
Showing posts from July, 2024

Be Prepared!

For this is the last day of July~strange July and now comes August where I AM going to blow My Breath upon the land called America and My Breath will cause New Life to come upon My Own. For I say in the natural realm there will be upheaval, but My Own will not be affected for this New Life I place upon her will cause her to be refreshed, restored and renewed for My Spirit will rejuvenate her and her focus will be on ME and not what is happening in the natural. For her heart will be captivated by My Love and the promise of My Power being released. For there is Great Excitement in the Spirit Realm for the Healing Summit for the Breakthrough in My Church will wreck havoc to hell and its’ evil plans. For there are going to be strongholds of limitations on ME Broken on Many Levels! For what is about to be released on My Church at the Healing Summit will set her FREE from ALL of man’s ideas and ideologies and then My Plans and Purposes for her will be Released in Full Measure! Be Prepared My...

Your Destiny!

Do you know how much I love you? Do you have an understanding of it? For everyday your guardian angel protects you from danger and harm that might affect you. Your guardian angel also helps when you are driving as well by making sure that you car stays on the road or when you accidentally fall asleep at the wheel—you are suddenly awakened! This angel also keeps other cars away from you. Think now of how many accidents that could have happened…but didn’t. For many of you keep your guardian angel Very Busy! For My Word says that it’s appointed for man to die once (Hebrews 9:27) and your guardian angel’s responsibility is to keep you alive before your appointed time. For I have plans for you and I want to see them fulfilled for you play an Important Role in My Kingdom and I make a way to Enable You to Fulfill Your Destiny! Ephesians 2:10 “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

Another Boomerang!

For I AM going to Release upon My Children power to confound the powers of darkness. For they see that you are using the authority that I’ve given you more and more so they have plans of retaliation for they are afraid of the True Church—the Church who knows who they are and the Position they hold and they are desperately trying to shut you down! For they have experienced your arrows that you shoot through your prayers, declarations and decrees for many of their plans have been hindered and have been shut down. So now they have come up with an evil plan against you using spells, witchcraft and divination for they actually believe that their power is more effective. But I say let’s put the BOOMERANG into effect again! First declare and decree that all spells, witchcraft and divination are completely null and void and then pray for My Mercy to abound by praying for all those who have used this evil warfare against you to have a Jesus Encounter and that they would be blasted by the Love o...

Getting You Ready

For I AM going to do Wonders for so long the world has seen hell’s kingdom at work and many people have chosen to follow it because their hearts are drawn to the supernatural~with their spells and witchcraft. But I AM about to redeem some away from that lifestyle as My Kingdom is About to be Displayed as the Light Overcomes The Darkness. And you, My Army of Light will be used as My Glory falls and the miracles, signs and wonders are manifest! For My Glory will not stay in one place but will move throughout this country and then will spread abroad and My Great Power will be displayed but yes My Power draws them, but My Love Keeps Them for you, My Army of Light will be used to manifest these miracles, signs and wonders and also to have My Heart of Love to be Alive in You to bring Everlasting Change to those I have you in contact with. For I need My Ecclesia to be My Vessels of Light in this darkness. Do you see why I have brought your attention to the sin that entangles you? For I wanted...

Like Never Before!

For many have seen the utter hatred for ME at the Olympic ceremonies for it is an abomination to ME what they have done and I say that I will Respond to their rebellious acts against me for I have looked away for many years of their growing hideous acts of gross in-your-face abhorrence of ME, but Not This Time! For they have ridiculed My Son having the Last Supper and this time I Will Not Look Away but I will Display My Wrath and No One Will Misunderstand the Acts of Vengeance that I will place upon those who acted this out but also those who planned it out for I AM going to cause an infirmity on them all and they will be in misery and I will attach evil spirits on them which will cause their minds to go crazy and they will be tormented day and night night and they will soon meet the god they serve for I AM a God who renders vengeance upon My enemies! For I AM about to Make Myself Known Like Never Before! And I also will Make Sure that the MSM Covers My Vengeance for their hatred for M...

