
Showing posts from February, 2024

I AM Putting My Enemies On Notice!

For I the Lord am going to Sweep My Hand across the chess board of government and many will fall from the board for IT’S TIME and I WILL PUT FEAR into these who have defied ME for they will wonder AM I NEXT? For I AM Done with those playing god and trying to rid your life of anything good but instead heaping upon you burden after burden. Watch ME as I Deliver You from the stranglehold of their control. For their judgments against you are evil and this destruction that was caused in Texas will have consequences!! For I AM their worst enemy and I will Not Stand By and Do Nothing! For I AM entering this battle and I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED! For THIS DAY I AM PUTTING MY ENEMIES ON NOTICE—WATCH YOUR BACK FOR DESTRUCTION IS COMING FOR YOU! Jeremiah 50:22 “A sound of battle is in the land and of great destruction.” Note: The Lord wanted me to look up these two numbers for this scripture reference. First the number 50 means Jubilee, deliverance, or freedom from a burden. Fifty also stands for Pe...

Your Future Is Bright!

For February will go out with a Bang as a signal for what March will bring! For I AM Done with waiting for a change of heart in the enemy’s camp for I have given them multiple opportunities to change their ways But their hearts have turned cold to the Truth and to ME so they will reap what they have sown! For I will Heap Shame on My enemies and everything they have done to bring you harm and to this nation will come out of the darkness into the light! And those who have been vaccinated with the shot will be APPALLED at the Truth that will come out~for Congress has been trying for years to get more information but the enemy does Not want to admit the Truth~but I AM bringing forth a whistleblower who will bring forth documentation, emails and the like that will show the Reality of their Death Agenda and how this shot can have such disastrous effects on the human body from children to adults. And the cries of the people will be heard and the medical community WILL KNOW that they have reap...

The Gavel Will Fall

Because Jacob Rothschild died~his controlling power has died too and now the truth will be revealed what and who has been controlling the world’s affairs will come to light and also their Absolute Evil Deeds as well for when I spoke through Johnny Enlow yesterday when he said that the trickle of justice will be replaced by a Cascade of Justice~this is what I was referring to. For no longer is America a corporation and the 3-pronged system is Now Defunct. For this system has been used to bring destruction, control and death to many. But now—it will all change! For the Rothschild Dynasty has been annihilated by ME, for I the Lord will Now open the Gates of Communication of Truth and now My Hand of Justice will Come Swiftly and the Gavel Will Fall! For the darkness will No Longer rule the earth! First comes Truth to set people’s minds free and then the Light will be spread throughout the world! Rejoice My Army of Light for your Freedom is at hand!

My Ideas for Marriage

So you have heard it said to him without sin to cast the first stone (John 8:3-11). For this is what I said to the crowd that wanted to stone the adulteress. And where was the man that was with her? For it takes TWO! For far Too Long women have gotten and felt the brunt of being in a bad relationship but I have heard the cries of girls and women being seduced by men and taking advantage of them. For I the Lord made women different from men. Women are moved strongly by their emotions and that is why after the fall of man into sin, it was said to Eve that your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you. (Genesis 3:16b) Now let ME explain these words to you. First, a man with a heart of love for his wife is Not Abusive or seeks to control her. The reason a husband rules is to PROTECT her from harm. For the man is to Represent Christ as the woman represents the church. (Ephesians 5:21-33) Now, why would a wife want to be subject to her husband without love? For I Died to Sho...

I Have Not Forgotten

For I will Birth My Plans onto America first and then the Rest of the World! For I Have Not Forgotten your forefathers who were gathered together to write the Charters of Freedom that include the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution and these were all written by those who sought ME and were inspired by Holy Spirit for they were all of one accord as they gathered TO FORM A MORE PERFECT UNION in this country for they knew without My Influence, this nation would fall so they brought forth and included ME in these Foundational Documents that formed this country called the United States of America. And because this country was dedicated to ME at the very beginning and because now there is a Remnant who are dedicated to ME to continue to adhere to listening and seeking ME, Behold I AM coming In Response to your cries for the enemy has tried to steal this country and claim it as theirs—the deep state—authored by the devil himself, but the blood that was spilled...

Until Now!

