
Showing posts from September, 2024

Power Of God

For you have been hit hard by the deep state manipulating the weather and it’s not going to stop unless My Ekklesia Engage in this war! For you cannot sit back any longer and pretend you don’t see your brother and sister hit by catastrophe after catastrophe so Get Up and Let’s Fight Back! And don’t say you are not prepared and don’t be afraid of fighting against hell itself! For that’s EXACTLY what I AM calling you to do! For I want you to look back at the minutemen in the Revolutionary War and many of them were just farmers—no degrees or anything but they had a passion for freedom and a love for family and wanted to protect them and their homes. And they were Very Successful against the British and now once again, I need warriors to engage in this ALL OUT BATTLE against evil for it’s not going to stop until You Make A Stand against them! Now this will not be a physical battle, but a spiritual one where you fight with your words mixed with faith. Did you hear My servant, Tim Sheets tal...

Forty Decrees

  We decree the “liar liar” show at the White House now ends. We decree the avalanche of King Jesus has now begun! Shake everything that needs shaking. We decree Godhead suddenlies, surprise moves, and surprise attacks planned and promised this fall—activate! We decree swamp rats, vultures and giants will now fall as the King’s gambit is revealed. We decree it’s breakthrough season! Breakthrough! Breakthrough! And exceeding great breakthroughs…Be! We decree sudden shifts in battles…turn to amazing victories in all 50 states…now manifest! Be! We decree overwhelming victories to longstanding battles—happen now! We decree angels in overwhelming numbers be loosed today, in Jesus’ Name! We decree angel armies will fill the nations and assist our decrees of faith to come to pass. We decree angel armies promised to us are now coming alongside the Ekklesia at the battle lines to break the back of enemy encampments. We decree u-turns now come to wrong roads taken in our land. We...

A Date With My Angel Armies!

For the rattling and shaking of this nation (which will move to other nations as well) is Fast Approaching but I have taught you My Army of Light to Remain Steadfast in your love and commitment to ME through it all! For the End Result of Permanent Freedom is The Goal! And you will have it! But the Days of Darkness will be something you’ve never had to go through before and the enemy will be busy trying to bring doubt and fear in your mind and heart as he will want you to deny ME for this will be a Great Test for you~but see I AM telling you ahead of time so that you are Ready and Prepared to pass this test with Flying Colors! But also My Army of Light~Be the Light to others as well and help them to Stay the Course too! For I want you Convinced of what is on the other side of this darkness~FREEDOM like you’ve Never Experienced Before! Rejoice for the deep state has a date with My Angel Armies! Psalms 46:8-11 “Everyone look! Come and see the breathtaking wonders of our God. For he brings...

I AM Your Help!

Did you hear what My servant Barry said on Elijahstreams? For he spoke My Words clearly about what is coming. Now it is Not a Time to Fear but instead it is a time of continually pressing in to ME, worshipping ME and spending time with ME. For you need to Be Convinced of My Love for you but also My Protection as well! For My Heart for you during the time of Deep Darkness and Chaos is for you to be Under My Wings as My Word says in Psalms 91. For as you Choose ME to be your Help in times of trouble, behold My angels will guard you in all your ways. For I will Protect you as you put your Trust in ME. For these times are fast approaching for the deep state sees that they are losing their control and are Desperate so they are ramping up their evil plans against you to try and keep their control—But it Won’t Work and there will be a Great Fall! So remember My Army of Light~I AM Your Help and Your Defender! Psalms 91:11 “For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all you...

Your Light

  For My heart is Full of Love for My Own who have stood the test of time and I say your love for ME has become resilient! For you have chosen to love ME in spite of the difficulties you face day in and day out. For you have chosen the path of fortitude~having strength derived from your relationship with ME to go Through hardships instead of making a detour around them. For this path of fortitude you have chosen proves your Complete Trust and Faith in ME and I say that you have made My hear GLAD! For so many of My Own do not respond the way you do. They fuss and complain that I AM not doing anything and all they can focus on are the negative things that are being pushed by the MSM. But you, My Army of Light, are Lights in the Darkness~sharing your Hope in ME to everyone you meet! You also share My Love to others and there are so many who are so very lonely and your smile makes a huge difference in their day! So My Army of Light~keep on doing what you are doing and continue to Press...

Very Temporary

For I the Lord know and see what the deep state has been doing to America by bringing in people from other countries making people feel unsafe~including your pets! But I have given My David a plan to return them back to where they came from so this situation will be short-lived and Very Temporary and so is the rule of the deep state—very short-lived and Very Temporary! Hold On Fast to ME for this roller coaster ride is about to get Very Bumpy but see I AM telling you ahead of time to 1) prepare you and 2) to share that I KNOW what is happening and I GOT THIS! For there is nothing going on that I AM Unaware Of! No~in fact Everything Is Going According To My Plans! For our enemies think they’re in charge but oh how deceived they are when I pull the rug out from underneath them! For they are the ones who are Vulnerable for what have I said about the prideful? For My Word says—Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall (Proverbs 16:18). And FALL THEY SHALL!

