
Showing posts from August, 2024

The Healing Summit

For there was a Great Shaking that occurred in hell yesterday as the mantles of healing were received at the Healing Summit for the work of the enemy includes sickness and disease and he is about to lose this weapon that he uses against you. As many thousands of people lifted up their voices to ME as in a symphony asking for ME to heal them and believing in My Healing Power and behold Holy Spirit is hovering over these prayers—for some were instantly healed—others it will be a process but as My servant Tim said last night to repeat—I receive my healing and by Your stripes I am healed. For this healing movement needs faith to move forward—so Stand in Faith that this is My Plan to heal those that prayed and asked for it. For remember I said that I will move mountains at the Healing Summit? And I say is your faith waning? Ask ME for more! For this season of miracles, signs and wonders must have a foundation—a foundation of faith. Mark 11:22-24 “Have faith in God, Jesus answered. Truly I...

Mountains Will Move

For I the Lord God of heaven say to the Army of Light to pray now for the Healing Summit for the enemy has released a deceptive spirit so that people would doubt what I want to do there and also to have an excuse to not attend or watch it online. For the enemy does not want the Healing Summit to succeed so he’s doing everything he can to bring distraction and turmoil into the hearts of people. So~come My Army of Light and put on the armor and declare and decree this deceptive spirit is Completely Powerless and Unable to Operate in the Name of Jesus! And then declare and decree that All My Plans Will Succeed for tonight more than you can ask or imagine! For I say that Nothing Is Impossible for ME and Mountains Will Move Tonight! Come and Join ME! Ephesians 3:20 “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever Amen....

Action Items for Interview with Diana 8/29/24

August 25-A Shaking—Pray and declare and decree against disease, viruses and sickness that they want to release declare and take authority over it and render them All Null and Void! Then pray against the spirit of violence and lawlessness and render them null and void and declare that they Cannot Operate in the Name of Jesus. Also pray that I send the spirit of repentance on all those that would receive it for I long for these Lost Souls to Come Home! August 26-Caution—work at having true humility. As Jesus poured Himself out as a servant. True humility is being a servant to all. Mark 9:35 August 28-Conquered!—Pray My Army of Light and send a backlash against witches and warlocks who are trying to cast spells against this holy occasion and pray My Light of Love to dispel the wickedness in their hearts. Pray that love, My Unconditional Love will supersede their past and overwhelm them to believe in ME. Pray for Supernatural Encounters with ME. For this day I AM putting hell on notice~th...

Stand In The Gap

For I the Lord have Powerful Plans for the Healing Summit BUT there is something that needs to be Done by You My Army of Light so that My Plans can be accomplished. I want you, My Army of Light to stand in the gap and Repent on behalf of the Church. For so long many churches have closed their doors to the works and power of the Holy Spirit and in so doing, they have quenched Him so My Army of Light on behalf of the church repent for them quenching the Holy Spirit and then declare and decree—I INVITE HOLY SPIRIT TO ALL CHURCHES IN AMERICA AND WORLDWIDE—NO LONGER IS THE DOOR SHUT TO YOU BUT WE OPEN THE DOORS TO YOU AND SAY WELCOME HOLY SPIRIT—RETURN IN ALL YOUR GLORY AND POWER! YOU ARE INVITED NOT JUST FOR A VISIT BUT TO STAY AND JESUS YOU ARE THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH—TAKE YOUR PLACE IN EVERY CHURCH! WE NULLIFY MAN’S AGENDA and we acknowledge and put into effect YOUR LORDSHIP OVER EVERY CHURCH! HAVE YOUR WAY, FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT AND LIGHT YOUR CHURCH ON FIRE FOR YOU! For upon your ...


For My angels—My ministering angels are ready to be used in a powerful way on Friday. And My hosts of heaven have been busy coming against any and all attacks that the enemy has put into place against the Healing Summit. For I have placed seraphim round about Oasis Church and those that are bringing My plans to fruition. Now pray My Army of Light and send a backlash against witches and warlocks who are trying to cast spells against this holy occasion and pray My Light of Love would dispel the wickedness in their hearts. Pray that love, My Unconditional Love will supersede their past and overwhelm them to believe in ME. Pray for Supernatural Encounters with ME. For this day I AM putting hell on notice~that you’re going to lose quite a few followers from your camp to MINE! For the gates of hell shall Not prevail, but instead be conquered! Matthew 16:18 “And I say unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it....

