
Showing posts from December, 2024

A Day To Reflect

What I want My Children to do this day is to Reflect on 2024 on what I have done in your lives this past year. Ask Holy Spirit to remind you of things that you may have forgotten. For there were many blessings I bestowed upon each one of you. I also worked on behalf of America~keeping President Trump safe from all harm and particularly assassination attempts. For Donald Trump will never be the same as he realized how close he was to death, but I saved him! And now you have President Trump coming into office soon  and he shall bring changes for America that will bring healing to her. For 2025 will bring America Back to her True Identity!

It’s Just The Beginning!

So we are now nearing the year 2025 and oh what a Great Year It Shall Be! For there will be many surprises coming your way—medical breakthroughs that have been hidden from you will be released, more exposures that will be completely be hard to fathom but Truth will be sought out and the public will be sick of being lied to! For so many things will happen to bring about An Understanding of the Truth in every area from the past to the present and in all seven mountains! And It’s Just The Beginning!

These Are The Days!

For My Glory Will Be Seen By All for do you recall My servant, Barry Wunsch, when he described something like lightning shooting from the skies onto cities and countries below? For this is My Light bringing Great Change and causing the darkness to flee! For you have heard many prophetic voices say that it will only take a day for My Miraculous Power to be on display like at No Other Time and you, My Army of Light have been chosen to be alive now to be Eyewitnesses of this Great Feat that will occur! For what you have gone through these past few years will be completely forgotten when you Behold My Miraculous Power! Now My Friends start writing in journals of all that you are experiencing for you will want to Remember These Days Always! For these are the Days that will be Etched in Your Memory Forever! I Peter 5:10 “And then, after your brief suffering, the God of all grace, who has called you to share in his eternal glory in Christ, will personally and powerfully restore you and make y...

Come Alive!!!!!

For I AM So Very Excited for you My Army of Light for it will be So Out of Your Ability to process it~All that I have planned for you! You will think in your mind~how is this possible? Can this be Real? For as the deep state has tried to tear you down by causing disaster after disaster~like a tsunami of tragedies~I AM about to Come on the Scene and Do the Exact Opposite!!! For yes I will bring exposure BUT you will see the See the Arrests that your heart has longed for! For My Victorious Right Hand is being extended into the earth realm and will Complete My Justice to All that has defiled ME and you!! For you will say in your hearts—how can I handle all these blessings for my mind is being blown away more and more each passing day! For truly the Book of Enoch is about to Come Alive!!!! Isaiah 41:10 “fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.” Book of Enoch chapter 1vs 7b-8 ...

Better Than You Can Imagine!

When My David said this phrase—the Best Is Yet To Come, many laughed at it thinking it was very foolish because life seemed to be getting harder and harder with inflation, health issues everywhere, no border security…you get the idea, but My David knew that change was clearly coming because he knew what was happening behind the scenes and the joy on his face every time he talked about America’s future was undeniable! And so I AM going a step further than DJT and I AM saying that America is going to be Better Than You Can Imagine!

Choose To Remain Faithful

For I AM Carrying You right now in My Arms and there is Nothing to Fear! For My Love Far Outweighs your concerns right now and I say Rest In ME and continue to put Your Trust In ME. Do Not Waiver but instead choose to Remain Faithful. Psalms 6:4 “YAHWEH, turn to me and rescue my life because I know your faithful love will never fail me.”

Allow ME To Carry Your Burdens

Let ME hold you close to ME and allow ME to carry your burdens for My Love for you is Great and Immeasurable. For My Word says that Nothing Can Separate you from My Love. So Count On It and Do Not Doubt It! Romans 8:38, 39 “So now I live with the confidence that there is nothing in the universe with the power to separate us from God’s love. I’m convinced that his love will triumph over death, life’s troubles, fallen angels, or dark rulers in the heavens. There is nothing in our present or future circumstances that can weaken his love. There is no power above us or beneath us—no power that could ever be found in the universe that can distance us from God’s passionate love, which is lavished upon us through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One!”

Invite ME!

Ask ME—ask ME to join you in your family celebrations of Christmas. Ask ME to overcome the powers of darkness while you are together. Ask ME to join you so that My Presence is welcome! Ask ME so that your homes are full of peace and that joy and laughter fills the room and that the tension and stress is overcome with the fruits of the spirit which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control (Galatians 5:22, 23). For I long to come alongside you and defeat the enemy’s work and to be a help to you, but I need to be Invited! Again, as I have said~you have not because you ask not. (James 4:2b) For I AM just a prayer away! Invite ME!