The Heart of America

For what is coming; what is about to be Revealed to you~as I bring exposure after exposure will be repulsive to you and many people’s hearts and minds will be shaken at the wickedness and evil acts that have taken place~but these things need to be uncovered and dealt with And Understood for people to see the Reality of evil and who is its author. For people need to identify the problem and also its origins in order for them to know how to make a Better Future and as I have said countless times and I will say again~when you know the truth, the truth will set you free (John 8:32). For when the public understands what has taken place~with the sacrifices made to the devil among other things, they will be repulsed by ANY involvement with the devil and even Halloween will take a hit and not be celebrated by many; if at all. For this Truth that will be Revealed will Actually Cleanse this nation from its devotion and attraction to darkness in all its forms. So My Army of Light, Do Not Detest o...

My Joy=Your Joy

For it is with Great Joy in my heart that I share with you that soon you will see My Favor resting upon My David for I will do something so miraculous that it will astound you for I will bring a Great Shaking upon this land called America. And this shaking will cause the cabal to fall and My David will lead this country to Greatness! For he will No Longer have the deep state as his enemies but they all will be dealt with and My David will be free to run this country as he sees fit plus he will have the public’s support! So many things will change and the timing is close at hand for I AM sick of what our enemies are doing to destroy this country! For the surprises and suddenlies will soon manifest and My Joy will also Be Yours! Psalms 73:17b-19 a “Then I understood the destiny of the wicked was near! They’re the ones who are on the slippery path and God will suddenly let them slide off into destruction to be consumed with terrors forever! It will be an instant end to all their life of e...

Your Reward

Oh My Children, you are My Delight! For you have not wavered in your belief in ME and you have brought ME much joy~just like My Son when He was touched deeply by the centurion’s faith in Him as he said that He didn’t need to be present to heal his servant but all He needed to do was to speak the word and it would be done! (Matthew 8:8) And now I say your Faith and Belief in ME and My Words being shared by those who hear ME brings ME Joy! And I say to you this day that this faith and belief in ME will be Rewarded! For My Word says~without faith it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. (Hebrews 11:6) And what is this reward you ask? I AM glad you asked! For this Reward is More~More of ME manifesting in your life. For this would involve you laying on of hands on others to bring them healing and when you pray~behold answers will be forthcoming and not needing to pray over and over before you...

Get Ready!

The Kingdom is at hand. For My Kingdom is an Everlasting Kingdom that has No End but it has been squelched for a generation but it’s going to have a Great Comeback! Already My Kingdom is moving among certain people but soon My Glory shall fall~first in certain areas~but it shall grow and move across this United States and then move worldwide! And My Glory will actually hover among you and so it shall not be a temporary thing! For so often these revivals have been handled and manipulated by man but not this time for this billion soul harvest will involve a revival that is ongoing and will stop only upon My will. For this Kingdom Age will be something you have never experienced before! Get Ready For The Unexpected! Romans 8:18-21 “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, ...

Trust ME!

For My Power is About To Be Released and the Gates of Hell will Rattle and Shake and all those who have given themselves to evil will realize that There Is A God! For I Will Prove Myself Stronger and Mightier than the devil himself! And no witch or warlock with all their spells, voodoo or sacrifices made will be able to conjure up powers that are stronger than Mine! And for those people who have mocked My David in regards to the eating of cats and dogs~behold I will vindicate him over the MSM news. And I will also show the many lies that Kamala spoke in the last debate for the Democratic party has nothing to run on so they falsify their goals for America for what they really want is her destruction. And many Republican leaders have been bribed and have no backbone to stand up to the Democrats. BUT I DO~I HAVE A PLAN! For I will Save America and I will use My David to bring it to pass. So~when you see things go dark~remember I’ve Got This and that ALL MY PLANS WILL SUCCEED—TRUST ME! Pro...

Draw Them To ME

So yesterday I spoke of choices and how important it is to forgive and now I want to touch on how I want you to love. For I speak of the two greatest commandments in My Word—the first is to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. (Matthew 22:37) And then the second is like it—to love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:39). Now, who is my neighbor you ask? Those who you are in contact with. Now let’s talk about how to love others and what better place to look than My Word and to refer to I Corinthians 13. For this chapter reveals that loving others has to do with putting others first. For it speaks of not being proud and not self-seeking but instead it always protects, always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres. Love never fails. Now I can already hear people’s responses~but he/she doesn’t treat me right…I get no respect…Now, let ME say this—I gave people free will when I created them for I have many rebellious children and the...