For My Plans Will Overrule Any and All plans of the enemy! For did you hear My Prophet Robin Bullock speak the truth in regards to the church and the role they play? But they have been defunct…UNTIL NOW! For you are My Remnant, My Army of Light and you are taking this Role of having Dominion Seriously! For this was My Plan all along~ that My Own would Resist the devil not only for themselves and their own but on Behalf of the World! For this is why I call you an Army—for you are Fighting on behalf of Righteousness throughout the land~But you Must Use Your Voice! For as creation was brought forth through words so will you re-take dominion with your words so Ask ME for insight, wisdom and understanding for I want you to Counter the enemy’s plans and then pray that I give you Courage to speak the words I give you~for such is the mantle I give you now—the Mantle of Overseer—to cause the darkness to be diminished and to Usher In My Light! Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of...

Your Assignment

Have I got a plan for the deep state that will cause them to shake out of fear! For they already know and are convinced that their plans to rule the world should Donald Trump win the Presidency this year will be Completely Ruined! But I have even more devastating news for them that is in the works that will come from the highest court in the land and that’s the Supreme Court! For I AM cutting the strings of  control and bribery off these judges and I AM Demanding that they rule Justly. Now pray My Army of Light for the Supreme Court! Send the hosts of heaven there to make sure My Plans and Purposes are fulfilled! Decree that My hosts Disarm and Defeat the spirits of debauchery, witchcraft and treason! And loose upon this nation My perfect Justice to Prevail and Overcome darkness! For this assignment when done by many will bring the fulfillment of many prayers! For this year of the Open Door is for YOU to Bring Forth My Kingdom and to Defeat Darkness! I Corinthians 4:5 “So resist ...

My Words of Life

For you, America, have been under attack for the deep state’s desire is to rid this world of countries that have aligned themselves with God~America and Israel. And I know that this war have caused many to be weary. But I have told you often that I AM coming and will save you from your enemies~but not only are you dealing with the deep state, but the enemy of your soul, the devil who loves to say—Did God really say? For he said that to Eve (Genesis 3:1) and he is now saying it to you for he longs to bring doubt in your soul and disable your trust and faith in ME. And then we have the flesh that loves to get you to feel sorry for yourself and wants all your attention to focus on yourself. So—you have many battles you are dealing with but I say On Every Battle Front—Surrender to ME and lay aside your ideas and LEARN TO TRUST IN MY PLANS. For this is how you PUT LOVE FOR ME IN ACTION—to walk by faith and not by sight (II Corinthians 5:7 RSV), to trust me with All your heart and lean not ...

Your Health

For I the Lord have seen how evil the medical field is that are partnered with the Pharma industry to bring harm and not health. And I say that I AM bringing Exposure to this aspect of your lives. For at the same time I AM exposing the deep state’s evil agenda, so I also will Release Healing onto many! But in the meantime, My Army of Light, I want you to fight for yourselves and those you love by eradicating the harmful effects these pharmaceutical drugs have on your body. So pray and decree—I nullify every bad side effect this medication has on my body and I also decree that my body is Free from any damage to my health it has caused. I Declare that No Weapon Formed Against Me Will Prosper! For I AM here to Enable you to Thrive in the midst of their many assaults against you! For I will Not Let Go Of You but will Enable you to Prosper in the Midst of the Storm! Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to giv...

Holy Spirit

For I the Lord Jesus needed to leave this world in order for Holy Spirit to come. For Holy Spirit fulfills a significant role to bring conviction of sin, to reveal Truth, to counsel for He reminds you of My Words. But I say There Is More for there will be such an outpouring of Holy Spirit that has never been experienced on Earth before! For up to now Holy Spirit has needed to be invited (Luke 11:13), but I say the Word will be fulfilled that My Spirit will fall on all people. For Holy Spirit will be Released to do Miraculous Things! And people will be in AWE of what happens when Holy Spirit fills a room! For there will be Instant Conviction if there is sin in a person’s heart, Instant Power and Healing will come on the sick, Holy Spirit will fill hospitals and hospice patients~it will be a TIME LIKE NO OTHER! And not only will He touch the body, but the mind and soul, healing depression, PTSD and so much more. Holy Spirit will also pour out His gifts to people who have never experience...

I AM Coming After You!

For I AM going to bring pressure into the enemy’s camp this day for I WILL NOT let these evil courts have their way against My David! For they have gone TOO FAR in their penalties and rulings against him! And Now I Shall Have My Say! For I AM going to give Alina Habba, Trump’s attorney, supernatural insight and favor on her and her team and I will reveal and uncover things that will bring eye-opening evidence to change the court’s rulings! For My Favor and Justice will preside over My David and I Will Bring Justice into the Justice System starting with this case! And I will bring GREAT SHAME upon those who dares come against My Anointed for I MYSELF WILL DEFEND HIM~watch out New York Grand Jury for I AM Coming After You! For I MYSELF WILL UNCOVER things that have been hidden and I WILL EXPOSE YOUR EVIL AGENDAS that you thought would never see the light of day! For My Light will reveal the darkness of the court system! You won’t be able to hide your evil agenda anymore! Luke 12:2 “Eve...