The Complete Opposite!

For Christmas is coming—the day you celebrate My Son’s birth and I Myself am quite excited about it too. For this year I AM going to supersede the devil’s plans because I have My Own Plans and Mine are going to Completely Interfere with his. For he wants to interrupt Christmas and the ‘holidays’ to bring fear ‘front and center.’ For the enemy hates it when you celebrate My Son’s birthday and he’s about had enough—Ha! I laugh at him! For he will experience the Complete Opposite of his plans!

We Are Winning!

  For I the Lord am going to share with you some insight~one that will open your eyes to the unseen world. For there was a war in heaven when Satan found out about the soon-to-be creation of man for he was Very Jealous of your position so he didn’t want to serve ME anymore; but instead he wanted to be served and worshipped as well. So Michael and his angels cast him out of heaven and ever since then the devil’s motto has been to steal, kill and destroy mankind for he is full of hatred for you. But now, the devil is taking notice of My Remnant, My Army of Light using the authority given to you to fight against him and his cohorts . So My Friends if you are experiencing pushback and being attacked by the devil, Know This—he is aware that you understand Your Position of Authority over him now and he and all of hell are full of fear that you will frustrate and abolish their plans to completely take over. For the demons have been experiencing such a boomerang effect when spells, curses ...

My Promises—December 18

For I the Lord am going to do Mighty Things on the earth for so many people are acquainted with evil and its’ source, the devil but I want to Show Myself as the All-Powerful God who can change a country in a day! For I AM about to uproot the devil’s prominence over not only America but Many Nations! For I have heard your prayers, decrees and declarations and I AM coming in response to them. For just like I heard the groanings of the Israelites while in Egypt of their slavery, so have I heard yours! So Fear Not what you hear on the MSM and what the deep state is threatening to do for soon they will not be a factor but their power and influence will be non-existent! For even the MSM will be forced to share the Truth! And these things are coming and shall not delay! Numbers 23:19 “God is not a man that he should lie, nor a son of man that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?”

Your Life Will Be Full!

For I have said in My Word that if any lack wisdom that you should come and ask ME and it will be given you (James 1:5). For I have So Much to give you for I Know You and I Created You and I Know Your Purpose in Life, do you? If not, come to ME and ask that I may reveal it to you so that your life may be full! Provers 3:21- 26 “My child, never drift off course from these two goals for your life: to walk in wisdom and to discover your purpose. Don’t forget how they empower you. For they strengthen you inside and out and inspire you to do what’s right; you will be energized and refreshed by the healing they bring. They give you living hope to guide you, and not one of life’s tests will cause you to stumble. You will sleep like a baby, safe and sound—your rest will be sweet and secure. You will not be subject to terror, for it will not terrify you. Nor will the disrespectful be able to push you aside, because God is your confidence in times of crisis, keeping your heart at rest in every s...

Partnering With ME

For I AM going to do Miraculous Things that will astound you for the deep state wants to bring havoc in your lives soon but I will intervene but for awhile it will look like you are in danger but remember My Words to you that My Power will be Revealed in response to their evil plans. For Great Are My Plans for America for this freedom that will come to you will spread throughout the world. For the deep state will lose all its power and control over you for you shall rule as priests and you will crush Satan under your feet! For you are Partnering with ME to bring forth My Kingdom on the earth! Revelations 5:10 “You have chosen us to serve our God and formed us into a kingdom of priests who reign on the earth.” Romans 16:20 “And the God of peace will swiftly pound Satan to a pulp under your feet! And the wonderful favor of our Lord Jesus will surround you.”


For I the Lord am a Good God and I love to give good gifts to My children~to those that ask ME! So Ask ME My children! My Word also says you have not because you ask not! So I AM inviting you My children to come to ME and ask ME Knowing and Being Fully Convinced of My Love For You! For I Long to Grant you your petitions~ASK ME! Matthew 7:11 “If you, imperfect as you are, know how to lovingly take care of your children and give them what’s best, how much more ready is your heavenly Father to give wonderful gifts to those who ask him?” James 4:2b “You do not have because you do not ask.” Psalms 33:18 “The eyes of the Lord are upon the weakest worshipers who love him—those who wait in hope and expectation for the strong, steady love of God.”

Counter This Situation!