Watch ME!

Note: We had a very, very hot and humid day here in MN yesterday and last night the Lord spoke to me about the storm coming in the natural and the storm coming in the supernatural… So you see the rain that is coming that will bring RELIEF from the heat and the high humidity and just like this storm that is brewing in the west so is there a storm brewing in the heavenlies that once this storm has passed will bring RELIEF from the downward spiral this nation has been going in for quite sometime now. But I AM working throughout this country and the world to bring forth HUGE CHANGES for My Power is Like a Lightning Bolt that lights up the night sky revealing things that are hidden. For THIS WEEK EXPECT TO SEE MY POWER RELEASED in ways you HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE! And watch as you see our enemies tremble FOR MY MAJESTY, POWER AND GLORY WILL BE EVIDENT AND EXPRESSED Beyond Your Imagination! And your eyes will be open in wide-eyed wonder at WHO I AM! For this starts with My using the Healing S...


We Are Winning! Even though you do not see what I see for the forces of hell are being targeted by the hosts of heaven as you wield your Sword and make your  decrees and declarations into the atmosphere for light is overcoming the darkness! But My Army of Light I would like to caution you on this journey of winning. For it would be easy to be overjoyed at winning and our enemies losing that we have an attitude of being better than our opposition. What the difference between you and them is the choice you made in following ME. For this is something I want My Army of Light to work at~True Humility! And what does that look like you ask? For true humility was what My Son expressed everyday while He was here on earth. For He didn’t come to be served, but to serve, even though He was/is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He poured Himself out as a servant and brought wisdom through teaching, healed the sick, brought hope to people, rescued many from demons by bringing deliverance and t...

A Shaking

For even though you will go through a shaking in this county and throughout the world, it will All Be Worth It! For a shift happened in the atmosphere recently for the demonic structures are being disarmed for My Angelic Armies are dismantling them from the prayers you have prayed and the boomerangs you have sent. For your prayers are Powerful and they are Hitting Its Mark! And more and more of these demonic structures are losing ground and the enemy’s camp are realizing it and they are losing their confidence and their minds too for they were convinced that Nothing could stand in their way…till Now! For the Reality of their demise is settling in and this is when their complete PANIC will be seen and Realized and they will take Drastic Measures to try and get their control back. So this is when you are needed My Army of Light~so pray and declare and decree against disease, viruses and sickness that they want to release. Declare and take authority over it and render them All Null and Vo...


For this date 8/24/24 all has to do with the number 8. For 8x3=24. Eight has to do with new beginnings and surely it shall come to pass—America will have a new beginning. Did you hear My servant, Barry Wunsch speak of 1776 melding into 2024? And So Shall It Be! Oh what I have in store for you America and those that live inside your borders! For I have downloaded My Plans to My David and he is busy putting these plans into the means of being carried out. For I have Tim Walz front and center for a specific reason for people are looking into his track record of being the governor of Minnesota and people are realizing the devastation that he brought~specifically after the death of George Floyd for he told the police to stand down which permitted the riots, destruction and looting of Minneapolis. If he can do that, what will he do when/if he is Vice President? For Truth is being researched and people are drawing their own conclusions! For people are coming to the realization that the MSM ha...

The Impossible!

For I AM going to do the IMPOSSIBLE! And you ask~what do you mean Lord? Describe that for me. And so I shall. For your adversary, the devil would like nothing better than to continue this charade of Kamala’s popularity and of her smooth talking and smart demeanor but do you really believe that’s the real Kamala? I laugh at the MSM trying so hard to erase from the public’s memory her lack of common sense and her undeniable leaning towards socialism. For yesterday she actually said God bless America and that she stands for freedom. And now that she has used these words—Behold I will cause an Avalanche of Truth to come for in reality, she wants to take away your freedoms for she has mentioned depopulation in a speech in the past. For i will cause the Light of Truth to Dispel these lies and the truth they’re desperately trying to hide! For these things I hate and I AM going to STOP IT! Proverbs 6:16-19 “There are six things which the Lord hates, seven which are an abomination to him: haugh...