  Let’s talk about My Grace~for My Grace Enables you to look past the hurt and pain that friends and/or family have caused in your heart. For Grace Abounded when My Son said on the cross~forgive them for they know not what they do. (Luke 23:34) He chose not to take offense for He never sinned and He was always without fault (Hebrews 4:15). And you, My Army of Light can choose to make the same choices. For My Word shares a warning to you that you Must Take Heed. For the enemy, the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (I Peter 5:8). Will you be his next target? Or will you shut the door to your heart to him so that he does not have access to you? Why do you think I placed such a significant importance on Forgiveness in My Word when it says—For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. (Matthew 6:14,15) For ...

Who I AM!

For I Myself will Backlash upon our enemies for they will be held accountable for going after My David and going after you by putting harmful additives and chemicals in your food, water and changing the medical field by endorsing vaccines and drugs that truly don’t help you, but do the exact opposite. For I AM Fed Up with all these lies and deception that you deal with everyday~as I AM sure you are too! So My Army of Light~this is what I want you to do~Pray Psalms 91 (that includes verbiage against the deadly pestilence) and make this your declaration and behold I will Respond to Your Cries and your Standing On My Word and I Shall Send Forth My Angelic Amies to bring Justice On The Earth! For It’s Time Our Enemies Know Who I AM! Psalms 37:39-40 “The salvation of the righteous comes from the Lord: he is their stronghold in time of trouble. The Lord helps them and delivers them: he delivers them from the wicked and saves them, because they take refuge in him.”

My Words Are Faithful And True!

Oh My Loved Ones~as you see the deep state continue to conjure up lies and evil plans against you, KNOW FOR CERTAIN that I will Protect My Own! For the enemy’s plans seek to destroy anyone who disagrees with them or shows proof of their failures and their being caught in a lie. For you have seen them go after My David for he is their #1 enemy. But I have placed a barrier around him that include My warring angels and any weapons used against him are deflected. For during this time of Intense Warfare, I want My Army of Light to have peace in your souls~peace Knowing and Believing that I will take care of them and that My Plans of Saving America Will Succeed! Take off fear and anxiety and put on the Cloak of Rest and Peace. For I Do Not Lie and My Words Are Faithful And True! Numbers 23:19 “God is not man that he should lie or a son of man that he should repent. Has he said and will he not do it? Or has he spoken and will he not fulfill it?”  

The Greatest Show Of All Time

I know many of you long for your heavenly home and to be present with ME as well~but I say that I Know your heart and your thoughts and I’d like to address them now. I Need You There~on earth at this time. But I realize the pressure of life and your culture can have a wearisome effect on you. And I say this darkness will be short-lived for I Am working on tearing down their control over your life for you will see a Huge Shift not only in America but the whole world! And I Myself will change the hearts of mankind as Truth will be Received and Acknowledged and My Glory will bring miracles, signs and wonders. And this billion soul harvest that has been talked about often will become a Reality. For I want you to see with My Perspective right now. For you don’t want to miss My Miraculous Power at work—many people set free from the powers of darkness and the narrative to change in this country~back to Good Morals! For I will deal with the gender issue and so much more for I have said that th...

Rude Awakening

Soon My Army of Light~soon your heart is going to be So Full of Gratitude and Joy for your cup will overflow with blessing upon blessings~when I deal with our enemies. For the deep state that have used this darkness and brought it forth using witchcraft and evil practices are going to have a Rude Awakening when I Stand from My Throne on High and with My Royal Scepter Pronounce Judgment on them and Announce ENOUGH! For then My Angel Armies will be released along with the Seraphim and cause our enemies to fall~fall for their positions, fall from life to death~much like the nursery rhyme of Humpty Dumpty—for he had a great fall and all the King’s horses and all the King’s men couldn’t put Humpty back together again. For this the Great I AM declare is My Judgment against them! Psalms 23:5 “You serve me a six-course dinner right in front of my enemies. You revive my drooping head, my cup brims with blessing.”


For My Army of Light I Understand. I understand your weariness and disappointment in America for she has fallen mightily from where she was and the deep state revels in this downward spiral that she is in, for they caused it! But I Appreciate your Standing on My Words and Believing In Them! For the old adage that it’s the darkest before the dawn is true. For this darkness is covering the earth as prophesied in Isaiah (Isaiah 60:2) but this verse continues to read…BUT the Lord will rise upon you…and his glory will be seen upon you!!! Now, My Army of Light~CALL IT FORTH! pray and Seek My Face, Fast and Declare and Decree this verse to Manifest! For My Word says to decree a thing and it shall be established unto you and the light shall shine upon your ways. (Job 22:28). For this is My Assignment to you~CALL IT FORTH!  