Different Plans

For there is going to be a great uprising soon in the land called America for what was seen in your capitol of Washington D.C. is a sample of what will unfold across this country. For the deep state has plans to create chaos and devastation to stir up the spirit of violence~especially in places where patriotism is a way of life. For their goal is to unravel the core of believing that this country is still the land of the free. For many who are called to serve are on high alert. But I have Different Plans My Army of Light and I AM calling on you to engage and DECLARE A BOOMERANG to happen on these uprisings! Declare and Decree that My Angel Armies will fall on these gatherings and that Holy Spirit Fire will consume them and that they will have an Encounter with ME! For these people who have crossed the border to bring upheaval to America have No Idea that I AM Going To Change Their Lives and Their Hearts Forever! Hebrews 12:28-29 “Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom tha...

Completely Rely On ME!

For I AM making myself known upon the earth using unusual happenings like what happened in Yellowstone with the explosion, unusual temperatures in the weather and even setting records and have you seen the rainbow clouds in the sky? For these are happening more frequently now but years ago no one heard of them. And I say I’m just getting started to Reveal Myself! For now justice is about to become more of a Reality as you see Bob Menendez resign and that’s just the beginning for My David will be completely exonerated on all accusations of crime as well. But I AM going to starting calling forth judgments against those who have harmed the children and I will uncover the secret life many have led for I will destroy their reputation, seize their assets and bring upon them great harm for this I declare is going to come to the forefront~no longer hidden for this is the beginning of My radically changing the perspective of how children are viewed and treated. And the dark web will be dealt wi...


For I AM going to confound the deep state for in their meetings lately, they have come up with what they believe to be a fail-safe plan to defeat Donald J. Trump in the election that will soon take place. And once again I will make them look like FOOLS! And My Army of Light from the prayers you have prayed for DJT, I have assigned My Warring Angels to surround him, his family and those he works with to keep them safe. And even though the democrats are trying so hard to bring huge support to their current candidate, Kamala Harris, it won’t last for she too will say things on the campaign trail that won’t make sense and it will be hard for the public to truly give her their support. Oh what a quandary the deep state will be in! For I laugh at them for so long they thought they had everything all worked out but Soon even the MSM will spread more truth than lies and the democrat party will not be able to rely on them to brainwash people’s minds any longer. For I AM taking their support sys...

Other Opportunities

For I have spoken of Opportunities before where I shared about opportunities to show My Power. Now, I want to open your mind to other opportunities to do good and to help others. For this wealth transfer is well on its’ way and I want to use you My Kings and Priests (Revelations 1:6) to invest your wealth to bring hope, love and light into people’s lives. For instance—you could pay for a family’s rent of an apartment for a year, you could invest in a company that’s struggling, you could give to a ministry on a regular basis, you could adopt a child…For money will not hold you back any longer or be an excuse why you’re unable to do something. But remember My Word that says It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). For I say to you, My Army of Light to Arise during this time of upheaval and by your actions—declare that the difficulties of this season will Not Define You but Instead Negate Them By Planning For Your Future that looks so much better than what is happening now...

Continue To Contend

For I the Lord am a good God and My Promises are sure and reliable. For I do not lie and there is No Untruth in ME (Numbers 23:19). For what I have said will come to pass. Now, you noticed that the Biden will not be running for re-election, but what now? Now picture with ME a debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump—it would be a disaster for Kamala! Even though the Biden endorsed her, My David would surely reveal her ignorance in the first few minutes~even the announcer asking the questions would get her flustered! But the democrats will let this play out and then come up with their Real Choice! For these next few months will reveal more and more that common sense and wisdom plays no part in politics—apart from My David—for the deep state are scrambling for confusion has made a home in the enemy’s camp and everyday their plans unravel more and more. But My David is infused with my wisdom, understanding and knowledge and he has great plans to Restore America to even better than sh...