For there are rumblings in the underworld for the deep state is calling forth through rituals and sacrifice the most evil and vile things that I won’t even mention here but I AM telling you these things because the event is near and things are in preparation mode. So My Army of Light I call on you to Counter this Situation by your Worship and Praise to ME, your fasting and prayer and praying in tongues for soon what has been happening in the spirit realm will be made manifest in the flesh. So armor up My Army of Light and Be Prepared for what is coming and Always Remember—I Will Not Leave You or Forsake You for these are the days I have spoken to you about So Rest In ME but also Fight the Good Fight of Faith! (I Timothy 6:12) Deuteronomy 31:8 “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

So Let’s Begin!

For those of you who have chosen to fast—behold you are making a difference against hell! For do you recall the story of the boy who was filled with a demon and the disciples tried but could not help the boy? Then I came on the scene and I dealt with the deaf and mute spirit and I commanded it to leave. Later My disciples asked ME why they couldn’t cast out the demon and I responded that this type of powerful spirit can only be cast out by fasting and prayer. (Mark 9:17-29) And so it is even to this day. And I say to those that are fasting and praying to come against the principality ruling over America and send forth the archangel Michael to completely decimate it and defeat it, No Longer to rule over you again! For you have been chosen and formed to be kings and priests that shall reign on the earth…SO LET’S BEGIN!

My Plans!

So I have mentioned before that this event that is coming will in many ways resemble the Red Sea Miracle where the Israelites were trapped by the Red Sea in front of them and the Egyptians behind them and there was no place to go~but before that big event, miracles happened for the Israelites as well for they plundered the Egyptians and were given wealth and possessions (Exodus 12:36) and not only did I supply for them for their journey but I made sure their bodies were able to make the journey so I touched their bodies using My Healing Angels. For I was making a way for them where there was no way. For I have spoken much of the wealth transfer that will soon take place to enable you to be free of debt and to be blessed but I will also Reverse the Curse of the damages done to your body and will spread healing throughout My Remnant. For this will cause a great stir among people for there will be a distinction between those that Know ME and those that do not BUT My army of Light this wil...

Watch and See!

For it is My Heart that this Christmas would be Different for I Long for the lost to be found, the sick to be healed, the hurting to be restored, the homeless to find a home and the anxious to be at peace. For My Word says through Isaiah that the increase of My Government and peace will have no end! (Isaiah 9:7) Even then the Kingdom Age was being prophesied. For I know and understand what you have gone through these many years in what seemed like the enemy had control over America and the world. But I want to say that is Coming to an End! And the Reality of My Government and My Kingdom will soon become More and More Evident! WATCH AND SEE!

The Confrontation

For there is a Great Upheaval happening in the enemy’s camp now for they are shaking in unbelief at how quickly they are losing their control and the momentum and focus is leaving them and all eyes are now on President Trump. And I say that there is a jealousy brewing for a certain person is used to having their way and cannot stand sharing the limelight and not only that but he can tell that Satan, his master is losing his dominion and is deeply upset about that as well. And all this is giving him the motivation to do something quite drastic and they are convinced that they can gain their control back using these drastic measures. But I have infiltrators in these meetings and everything that is being planned is communicated to President Trump. And as I have mentioned before, My Plans are Greater and More Powerful than My adversary. For I have spoken often how the light will overcome the darkness and you Shall See the Evidence of My Words! For Once This Confrontation between Light and ...

Greater Plans

For I AM moving on your behalf My Army of Light to tear down the stranglehold the deep state has had to control this country and the world for they are being dismantled~all of their demonic rituals and ways they manipulate others. For their control is being diminished everyday and they see it as well as President Trump is making choices of changing many things in the government. So the deep state is in a quandary for they thought their usual ways of voter fraud would work and their choice would win but they see the writing on the wall so they are now working on a Great Comeback by causing an event that will cause great fear to many. But, as I have mentioned before, there is Nothing to Fear for I will use this to Counter My Enemies and Show Them WHO I AM! FOR I HAVE GREATER PLANS than My enemies and soon the REALITY OF WHO I AM will Be Known By All! Note: Today’s date is 12/12/24 which 12 is the number of perfect government and there are 4 12’s (24=12x2). The number 4 means the creation...

Your Joy Becoming Full!