For I the Lord God am moving across the earth now and I see the democratic convention and the killing of babies that is taking place. What a travesty that they want to be known as baby killers. For I AM calling on you My Army of Light to enter the fray of abortion and I want you to Call Forth My Boomerang onto this evil practice for the DNC is using this as a means of receiving more power from the demonic realm. For this is their form of worship to Molech and I AM calling on you to STOP IT! Send forth My Boomerang to Completely Nullify the sacrifice of babies! And then loose upon the DNC the Fire of God and watch ME work in powerful ways! For if you will CALL ON ME, I WILL LISTEN and HEED YOUR CALL. For It Is Time for our enemies to KNOW WHO I AM! Jeremiah 29:12 “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you.”

Thy Kingdom Come!

For I AM bringing a whirlwind of trouble and utter fear to our enemies! For this boomerang is at work in full force for what they have been using against you will come falling on them in Full Measure! For they will be Knocked Down! For My Fury against our enemies is being released NOW! For I have given them opportunities and warnings of this coming doom for they have tried so hard to get you My Army of Light to lay down your swords and surrender to their words of doom and gloom. And the infiltrators in the church used to stir up division are preaching that the antichrist is coming soon. But that is the Exact Opposite of what is coming! For the end of the occupation of hell on earth is close at hand and My Power will be Revealed like Never Before for My Plans have Always Been as My Son prayed—Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done On Earth as It Is In Heaven! For I AM working on so many levels right now and behold My church will be Resurrected from being a dead church to having New Life Emp...


For My daughter asked ME what is on My heart today and I told her Healing~Healing of this nation and healing of bodies, emotions and souls. For Isaiah 61 is going to be put into effect soon after the shakings are over. For I need to rid this country of darkness before it can be healed for the foundation of this country needs to be built on ME. So this is where we are now~getting rid of the darkness and behold I will place a rebellious spirit in the hearts of our enemies and they shall turn on each other and they shall be the ones that will expose each other’s wrongdoings over and over again and the deep state will lose their composure and the demons that manipulate them will be on display. And all their plans of taking over America will come crashing down for the Boomerang is in effect and their future is dim! Isaiah 61:1-4 “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proc...

My Justice

For what was done yesterday while Tim Sheets used the boomerang and brought forth declarations and decrees against the enemy and the powers of darkness is having a powerful effect Now in the heavenlies. For when many of you joined your voices with him, you sent forth My Mighty Warring Angels to Flight against the enemies of darkness. For hell unleashed all the weapons they had for this week to demonstrate lawlessness and violence. For their goal is to create hell on earth~much like what happened in Minneapolis after George Floyd died. And there will be riots and upheaval on the streets and the MSM will be elated that they can show this into people’s homes to bring fear and chaos into the hearts of men, women and children. BUT the boomerang has been sent and it will do its job and will come back and take revenge on those who instigated this violence and those who participated. So Keep Standing and Decreeing that the enemy’s plans will boomerang back on them! For My Justice has been Unle...

You Have A Choice

In this time of turmoil on the earth as you are waiting for My Rescue and for the many Promises I have made to become reality, you have a choice to make. You can choose to be anxious and frustrated at ME that I AM taking so long OR you can be in Complete Rest in ME and being Fully Convinced that My Timing is Perfect as I See ALL Things in My Perspective and yours is a small viewpoint of your knowledge and surroundings. For My Desire for you this day is for you to Rest in ME and to be in Complete Surrender to ME for My Love is Limitless and has no end. So Come My Army of Light and lay down your burdens and cares and Rest and Be At Peace. Philippians 4:4-7 “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds...