For I see that many of you are weary and your soul needs to be filled again. So I say Come to ME all that are battle weary and I will give you more~more of My living water and also more of My grace as well. For when you ask for grace, it is like a healing balm that covers your soul and won’t let offense or holding a grudge stick because My grace won’t let it. For My grace enables My Powerful Love to engage deeply within you and as I forgive you, your ability to forgive is Matched by Mine. Do you remember the song Amazing Grace and the story behind it? It was John Newton and after living a life as a slave trader and ship captain, he was riddled with guilt about what he had done and then he turned his life over to ME and eventually wrote this song and became a minister. For I AM the God who Restores and My Grace is Amazing! So Come My Army of Light and take time to be with ME and find rest for your weary souls! Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give ...

A Masterpiece!

So I just saw a vision of a veil ripped in two from top to bottom and this is what the Lord says as an interpretation—for you have heard of the veil that was torn after My Son, Jesus died that was in the temple to represent that My people have access now to the holy of holies (My Presence) for there was no longer a need to go through a priest for through My Son is forgiveness of sin. And now this picture that My daughter saw represents something quite different for this veil represents all the things that have been hidden from you and now this veil will soon be torn from top to bottom and many Truths will be Revealed that you know not of. Some will be hard to believe, some will be painful, but the ending of the Truth Revealed you will behold a Masterpiece! For the Plans that have been years in the making will culminate and converge to One Result—FREEDOM! For this freedom will carry you into the Kingdom Era and this Truth that has been revealed will be seen by all! So pray My Army of Li...

You Got This!

For the deep state is scrambling now for their enemy is still alive and more and more people are done with the Democratic Party plus their donations are way down. And now they will use even more drastic measures for they are in a Complete Frenzy! For they have given up on the Biden for their go-to excuse is he has covid now. Ha! I laugh at them! For they are seeing the dismantling of their plans and the demons that control them are livid so don’t be surprised if you see them manifesting. Now My Army of Light continue to pray for My David for he is still their target so pray specifically Psalms 91 for him, his family and those he works with. For as I said the battle is heating up so I want you, My Ecclesia to be On Alert for when you see the enemy at work, immediately use the authority that’s been given you and SHUT IT DOWN for things can get out of hand quickly. For I have taught you much in this past season on how to fight and Now is the time to put all that you have learned INTO PRAC...

Marching Orders for Interview with Diana 7/18/24

July 8-The Shaking Is Spreading—Pray for them that the Spirit of Repentance falls upon Hollywood and that the wickedness of their lifestyles stop by the Blood of Jesus~for I want to bring a Radical Change to Hollywood and I want to Redeem the Lost! July 9-Your Freedom—Let’s eradicate this constant means of access the enemy has so come and identify the sin, habit and/or stronghold and repent of it and then take authority over it and bind it in My Son’s Name, Jesus and declare it is null and void. And then loose upon your soul the Exact Opposite of what your sin is. For example if your addiction is sweets, loose upon you soul healthy eating. (Matthew 16:19 keys of the kingdom). For we are going to obliterate any access the enemy has to your soul and you are going to Come Alive and Engage in the Spirit! For it’s time for the flesh to come under subjection to the Spirit for I want My Army of Light to be Victorious in Ever Way! July 11-Shock and Awe! Pray My Army of Light for these lost...

My Care!

For My David was touched deeply by how close he was to death and he is convinced that I protected him! For many have seen a difference in his countenance and demeanor since the attempt on his life occurred and his life will be forever changed now. For yes his response was to Fight with his fists clenched tightly but I have shown him that My Power is made perfect in his weakness. (II Corinthians 12:9) For the secret service didn’t do their jobs correctly and made him vulnerable for attack but the Ecclesia’s prayers that were continually sent were answered in that one moment in time. And now My David is convinced that I have called him and also saved him to be a leader and that I AM protecting him. And that’s why he is at peace now for his soul is resting in the Knowledge of being in My Care!