A Huge Backlash

For I AM creating a huge backlash that is coming against the evil practices that were used in the debate for much like I AM defending My David with all these fake accusations and court cases against him~now I shall uncover the Truth about this debate! For Kamala and her team were all rejoicing that they made DJT look bad and ABC was in on it too. For I will Unravel their web of deceit, manipulation and lies to the public. For they tried hard to shame My David and make him look small and defeated. Wait until the web of deceit gets unraveled and Kamala and her team will be the ones who will be shamed and dishonored! For My David has given up his life and reputation for the benefit of seeing America saved and I will Not let him be ridiculed but instead the MSM will be Forced to speak the Truth! For the Tide is Turning and being a Trump supporter will No Longer be looked as negative for I AM going to cause a Glorious Change in this country from the public being lovers of deceit—to lovers o...

Reflect ME!

For the enemy would have you down and out, weary and feeling all alone for in this state you are vulnerable for attack but I say Do The Opposite! Be in a constant state of worshipping ME and Do Not Let your Guard Down for My Word says to Guard Your Heart. And you ask ME what does that mean Lord? I AM so glad you asked. To guard you heard is to protect it and to protect it, you need to discern what to watch on TV—what programs do you see~do they align with My Kingdom? What kind of company do you keep? And what are your thoughts? For what you tell yourself, you become! So~My Army of Light You Must Be Aware of these things so that you are Not Vulnerable for attack, but on the contrary Renew Your Mind so that you Reflect ME! Proverbs 4:23 “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” I Corinthians 15:33 “Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character.” Proverbs 23:7a “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” Romans 12:1-2 “So here’s what I want you to d...

Be Empowered!

The Heat Is On! For this battle is heating up and it was Very Evident last night at the debate. For Kamala had help with her responses from a source other than herself. So, My Army of Light, I don’t call you an army for nothing so I say—Let’s Fight! First, I want you to Call Forth a Barrier to surround President Trump to nullify all witchcraft, sorcery and divination used against him. Then pray that I grant him wisdom, words of knowledge and discernment. Pray that he hears My Responses to questions. Also pray that I give him supernatural strength so that he doesn’t grow weary in the fight. Then Call Forth the hosts of heaven to infiltrate the enemy’s camp and to wreck havoc on all their plans! Pray for exposure of lies that are constantly spewed out of their mouths. For the weapons of our warfare have divine power and this power overcomes our foes! So My Army of Light do not be discouraged but Instead Be Empowered! II Corinthians 10:3-4 “For although we live in the natural realm, we do...

You Never Thought Possible!

For I AM asking you to get out of your comfort zone in this time we are in for I need My Ecclesia, My Army of light to be used by ME, to be My Vessel and to Reach Out to Others Now. For how can people know of ME unless you share? How can people know of My Healing Power unless you pray for them? For it’s Not Time to Play It Safe~No! It’s the Opposite—it’s Time for Faith To Arise in You~Christ in You, the Hope of Glory!~meaning Christ is living in you, you are empowered by Holy Spirit, the mantles of healing have been released—so you have Everything you need to be used by ME to bring miracles, healings and deliverance to others! For this is a time where I want to break out of the four walls of the church and reach the lost with My Power! So My Army of Light ask ME for boldness and More of ME and Watch ME use you in ways You Never Thought Possible! John 14:12 “I tell you this timeless truth:The person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do—eve...

It’s Coming!

For I AM going to do miracle after miracle for My Glory that My servant, Donna Rigney speaks of is coming forth into the natural realm. For she has been going around the country where I tell her to go opening up portals for My Glory to come through. And I say when My Glory starts to fall, it will begin in spots and in these spots—demons will scream out in terror for My Judgment will fall on them and they will be banished from the area for evil cannot stay when My Glory falls! So I will use my Glory to draw men, women and children to ME, to bring forth miracles and signs and wonders but also to take down the Satanic strongholds and dominions that have held people captive! For My Glory will have a two-fold effect~to show who I AM and to defeat the devil’s control! Behold…It’s Coming! Psalms 71:8 “My mouth is filled with thy praise, and with thy glory all the day.”

Get Ready For Change!

So My Army of Light I want to share something with you. For so long the enemy of your soul has been using the deep state to steal from you and you try and try to make ends meet but you find it difficult especially with inflation and the prices of everything rising. But I want to say~Get Ready for Change! For truly the Wealth Transfer is coming and I want you to steward it well! First of all~view it as a gift from ME and Do Not have a mindset of Not Deserving It! For the enemy can use that against you and that can lead you into guilt and shame. But as your Father, this is My Gift To You! Now, once received, I encourage you to dedicate this to ME and ask ME Lord what is on your heart for this money? For I want us to Partner Together for this can finance the dreams I have given you that you never thought possible! But with this money I urge you not to hoard it and not be stingy, but as I have freely given to you, freely give to others! And I AM going to tell you now along with this gift c...