For I AM opening up the coffers for you My Children for I have said that the transfer of wealth is coming. For I will Restore your Fortunes and you will no longer struggle wondering how you will feed your children or how you will pay your bills. For My Word says that you are the head and not the tail and that you should Occupy till I come! For it is time or you to have Relief from the constant wondering and stress of where you will find the resources you need. For this is all a part of your Hope Being Restored and your Joy Becoming Full! Deuteronomy 28:13 “And the Lord shall make thee the head and not the tail and thou shalt be above only and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commands of the Lord thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them.” Luke 19:13b “Occupy till I come.” Zephaniah 3:20 “At that time I will bring you home, at the time when I gather you together; yea, I will make you renowned and praised among all the peoples of the earth,...

Ask ME!

For many of you may be going through very difficult times but just like My servant, Kim Clement said to view these not as a setback, but as a setup for ME to work! What if these seemingly impossible situations you find yourself in is an Opportunity for ME to Shine Brightly in your life??!! For doesn’t it say in my Word that what is impossible with man is possible with God? (Luke 18:27) A long time ago I shared with My daughter, Patty Not to Limit ME, for when you do that, you miss out on the Miraculous! So My Army of light I AM Challenging you to NOT LIMIT ME but INSTEAD through your Faith~call out a Miracle from ME! Do you recall My Mother did that? For I hadn’t even done a miracle publicly yet and wasn’t planning on it either, but then she tells the servants at a wedding to do whatever I tell them…for out of her faith, she drew out the miracle from ME of turning water into wine.(John 2:1-11) This was much like the woman who had been bleeding for twelve years and she said in her heart...

Your Part

For My servant, Barry Wunsch not only shared of My Glory coming but he also mentioned what Your Part is My Army of Light as a means of engaging in this battle and it is to deny yourself, your flesh and to fully engage in your spirit and connect with ME by fasting. For My Word has much to say about the effects and rewards of fasting; much of which My daughter will share but there is One Thing I want to mention is that this is a High Form of warfare against your enemy, the devil and when many join in its’ effects disarm his tactics and weapons against you. So~My Army of Light~come to ME and ask ME what kind of fasting to do and when will you start and when will you finish? For I want to personalize this fasting so that it’s attainable~so come and sit with ME and let us come to an agreement for I say when you Fast My Army of Light~You Will Be Crushing Satan Under Your Feet! Isaiah 58:5-12 “Is this the kind of fast I have chosen, only a day for a man to humble himself? Is it only for bowin...

Prepare Yourself

Oh My Army of Light for this moment in history, this APPOINTED TIME is Fast Approaching for our enemies to be defeated and My Glory and Power seen upon the earth for did you hear My servant, Barry Wunsch speak of My Glory falling like lightning? For there Never Has Been nor Never Will Be Anything like what is About to Unfold! For My Plans are Quite Unbelievable for it will be Unquestionable who the Author Is!! For I will No Longer Be Doubted! Now Prepare Yourself to be in the Presence of a Most Holy God who Knows Everything about you. Do you have unconfessed sin or unforgiveness that needs confessing? For I will have need of you, My Army of light to help those around you and I need you to have a clean and pure heart to adequately Represent ME without fail. For Be Assured that the timing is close at hand. Psalms 51:10-13 “Create in me a pure heart O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of y...

Be Victorious!

For many of you have been feeling the weight and the burden of the enemy’s wrath but I AM here to place a barrier and a protection around you to stop the enemy’s fiery darts coming at you. So I want you to call in My Warrior Hosts to destroy all the attacks and from stealing from you and bring them to Nothing! Then release the comfort and strength from Holy Spirit and call in recompense and vindication from ME! For I AM your Refuge and Strength~so do not continue to be a victim but Be Victorious! Psalms 20:6 “Now this I know: The Lord gives victory to his anointed. He answers him from his holy sanctuary with the victorious power of his right hand."

No More Secrets

For I AM going to bring havoc upon My enemies and I will bring surprises upon them! For My Backlash and Revenge is coming their way and they will be astounded at My Power being released against them! But I in heaven laugh at their evil schemes and their giddiness to perform them for they will be Stopped and not only that but their evil plans will be Completely Exposed! For the idol that the liberals have idolized is Coming Down! For both of them will be Completely Uncovered! For their years of being hidden are Over! Luke 8:17 “For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.”