Great Damage

For this day is a day to remember for there will be an exposure unlike any other. For this one will do Great Damage to the deep state for there will be an uncovering of sorts that they cannot repudiate for this act of treason that will be found will STICK to the people involved for I AM shining the light on evil deeds against this country for it will not be swept under the rug—NO! For My Light will be shown and the darkness will No Longer be able to hide! For I AM dealing harshly with those who have tried to steal this country from its’ foundation of being one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!

On Fire!

So~once again I AM bringing up the Healing Summit. And you ask why~why again Lord? And I will tell you why. For I AM going to use the Healing Summit not only to bring healing, deliverance and restoration of relationships but I AM also placing My Focus on the church. For she needs to be re-directed into My Purposes for her. For many are filled with the spirit of religion, much like the Pharisees were when I was on the earth. For even now the demons are noticing in the spirit realm an excitement growing in anticipation of Holy Spirit power being released—so they are now working to diffuse this event by bringing lies and deception into people’s hearts. But this is where you come in My Army of Light for I need your prayers to fight off this attack. For I AM going to share a verse with you from My Word and I want you to pray into this verse by demolishing arguments and every pretension…and then take every thought captive to make it obedient. For I want you to Defend this Healing Summit in t...

I AM Bringing…

For I AM going to bring so much damage to My enemies~for this is the first assassination attempt on DJT that has been broadcast on MSM, but there have been multiple attempts before this! For no one owns My David so he cannot be controlled and that’s what they absolutely hate! For the deep state is used to getting their way through bribery or threats of sharing a recording they have made of very poor choices and abuse. But My David steers clear of indiscretions for he is very aware of the deep states’ traps~but DJT and I have had conversations and he is actually turning the tables on his enemies by laying a trap for them~and it’s a good one too! For soon both sides of the aisle that have been a part of treason and corruption will be held accountable for their actions. For this is the Year of the Open Door~which means for our enemies—openness of the Truth and Complete Exposures! And what does the Open Door mean for My Ecclesia? The door is open wide for supernatural miracles of healings,...

Will Prevail

For many of you were shaken yesterday by the assassination attempt of Donald Trump, but see your prayers and decrees placed a shield around him and the shots were deflected except his ear was grazed by one. But this should be Proof of My Word that says that the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. (James 5:16b) For this assassination attempt has put many things in motion for My anger is aroused at Our enemies’ plans to take My David down. So watch as My Judgments fall in the coming days for they have never dealt with Heaven’s Fury before! For I will Not Let Our Enemies Get By With This Evil Attempt for they have crossed the line and they will Pay For It! But you, My Army of Light Do Not Fear and Do Not Be Discouraged for My Warring angels will protect My David, but I adjure you to continue to pray for him, his family and those he works with for the deep state is in a frenzy to get rid of President Trump for he stands in their way of their evil agendas of bringing total ...

An Influencer

So~you have heard it said that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. And many of you are just that—trees. And even though you may not have children, you have people watching you! For people are looking for examples to follow; people who they can rely on and trust. For there are so many broken and dysfunctional families now that parents aren’t necessarily the go-to people to respect and follow after. So I AM calling on you, My Remnant to be the Tree to Many Apples; to be the example for many to follow. For yesterday I mentioned Nathan French as someone I use but My Plan is to use My Church—the Body of Christ. For this is another reason to not have strongholds and sin entangled in your life for it affects your relationship with ME, but also to others. But My Holy Spirit is here to fill you up, anoint you afresh with Power and the ability to rise above your flesh and live according to My Spirit. So My Friends—do Not Limit ME for the Word says Christ in you, the hope of glory! (Colossi...