Season of Radical Changes

For soon My Glory will be seen by All and No One will doubt again that there is a God! For I will Make Myself Known! For even the animals will recognize the One who created them! For this is a Season of Radical Changes~for even though it is winter in the natural realm where much of the vegetation lies asleep waiting for warmer temperatures, behold this winter I will Heat Up and Accelerate the times so that the waiting that you, My Remnant, have experienced will come to an end. For soon you will hear the EBS and this will be a sign, both for the darkness~for they will be dealt with and also for you who are in the light that you will Know My Plans of Justice are upon you!! Psalms 37:28 “For the Lord loves the just and will not forsake his faithful ones. Wrongdoers will be completely destroyed; the offspring of the wicked will perish.”

My Kingdom Purposes!

For when I come into your life to Refine you, it is Clearly For Your Benefit! For My Word says that I discipline those who I love and I punish those I accept as a son or daughter. So when hardship and difficulties arise in your life~come to ME and ask ME—is this of You? For I AM in need of My Children to have their flesh in submission to ME so that I can freely use you for My Kingdom Purposes! For the act of dying to self isn’t easy, but it is Necessary for ME to rid you of your plans and agendas and Replace them with Mine. But through it All—NEVER FAIL TO REMEMBER OF MY GREAT LOVE AND PURPOSE FOR YOU! For when I AM using you to benefit My Kingdom, your whole being will be Full of Joy for you will be performing the good works I had planned for you since I created you! So be of good cheer for I AM showing My Love for you and I AM Redirecting you onto the Right Path. Hebrews 12:5b-8 “My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because th...

This New Era

And Behold I will TEAR DOWN all the deep state weapons that have been used against the public—food, water, weather, pharmacy and the medical profession and education will be corrected to teach the basic principals of reading, writing, math, history, geography and such but the evil teachings of abortion, gender identities and culture issues will be eradicated. For this New Era will build up your mind, body and spirit and will Rejuvenate you in ways you never thought possible! For Everything will be for the Benefit of humankind and the seven mountains will be Full of Kingdom Ideas and Principals! Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace a...

The Glorious Is Coming!

For the Glorious Is Coming and No One Can Stop It! For I the Lord Am Going To Come In Majesty and Power and I AM going to Pour Out My Glory! And this Glory I speak of will eradicate the deception people have been under and this Glory will change the hearts of men, women and children! And I say stadiums will be filled not for sporting events, but for Revival Meetings! For people will BE HUNGRY TO KNOW ME! For the darkness that had pervaded people’s hearts will be radically changed into LIGHT! For Revival Fire Will Be Released not just in pockets BUT EVERYWHERE! So My Army of Light, you will be needed in this Revival! So, seek ME and ask how I want to use you specifically! Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”

This Day

This day is called Valentine’s Day but the story of St. Valentine had a cruel ending to his life. But this day is to represent love, romantic love between a man and a woman yet I know that many have lost love along the way by divorce, death or never occurred at all. And this day is a day that is painful for you. Now I say bring this pain to ME, come and spend time with ME and give it to ME. And I say I will Renew you in My Love and ask ME how to move forward and I will give you insight to do so. Now to those who have a marriage that has a love that has grown cold, come to ME and ask ME to rekindle that love. Come Fully Expecting in the Impossible and I will do it! For I do not want this day to be ignored, but celebrated at My good works in you and through you! I John 4:16 “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God and God in them.”

The Clean-Up

Now, My Army of Light, after the darkness has gone away, the Clean-Up needs to take place. And what does this means you ask? It is the transition of leaving the darkness and entering the light. For Truth will be told and even you don’t have All the Truth known to you, so you will be shaken as well But for those who have been asleep, this will shake them to their core and I need you to Be Available to people who need a shoulder to cry on, a person to listen to the pain the Truth has caused—But let ME caution you—Do Not Let Your Heart be full of judgment but instead Come to ME and I will fill your heart with My Perfect Love and then you can minister to them as I would! For Perfect Love Casts Out Fear! For this is what I AM calling you to do— JUST LOVE! I Corinthians 13:4-8a “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not deligh...