The Reality

For the rest of this month called August will bring a Devastating Blow upon the deep state for My Plans that have been mostly at work behind the scenes will make an appearance and Our enemies will not have a comeback for it but instead they will cower at its reality. For this devastating blow will cut off their funding and supply and their coffers will be completely empty. Again, the phrase—my, how the mighty have fallen will be used to describe those that have gotten wealthy by ill-gotten gains. For the Reality of the Transfer from the wicked to the righteous will soon be in Play! ~No longer a promise written in My Word but it will Accomplish Its Purpose! Proverbs 13:22 “Good people leave their grandchildren an inheritance, but the wealth of sinners is stored up for the righteous.” Isaiah 55:11 “So is my word that goes out from my mouth. It will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

Our Partnership

For My Heart is welling up with Pride as I look down from heaven and look at My Army of Light for you have Remained Faithful to ME despite what it costs you. You have become diligent in guarding your heart and keeping yourself pure in My sight. You have also taken up your cross and learned to die to your flesh! And not only that but you have rendered the enemy of your soul powerless on many occasions for yourself personally, but also on behalf of America! For you Realize who you are and the important role you play as My Army of Light. What brings ME joy is that I CAN COUNT ON YOU for when you are given declarations and decrees to declare, you’re on it—Ready to Put the Enemy to Flight! For this battle is being won through OUR PARTNERSHIP and YOU MY ARMY OF LIGHT HAVE BROUGHT ME MUCH JOY! Zephaniah 3:17 “The Lord you God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.”

My David

  For you heard My servant Kat Kerr speak yesterday and it should convince you that My David loves me and that he is listening to the prophets. For his heart is soft towards ME and listens to what I AM saying for he knows how much he needs ME and how much is at stake. But he is also convinced of My Mighty Power for he has seen it at work many times. For he is being guided by ME on his journey to the White House for it shall surely come to pass. For My angels that have been assigned to him are Mighty and Powerful and they will not let him be harmed. For I have placed upon him a mantle of leadership and he shall rule with My Attributes and Character and people will marvel at his wisdom~much like what happened when Solomon was King! For he is dedicated to ME and I shall bless and honor him all the days of his life!  

Be Free!

Do you realize the enemy is working hard to bring you anxiety, depression, confusion and turbulence of your soul? Do Not Believe that it’s something you did or something you deserve! No, on the contrary, the enemy wants to get you off your game so that you do not engage in warfare any longer. He also does not want you to be in involved in the Healing Summit or to pray against his interfering either! Now My Army of Light—like I mentioned earlier—we are in a WAR and you are engaged in warring against the enemy of your soul. But Come to ME now into the Holy of Holies where you will find peace and rest for your soul and I will also grant you Revelation to you to overcome the enemy’s weapons against you. For there is not an overall phrase for everyone to use~no come to ME personally so that I can give you personal and individual instruction so that you can overcome what you are faced with! For it is My Pleasure to eradicate the enemy’s weapons that are being used. For I want My Own to Be Fr...

I AM Pushing Back!

I AM Pushing Back Darkness and one of the ways is through the Healing Summit! For this Healing Summit will bring Breakthrough on Multiple Levels throughout America and other countries as well~for many churches are being led by Holy Spirit to host this event because IT’S TIME FOR MY KINGDOM TO SHINE AND FOR MY POWER TO BE RELEASED! For My Plans surrounding the Healing Summit are Great and Beyond Measure and will have Lasting Effects on the Church for so long the church has looked powerless and ineffective but that will Change Dramatically! So I encourage Everyone to Come and Take Part for this event will bring Disaster to the darkness for healings will come—physically, mentally and emotionally! Demons will flee, bodies will be healed and depression—GONE! And the news of what will happen at this event will Spread Far and Wide! Everyone will Know of My Supernatural Power that Supersedes any and all the darkness has to offer. So come My Army of Light and pray against any and all plans of t...

This Is WAR!