For I, the Holy Spirit am quite excited about the changes that are coming! And some have already engaged in My Power for I speak of Nathan French for his heart, mind are soul are completely aligned to ME. He does not let circumstances in his life dictate his love for ME or ME flowing through him. For he is a vessel I AM constantly using! For he never blames me when things go wrong but instead he quotes scripture that all things work together for good to them that love God and who are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). For I AM sending him and opening doors for him to go to many different parts of the country for many see My anointing on his life—but I have a different agenda as well to use him for I want to arouse a jealousy in the body of Christ. I want people’s reaction when they see him—if God can use him, why not me? BINGO! I CAN! For this is My Invitation to you My Army of Light—Align yourself to ME and Believe I can use you in the same way! For I AM the Same Holy Spir...

Shock And Awe!

Can you feel it?? For the Winds of Change have arrived! And the manifestations of My Many Promises have begun! For My Power will soon be unleashed like Never Before and Everyone will be able to Witness It! For it won’t be just for the sake of the church—NO! For not only will My Power be displayed to bring freedom, but also as a Means to Reveal to those who don’t believe Who I AM! For I AM going to bring Shock and Awe into the lives of unbelievers~for No Longer will they be able to Ignore ME—for they will see Evidence of ME being REAL! So~pray My Army of Light for these lost souls that the Spirit of Repentance be poured out upon them and that their hearts are turned soft towards ME and that when Holy Spirit reveals Truth to them, that they would BELIEVE! Ezekiel 11:19 “I will give them a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.”

Rest Assured

Have you noticed the shift in the atmosphere? For My Power is being released through My Angel Armies constantly now wrecking havoc on our enemies in the second heavens and on earth. For Everything is coming into Alignment for the Event that I have spoken about often. For the deep state is so messed up right now for they thought they had everything planned out for their takeover of the world but they forgot One Thing—My Ecclesia that is empowered by ME! For your Prayers, Declarations and Decrees have Hit Their Mark and confusion is written on all their faces for they have No Clue how to Recover except going for Drastic Measures~and that they shall! But Remember what I have told you for I the Lord Almighty will use this Event for My Purpose and will cleanse this land of the darkness that has been in control for far too long! So Rest Assured My Army of Light that My Plans Will Surely Be Fulfilled and our enemies will meet the consequences of their actions! Proverbs 19:21 “Many are the pla...

Your Freedom

For I AM going to do even more during this month of Strange July for this month you celebrate freedom from England in 1776 and now I say I AM calling your attention to be set free from harmful habits and sin that have been a part of your life for years. For I say Come to ME and Let’s Do This! For My Word says to throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run with perseverance the race set before us. (Hebrews 12:1) For the enemy of your soul uses this sin and strongholds against you over and over to bring guilt and shame but I the Lord God want you FREE! So I say My Army of Light let’s eradicate this constant means of access the enemy has and let’s annihilate it! So~come and identify the sin, habit and/or stronghold and repent of it and then take authority over it and bind it in My Son’s Name, Jesus and declare it is null and void. And then loose upon your soul the Exact Opposite of what your sin is. For example if your addiction is sweets, loose u...

The Shaking Is Spreading

  Oh my! How the mighty have fallen will be a phrase that will be on the headlines in newspapers and on the news throughout this nation! For I AM bringing My Shaking and yes it’s happening in the government but now it’s Also spreading to Hollywood and to the business world where there are presidents and CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies who will have a face-to-face encounters with ME. For I AM going to give them dreams—reality dreams of what their actions have done to cause devastation to many people’s lives. And I will cause accountability to come to life and they will have to choose to step down or face prison time. And Hollywood is so full of the worship of Satan but I will bring that to a halt. Now My Army of Light, pray for them that the Spirit of Repentance falls upon Hollywood and that the wickedness of their lifestyles stop by the Blood of Jesus~for I want to bring a Radical Change to Hollywood and I want to Redeem the Lost! II Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slow about his promi...

It’s All Going Down!

