see changes and you will see Visible Evidence that the Tide Is Turning. One of the things you will see is More Truth coming through the MSM. For I AM using Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to shed light on the health issues that you are facing and the need to rid your country of these things that are bringing sickness and disease. For this is all part of the awakening for the public needs to know the evil that surrounds you and that those who govern the FDA are not trying to benefit your health, but the extreme opposite. For these exposures must Come to Light so that Change Can Come and that darkness can be reckoned with. So pray My Army of Light for people to accept the truth and that will help usher in the Light! John 8:32 “Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”


For I AM going to remove the veil from you and let you know things I did while many attended the Healing Summit for I did things for people who were watching whether in their homes, at churches or right at Oasis Church that were not asked for!!! For I Removed hostility from people’s hearts and I bought forth Restoration into Relationships and you will see this multiplied over and over again and this will bring you Great Joy! I also downloaded into Everyone a Deposit of ME. For you will know My thoughts like you have Never Known Them Before! And you and I will have Conversations as if you were having coffee with a friend. For I AM Restoring Joy in My Remnant~for the Joy of the Lord Is Your Strength! For the Tide is Turning and You Are Being Restored! Psalms 30:5 “For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.” Nehemiah 8:10b “Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”