For this is WAR! For the enemy is attacking the church in so many ways—but you have been prepared so take up your Sword of the Spirit and annihilate every weapon coming against you! And put on the Armor of God everyday and Do Not Lose Heart for the enemy is trying to put up a front that they are winning BUT ON THE CONTRARY— they are in a PANIC so they are using every device they can to manipulate and deceive the public. So My Army of Light come against the spirit of manipulation and the spirit of deception and render them powerless by the blood of Jesus! And also lift up Tim Sheets, his family and Oasis Church for they are a target of the enemy now for holding the Healing Summit! For this Healing Summit will be used by ME as a powerful weapon against darkness! For I AM going to EMPOWER MY CHURCH to fulfill her destiny! For My Plans and Purposes for My Church will be accomplished~through your prayers, decrees and declarations! Ephesians 3:10, 11 “His intent was that now, through the chu...

You Can Count On It!

For I AM sick of the way the deep state is pushing the so-called popularity of Kamala Harris and her running mate and I AM going to call their bluff! For the deep state is trying so hard to convince everyone that they have a viable candidate and within days her popularity grew from a nothing burger to overwhelming! Oh how the MSM is pushing their ridiculous narrative. So I AM putting them on notice now~Be Careful lest your lies and your tomfoolery will be found out for what it Really is—AN ABSOLUTE SHAM! For I will pull their pants down on their utter foolishness in their believing that they can use these lies to win an election against My David! For I will Uncover It All to the public and you will look like fools! You Can Count On It! Numbers 32:23 “But if you do not do so, then take note, you have sinned against the Lord; and be sure your sin will find you out.”

The Glory Train!

So you heard of My daughter’s troubles with her X account and everything she tried was not working~but through her frustration, she prayed, she praised ME, NEVER blamed ME, but Always Believed in ME that I would bring her Breakthrough! And even in the night as she was laying in bed trying to sleep, Holy Spirit came and revealed to her that I AM Moving! For My Glory Train is on the tracks and its’ blowing its’ whistle~Come On Board! Come On Board! Leave Your Troubles Behind You and Look at ME! For I AM bringing Breakthrough! Breakthrough in the little and Breakthrough in the BIG things for I have had ENOUGH of My Own experiencing hardship. Now Declare and Decree You’re Leaving Your Troubles Behind You and You’re Moving On and You’re Celebrating Because You’re on the Glory Train and Things Are About to Accelerate and My Kingdom Is Expanding! Psalms 55:22 “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.”

The Masquerade

For the darkness that I have spoken of to those that hear My voice is in the background and is being prepared to cast its’ shadow upon the land. For I have shared with you that this must take place as this is the process of going from darkness to the light. There is nothing to fear so when this occurs, enable those around you not to lose hope and encourage them not to be afraid. Share with them to Reach Out to ME and I will grant them Peace in the Midst of the Storm. And I say the lies and propaganda being shared about Kamala Harris and her apparent popularity will be shattered by the Truth for I AM sick of the way the deep state puts out this false narrative for I will Intervene and bring My Light into this Masquerade! For I AM not letting the deep state continue with this Charade! For I will Punch Holes into their False Narrative and Reveal the Truth! Proverbs 26:26 “Their malice may be concealed by deception, but their wickedness will be exposed in the assembly.”  

Kingdom of Heaven!

For as I have taken away from your enemy’s wallets and their possessions, they are at a loss of how to live. For many do not know how to live without a cook, a house cleaner or a maid. They have no clue how to pay their bills either for their wealth that has been taken away will make them a commoner! No longer will they get the best seat at a restaurant or first class on every plane trip! But I say Do Not revel in their losses—loss of material things or their position in society for gloating and pride does Not Look Good as a character trait for My Own! For you should not judge them as beneath you~instead pray for them that they humble themselves and seek ME in their pain. For such is the Kingdom of Heaven! James 2:12-13 “Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment!”

Their Downfall Is Sure

Oh my, how the mighty have fallen! I have said this before but it bears repeating! For last month I spoke of Hollywood and businesses, but now I speak of Presidents, Kings and Heads of States across many countries. For their downfall is sure for all that confess their allegiance to the evil one will be taken out and/or taken down. For I have My sickle in hand and I will use it on My enemies! Proverbs 29:16 “When the wicked thrive, so does sin, but the righteous will see their downfall.”

They Are Losing!