My Justice

For there is a day coming when I shall answer My enemies’ threats and their evil agenda to destroy many of you for they are following their father’s character—to steal, kill and destroy but I shall Intervene in such a way that All men, women and children will know There Is A God! And I shall take vengeance on the people given to violence and I Myself will Bring Justice to America for there is No One that is defending you for the courts have been bought but the Courts of Heaven have convened and rendered them Guilty and soon this verdict will be activated on the earth! For My Justice Is Perfect and Non-Negotiable! Psalms 62:7-10 “But God will shoot them with arrows suddenly they will be struck down. He will turn their own tongues against them and bring them to ruin; all who see them will shake their heads in scorn. All mankind will fear; they will proclaim the works of God and ponder what he has done. Let the righteous rejoice in the Lord and take refuge in him; let all the upright in h...

Christmas & 2025 (Refer to video made with Diana Larkin and the AWJ team)

First I want to tell you about Christmas (keep in mind this is a season for Christmas—so if these things don’t happen right at Christmas or a day before or after, wait for it)—Surprises will unfold and My Joy released~smiles will be everywhere and Relief in people’s hearts and souls will be experienced and these words will be on people’s lips—It’s Over! 2025—The Year of the Promises Being Fulfilled—Personally, in the church, the seven mountains…No more hope deferred but hope restored! Life will be more abundant and full. Breakthroughs will happen personally and corporately. Peace will fill your soul like never before! And then He had me refer to the word He gave me on November 26, 2024—For there will be such a Great Turnaround between now and a year’s time that you will look back and say ‘I can hardly remember what it was like to be enslaved for the wealth and freedom and health has all been restored and the morals of our country has drastically changed, but Even More Than That~God is ...

I Got You!

For I love My Betrothed and because of My Great Love for her, I will Keep Her Safe in the midst of the coming turmoil and strife for there will be a Protection that I Place Over You ~much like I did for the Israelites as they placed the lamb’s blood on the doorframes of their homes as a protection from the death angel as it took the lives of the first born of men and animals. But I Myself will be Your Protection between you, My Betrothed and the world. For this is Yet Another Way that I show Myself as Being Real by this Distinction and I say that this will also cause the eyes of the blind to see the value of Belonging to ME. So be at peace and rest My Army of Light—I Got You!


For today I want to make things clear to you My Army of Light. Do Not Test ME. Do not say that you love ME, go to church and then commit idolatry by seeing the movie Wicked. For in so doing you are playing the harlot~loving ME and then opening your heart to darkness! Why would you do that to our relationship? For I have said that I AM a Jealous God and I have also said that you cannot serve two masters. For the enemy is putting this temptation in front of you to draw you away from ME. Will you take the bait? Who will you choose? Exodus 34:14 “Do not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.”

Decrees for 11/23/24 and 12/2/24

11/23/24 from Our Victory Is Sure—I decree that God is taking His Rightful Place over America and that Satan and his cohorts are defeated and are going down! 12/2/24 Light Overcomes Darkness—I declare and decree that the church of Jesus Christ is given an anointing of discernment and are being shown Not to see this movie—in fact they are convinced of its evil intention.  Then declare and decree that the powers of darkness are null and void including all forms of sorcery, divination and witchcraft! Declare that I AM Removing witchcraft from America! Declare that Light Overcomes Darkness!

Light Overcomes Darkness!

For the enemy is working hard to take his control back and one way he is using is by a certain movie called Wicked. For this movie is a powerful weapon that the darkness is using against America and all that see it for spells will be cast while the viewers watch it~among other things so My Army of Light—you must pray against this movie for there is a lot of evil attached to it as a means to counter what I want to do at this time. Now pray accordingly—I Declare and Decree that the church of Jesus Christ is given an anointing of discernment and are being shown Not to see this movie—in fact they are convinced of its evil intention. Then declare and decree that the powers of darkness are null and void including all forms of sorcery, divination and witchcraft! Declare that I AM Removing witchcraft from America—like Andrew Whalen said. Declare that Light Overcomes Darkness! Psalms 107:14 “He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away their chains.”


For I AM going to surprise My enemies by calling their bluff on these accusations and indictments against My David and behold I will cause a Backlash against them for they opened a door bringing these false accusations against him but Now I shall bring Valid accusations of wrongdoing on their part for using the justice system to take down their political opponent. For I will Override their meaningless ways of going after his reputation and trying to steal from him as well by having to pay for his defense time and time again. For I Myself will Defend him so that no accusation against him stands! Jeremiah 50:34 “Yet their Redeemer is strong; the Lord Almighty is his name. He will vigorously defend their cause so that he may bring rest to their land, but unrest to those who live in Babylon.”