When the Darkness Comes

For I shall Walk with You by Your Side when the darkness comes. For when this darkness comes, Let It Be A Sign To You that I AM working in your midst to Set Your Free from Your Oppressors! Now—there is Absolutely Nothing To fear but Instead It Is a Time to Rejoice for the longings of your heart will soon come to pass! For I have Never left you and I certainly will Be Right Next To You through the darkness—for you shall be Witnesses of My Glory and My Power! For many believers knew this day was coming and they longed to be alive at this time—But I Have Chosen You! So Relax and Know that My Power will be Released Like Never Before and you will be Eyewitnesses To It ALL! Psalms 107:14 “He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away their chains.”

The United States!

For behold I will Unite This Country Like Never Before! For once the evil in the seven mountains is removed, I will replace the leadership with people that will have a heart not to deceive the hearts of men, women and children, but to restore them! And I will grant these leaders an anointing to Do Good and to Build Up! And I will grant the music industry to bring joy to the listeners and not as a means to attract listeners to evil. For the New that is coming will actually be a bit hard to believe~but this is My Kingdom Coming to Earth just like it is in heaven—something that has been prayed for, for millennium! And this country will truly be the United States! And this will not be the only country that will have unity but it will occur throughout the world! Ephesians 1:7-10 “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding, he made known to us the mystery of his w...

For Your Rightful President Is Coming Back!

For your Rightful President Is Coming Back! For I have heard the grumbling of My children and they have a hard time believing that this can happen because of the voter fraud and using the Dominion voting machines as it’s been proven they can easily be hacked. Where is your faith in ME? For I can Do the Impossible! And that I shall! For have you seen My David lately? Does he look worried or afraid? No!! For I will cause President Trump to Return in a magnificent and unprecedented way!! And I will cause the people of America to WANT HIM BACK! For I AM going to bring such a TURNAROUND in people’s hearts that when President Trump returns, it will be to GREAT FANFARE!! FOR MY PLANS ARE PERFECT! Proverbs 19:21 “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”

Do You Know Who You Are?

Do You Know Who You Are? Do you know Who you Belong to? Do you know you are My Heirs? Do you know you are the sons and daughters of the most High? Do you Realize your Position you have in ME? For you are the Head and Not the Tail!! (Deuteronomy 28:13) you are More than Conquerors (Romans 8:37) and He has made you Kings and Priests (Revelations 5:10). For I want you to Dwell on who you Are and Not on who you are Not! For you have been given Everything you need for life! (II Peter 1:3) So, Do you See why the enemy comes at you Constantly to Destroy your Worthiness? For he doesn’t want you to understand who you are because Then you would be a formidable opponent of his and his demons. For once you Understand who you are and the authority and weapons you have at your disposal, you realize that you have been called to FIGHT! For once you see and acknowledge that you have the ability to do Great damage to the works of the devil, you are fulfilling your position of being an heir for My Son ca...

Life Abundantly!

For I AM going to Restore My Remnant! For the pain you have endured has been difficult BUT this has caused your relationship to ME to be strengthened for you have been through the Refiner’s Fire and what was Not of ME has been burned off and what is of ME has gotten Stronger! For soon this difficult time of warfare not only with darkness, but with family and friends, health and financial issues~all these things will be a thing of the past. I know it’s hard to imagine but I will Restore relationships, your health, lack and the seven mountains for those who have controlled so much in this world are GOING DOWN! For just like the Israelites who were controlled in Egypt and were slaves for so many years, so have you!! But their DOOM IS SURE and so is MY RESCUE PLAN! For you will be astounded by the freedom you will have! Rejoice My Army of Light for I have come to give you life abundantly! Zechariah 13:9 “And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is ...

My Sword

For the enemy is prowling and looking for whom he may devour (I Peter 5:8) for he knows that it’s the prayers, declarations and decrees of the saints that have interrupted his plans and he wants to retaliate! But My Word says that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world (I John 4:4). This is Not the time to fear but to Gear Up by putting on the armor and Defend Yourself! For the enemy would have you cower and give up the fight, but that’s not what I have called you to do! For I have taught you, My Army of Light to Engage and the weapon I have given you is My Sword—the same weapon My Son used while in the wilderness where he met Satan and he fought him off with the Word! For My Word endures forever and Satan is No Match for it! If you want to win this war personally, but also for your country, USE MY WORD FOR IT WILL NOT RETURN TO ME EMPTY! Isaiah 40:8 “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever.” Isaiah 55:11-13 “So is my word t...