Oh my how the enemy of your soul has been wounded for he no longer controls the wealth, which means the ability to bribe people and make them their slave is No Longer an Option! For the deep state is losing their power and will be seen groveling to get their way. For they are not used to not being in control of Every Situation and I say it’s going to get worse and worse for them every passing day! They are losing everything! I Corinthians 2:6 “However, there is a wisdom that we continually speak of when we are among the spiritually mature. It’s wisdom that didn’t originate in this present age, nor did it come from the rulers of this age who are in the process of being dethroned.”


For there is a tug-of-war going on in the spirit realm right now but it won’t last long for even as the angel tried to respond to Daniel when he was fasting and praying and waiting to receive an interpretation of a dream, but the prince of Persia resisted this angel for 21 days until Michael, one of the chief princes came to help the angel. (Daniel 10:10-14) then with Michael’s help, he was freed and was able to fulfill his mission of showing Daniel the interpretation. So now Michael is being sent in the present day situation to Release the wealth of the wicked that has been promised to you! For there are evil forces at work in the heavens and they don’t want to give up their control—but they have No Choice in the matter~for My Word will Not Return void and the prophet’s words that have said this—which are Many~ will be fulfilled! Now My Army of Light—Declare that the manifestation of this transfer be Released Now in My Son’s Name and that No weapon against this promise will prosper! N...

It Is Coming!

For just as the trumpet vine that Patty has that is attached to her arbor has grown but the blossoms have lied dormant for three years, but is now blooming profusely throughout the vine, so will Donald J. Trump come from the background to the foreground and be reinstated as your President and not only that but he shall bring about Massive Changes throughout America where the laws of this land will once again adhere and align themselves to the Constitution and law and order will be in effect throughout this land. And No More will the police hear the words Stand Down but the first responders and those that enforce the law will be supported completely by the federal and state governments. For the Old America that was held in bondage to hell’s kingdom due to those that controlled her and their worship of evil will pass way and behold the New will come and there will be a 180 degree Turnaround and there will be dancing and celebrations in the streets! It’s Coming! I AM Announcing That It Is...

Everything Is Aligning Up

For the world is screaming for a WWIII but I say NAY! It shall not be! But things are heating up and things will appear that all hell is breaking loose~but on the contrary~the trap is being set for those whose hearts are full of darkness and I, the Master of All, will have My Way! Now My Army of Light Do Not Fear or pay any attention to the MSM for their goal is to cause you to panic and they want you to be full of anxiety of what they are predicting will happen. And I say I have had Enough of the MSM and I say Soon this Propaganda Machine will be Destroyed! For that day is soon upon you! For the timing of My Rescue is At Hand~for Everything is Aligning Up for My Glory and Power to Be Seen By All!


For I AM about to do amazing things for remember I said that everything can be changed in a day? I even referred to the song-What A Difference A Day Makes (refer to blog date of June 19, 2022). For I have not spoken of suddenlies for awhile but behold the suddenlies are upon you and so is this day I speak of that shall change EVERYTHING! For I say I shall rip the rug underneath the deep state where they will have Nothing to Stand On and They Will Know Nothing But Chaos for what they meant for you will fall back on them! For they opened up a whirlwind when they tried to take down My David and a whirlwind they shall REAP! Psalms 6:10 “All my enemies will be overwhelmed with shame and anguish; they will turn back and suddenly be put to shame.”

Momentous Peak

For the enemy of your soul is very put out about the plans for the Healing Summit and also that Donald Trump is still alive and so he is fighting back and one of the ways he is doing so is using false prophets and false teachers to confuse even the strongest and most committed children of Mine who can be easy prey for their lies. For this battle is at a Momentous Peak right now and you must not be slack or ignorant of the enemy’s ways for he comes to steal, kill and destroy and he is the father of lies. So what can you do to guard your heart? Continue spending time with ME for I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life. Also ask Holy Spirit for more of His filling in your life and of course, read My Word that is profitable for correction and for training in righteousness. Also, ask ME for discernment so that I can show you the people to follow and not to follow. For I AM a God of peace and Not of confusion so let that be a sign for you—if something or someone brings you confusion, it is Not ...