For the plans of the deep state are completely falling apart and I laugh at them for they are looking Completely Foolish right now! For your prayers, My Army of Light are having an effect on them and even the demons who control many of them are losing sight of their mission for I Myself placed a spirit of confusion in the enemy’s camp and now their focus is scrambled and at their meetings, they cannot agree on anything! For I the Lord am scrambling their frequencies which makes their understanding muddled and they are not able to comprehend. For once again, this is part of My Judgments falling on the wicked for all they have done against you. For My Focus is on the mountain of government and I will tear it down and replace the wicked with ones I have chosen for the shaking is taking place where many will leave office and some will lose their life for this mountain has been used for purposes that do not reflect the founders of this nation—in fact it’s the Direct Opposite! But All that w...

Strange July

For now is the time of My Redemption and now is the time of the falling of My enemies but First the Strange July Must be Revealed. For I Will Show Myself through weather, through serious exposures that the deep state has no control over in stopping their being shared. Also, Truth will be spoken by people that are not known for speaking it! For you’ve heard of the phrase—Christmas in July—and so shall it be for unexpected gifts you will receive and the wicked will have the opposite for their assets will be frozen. For this is All Part of My Judgments and Justice that are being released from heaven. For this Strange July will Benefit the Righteous and will bring justice to the wicked. For this is just a Preview of What Is To Come! Psalms 71:23, 24 “My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you—I, whom you have redeemed. My tongue will tell of your righteous acts all day long, for those who wanted to harm me have been put to shame and confusion.”

Action Items for Interview with Diana 7-5

Effects Of Your Prayers (6-24)—especially in light of Hurricane Beryl, this word and action items are key to confront the enemy from using weather as a weapon against us. Declare No Weapon Used to bring Weather Manipulation will prosper! Now decree that the hosts of heaven be sent Now to Eradicate All their evil schemes to be Exposed using weather to bring damage to property and also to bring injury and death as well. Call Forth My Judgments against them so that this evil practice will be stopped! Also pray for eyes to see the angels that you dispatch when you pray. That way you can See the Effects of your prayers! I Have Plans For You (6-27) Before the wealth transfer takes place, come to ME Now and ask ME how to use this money for I have plans for you! So come to ME so that I can prepare you for your future. Another Backfire (6-28) But I say Army of Light—Declare that any spell, hex, vex, curse, incantation or assignment is null and void in Jesus Name. Also declare that sorcery, ...

What Is Coming

And you ask so what happened yesterday? Ah~even though you do not see the evidence of what happened, the deep state who controls the MSM will not permit anything to come out, but it will! For I Declare that what is hidden shall come forth and the Truth will come out and be laid bare for all to see! For what was started yesterday will come to its’ completion! For I the Lord God am raising up My enemies into a war with America and Israel for I have caused an evil spirit to arouse such anger in this leader that Nothing will soothe it BUT WAR. For the event that I have spoken of is well on its’ way. And fear will grip America for they have seen its’ current leader and know he is not fit to handle this predicament. But you, My Army of Light will use My Word and call forth My Angel Armies to defend this nation by Quoting Psalms 37 into the atmosphere and the words on the page will Come to Life Before Your Eyes! For—see I have told you what is coming and what shall be! For I the Lord will Pro...

This Day

And what is it that you celebrate this day? Is it not this day that you celebrate Freedom as a nation? And I say this day you will celebrate it AGAIN! For the news is centering around the botched debate and how bad the Biden looked, acted and responded—FOR IT WAS ALL LIES! And Everyone Knows it! And I say This Day Will Be the Beginning When Everything Changes! For July 4 will be a day everyone will Remember and it will No Longer Be in relationship to the year 1776–No but 2024! For I the Lord say This Day Will Be Unlike Any Other! WATCH ME! For under the guise of darkness, miracles will happen for what I have been speaking of and preparing you for will become a Reality! For the Breakthrough, Freedom and My Glory will be known By ALL! Rejoice, My Army of Light for this day Marks the Change and the Visible Transfer from Dark to Light!