Great Things

For I the Lord am about to do Great Things such as you have never experienced in your lifetime! For I have the enemy right where I want them—SCARED! And when they are scared, they do outlandish things that don’t make sense~for I have placed a foolish spirit in their camp that will cause them to make very Unpopular Decisions for they have No Direction for the United States and the American people will grow more and more weary of its’ leadership on both sides of the aisle! For My Plans are to make your enemy destroy itself—layer by layer, bit by bit~and that’s exactly what you are experiencing and many people are not surprised anymore of their choices for the government doesn’t care that they are destroying America—in fact that’s their purpose~but this is where I Come In! For all the negative things that are happening is FURTHER PROOF that you need Strong Leadership and one that is for Law and Order! So—all the damage that is currently being done stirs the hearts of the citizens of Ameri...

That Covenant Is Still In Place

For My Words will Not return void but they will ALL accomplish their purpose! For I have told you of the Rescue that will soon take place, but there are things going on that are devastating in the camp of the enemy right now and they are filled with terror for their means of receiving money~the bulk of it~has run dry and they are in a state of shock! And I laugh at them for their pride would not allow them to see this coming. It is laughable to ME because they are actually wringing their hands in complete and utter fear that have gripped their hearts. For in so many ways, they are losing this battle of control for they have No proper candidate for the Presidency and now the money and cash flow has run dry that they they usually count on and even Truth has been coming out on news shows as well. For I AM just getting started fulfilling My Plans against the enemy. For I will place SHAME on them that they cannot ignore or hide from! And what they did on January 6th is a travesty—especially...

Keep Your Soul Clean!

Do you remember the story of Job where Satan comes before ME and tells me that he is roaming the earth and then I brag about Job and how blameless he is~meaning he is untouchable to the works of Satan. Note:I had an incident happen yesterday while meeting with my family. My sister brought up things she had been (and seems still!) angry about concerning me. It broke my heart. But in returning home, the Lord made it clear that He wanted to talk to me regarding this situation. He said that He made my sister bring these things out in the open on purpose so that It Could Be Dealt With! For the enemy was bringing delays to my prayers and actually intercepting some as well—because of this unresolved issue. So the Lord showed me what to do and I did them. His response was that He was celebrating because now the enemy could no longer interfere coming against my prayers and what He wants to do. For this is why it is imperative for My children to be free of unforgiveness and bitterness…so that yo...

Overwhelm the Enemy!

For I AM about to Overwhelm the enemy such as Never Happened Before! For My Angel Armies were sent out last night from the Prophetic Summit and they will tear down strongholds and principalities that have been in place for centuries. And I will Shake the abortion industry like Never Before. For I will Release Shocking Information regarding abortions and not only the babies but also the mothers that have carried these babies in their womb. For the abortion industry does not want the public to know the devastating effects that women go through following an abortion. For it’s time for this subject to be Fully Known and Understood and Exactly why the democrats push this agenda So Strongly! For it’s not about doing away with an unwanted pregnancy, it’s so much more sinister than that! So pray My Army of Light for this TRUTH to come out about abortion and that it’s not only heard, but Received and Understood! For unless the hearts of people Change their view of killing babies, the value of h...

My Love Is Great!

For My Word will Not return void. For what I said, I will do and what I proclaim will Not fall to the ground! (Isaiah 55:11) for I AM not a man that I should lie or a son of man that I should repent. (Numbers 23:19) For there are some who doubt My words and are weary in the waiting. Then they don’t know ME well for My ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:9) Don’t you know that My heart is that none should perish? (Matthew 18:14) For I Long for those who don’t know ME to Understand My Love for them and to be saved and to have a future and a hope! For there are those who are on the fence wondering if I AM real or not. Pray My Army of Light for those that are struggling with committing their lives to ME. Pray for their hearts to turn from stone to flesh and to Know and be Convinced of My Love. For My Love is Great and I want to share My Love To All! I John 4:16-18 “And we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love ...

We Must Engage!

Oh how the enemy is wringing their hands in worry and fret now~for the deep state on Both sides of the aisle are in trouble for there is No Real Candidate running besides My David. Who gets such a big audience at their rallies besides him? For he speaks the Truth for the public is weary of all the lies they hear on MSM—how the economy is good and that the border is a non-issue! Ha! People Know the Truth and they are Tired of being misled and deceived so when they hear Donald Trump speak the Truth of the current state of affairs, their ears hear and their hearts agree! For the hearts of the public are getting so tired of the rhetoric! So~because of these things, the rinos and the democrats are in such a state of panic! And I Laugh at Them! For their plans are blowing up in their faces! So~My Army of Light~I need you to Know that when the enemy is cornered in such a way as they are in now, they get Desperate to change the narrative—especially from the latest video that James O’Keefe put ...