Power Of God
For you have been hit hard by the deep state manipulating the weather and it’s not going to stop unless My Ekklesia Engage in this war! For you cannot sit back any longer and pretend you don’t see your brother and sister hit by catastrophe after catastrophe so Get Up and Let’s Fight Back! And don’t say you are not prepared and don’t be afraid of fighting against hell itself! For that’s EXACTLY what I AM calling you to do! For I want you to look back at the minutemen in the Revolutionary War and many of them were just farmers—no degrees or anything but they had a passion for freedom and a love for family and wanted to protect them and their homes. And they were Very Successful against the British and now once again, I need warriors to engage in this ALL OUT BATTLE against evil for it’s not going to stop until You Make A Stand against them! Now this will not be a physical battle, but a spiritual one where you fight with your words mixed with faith. Did you hear My servant, Tim Sheets tal...