
Showing posts from October, 2024

Importance of Family and Children

For I will Restore the Importance of Family And Children for these are My Plans As Well. And I Will Rid in this country, but also worldwide demonic mindsets of gender and immorality and I will Cleanse the hearts and minds of men, women and children for I will Do a Deep Reset and in fact I Will Erase the effects of demonic teachings, rituals and the like for this country was founded on ME and America shall BE MINE ONCE AGAIN.  

The Shaking

The Shaking. For I have spoken often of the Shaking and it’s happening in All of the seven mountains. For I AM shaking the leaders, CEO’s, Presidents, Board of Directors—you name it—for I AM going to make them So Uncomfortable that many will step down and should they choose not to, they will pay the price. For I Will Not Allow hell and/or the darkness to Have Any Control Over the Seven Mountains Any Longer for My Kingdom will have a Major Impact on each mountain and this will bring about the pendulum shift of morality moving from left to right. For see…I have told you that I have Great Plans for Your Future and now I AM showing you how it will be. Rejoice~for your joy will be full! John 10:10 “A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect—life in its fullness until you overflow!”

Ask ME!

Now My Army of Light, I want to Commend you for adhering to My Call as I have asked you Many Times to Pray and to Declare and Decree. And I want to say Ask ME —ask ME to show you through dreams and/or visions what effect your prayers and decrees had. For My Word says that the prayer of a righteous man/woman is powerful and effective. (James 5:10) So~come My Army of Light~come and ask ME so that I can show you what happened after you prayed and made the declarations and I will Show You and You Will Know! Jeremiah 33:3 “Call unto me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”

I Will Respond

For I AM Fed Up with the deep state playing god as they manipulate the weather time and time again. For I have heard the cries of My Own and I say I will answer you and I will Respond to you. For in the darkness of night I will send My archangel Michael along with many other warring angels and their evil means of weather manipulation will be Scatted to PIECES! For I the Living God will Show Forth My Power Again and Again! For My Anger has been aroused and I will Put An End to their destruction! Jeremiah 16:21 “Therefore, behold, I will this once cause them to know, I will cause them to know mine hand and my might; and they shall know that my name is The Lord.”  


For you are My Treasure My Friends and I AM Choosing to Restore Your Fortunes! For you have been stolen from for over a century now and I say the Time Has Come For A Reversal! For the monies that have been stolen have been stored up for you to be Returned to you! And not only will I Restore your Fortunes, but soon My Friends the medical breakthroughs and technologies will be released and your bodies will be Renewed as well! For I AM actually giddy with excitement for you (Holy Spirit speaking) as I share this with you as I know the pain and agony you have gone through but My Plans for you will Renew your Mind, Body and Soul! Zephaniah 3:20 “At that time I will bring you home, at the time when I gather you together; yea, I will make you renowned and praised among all the peoples of the earth, when I restore your fortunes before your eyes,” says the Lord.”  

My Fury

For I the Lord God am done speaking of what My Plans are against My enemies~now I shall put into action the Words I have spoken and the Promises I have made. For the surprises and the suddenlies are at your doorstep and hell itself will shake as the death angel is released and comes calling. For I have given them plenty of warnings and they chose not to listen so I choose to demonstrate My vengeance upon them now. For even Yuval Harari will see and understand that the devil is underneath ME and cannot save him from the Great I AM! For My Fury will Be On Display Like No Other Time Before! Micah 5:15 “And I will execute vengeance in anger and fury upon the heathen, such as they have not heard.”

Deep Trouble

Did you see former President Obama trying to rally for Harris and Walz? Who did he speak of—My David! Of course nothing positive but he had to get his jabs in as they are so afraid of him getting into office and then the crowd was chanting ____ Joe Biden and he nearly lost it! For the democrats are Finally Realizing how dire their situation is and we have less than a month away from making our choices known! For I AM rattling them as they try and sleep at night with thoughts of My David winning and what their future will look like! For I have sent tormenting spirits to each of them who have an evil agenda for America and every night as they’re trying to sleep, I remind them that their evil deeds will be publicly known and that there is Nowhere to Hide! For they are in Deep Trouble and There Is No Way Out! For they are going down and you My Army of Light will soon Be Free!

Mark My Words!

Hurricane Milton is a storm that was used as a weapon against the state of Florida and the prayers and decrees were heard and My Angel Armies were used to reduce the effects of the storm’s power. For even though there was damage done~I say My Angel Armies downgraded its power and even now the deep state is wondering why there isn’t more damage for they worked hard at causing this storm to be Massive and Very Intense! But Mark My Words that I Will Deal with these weapons used against you! For I will Not Let the deep state go unpunished for this violent weather they have caused—for their playing god will soon come to an End! Mark My Words! Hosea 9:9 “They have sunk deep into corruption as in the days of Gibeah. God will remember their wickedness and punish them for their sins.”

Missions of Victory!

For the deep state is full of fear that My David will win on November 5 so they are pulling out all their tools to bring chaos and distraction but you My Army of Light are learning to fight back and I want to say how far you have come from the time of Covid when you submitted yourself to everything the WHO was saying to you by putting on masks, being six feet apart and staying at home. For you have learned not only who you are~sons and daughters of the Lord Most Hight but your calling too—to occupy till I come! (Luke 19:13). And now with this most recent storm called Milton, you are learning to decree against it and to call forth My Angelic Army to disintegrate it and to downgrade it to a normal storm. For the MSM is working hard to push fear and trepidation regarding this storm for they want you to view yourself as a helpless victim and unable to do anything about it. Now pray My Army of Light and send My Angel Armies to protect Mar-a-Lago for again the deep state sees My David as suc

The Great Reveal

Watch and see as I put the deep state in a very uncomfortable position as I actually will squeeze the truth out of them as in a vice! For through these decrees you are making, I will wreak havoc on My enemies for you are calling forth a backfire to hell’s strategies and so shall it be! For this month of October you will see My recompense to fall on My Own and My vengeance to fall upon the darkness. For soon it will become very obvious who I AM blessing and who I AM punishing! For Now Is The Time For The Great Reveal! Jeremiah 33:5b-6 “in the fight with the Babylonians: They will be filled with the dead bodies of the people I will slay in my anger and wrath. I will hide my face from this city because of all its wickedness. Nevertheless,I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.”

Under Your Feet!

So—the devil is using the deep state again I see stirring up another hurricane to wreck havoc and devastation on you again. But I Say To You My Army of Light, we are going to wreck havoc on them! So declare this~Hurricane Milton I Deny You Access to Be—I DECLARE YOU ARE FALLING APART NOW BY THE POWER AND BLOOD OF JESUS! I DECLARE AND DECREE THAT YOU DISINTEGRATE INTO NOTHING AND I DECREE THAT I (GOD) SUPERSEDE ALL OF HELL’S POWER AND RENDER THEM NULL AND VOID! For today, THIS DAY I WILL CRUSH SATAN UNDER YOUR FEET! Romans 16:20 “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.”

New Beginnings

For you have entered this new Hebraic year of 5785. Last year was the year of the open door but this year symbolizes freedom, grace and new beginnings. For this year will bring Great Breakthrough! For this is the time of the harvest of the wheat and the tares~where the tares will be gathered first to be burned and then the wheat will be gathered as well~and the harvesters are My angels. (Matthew 13:24-30) And this parable you will see it manifest before your eyes! For even though you have gone through hardship and turmoil these last few years, I say that the miracles are coming and you will be so glad you are alive for such a time as this! For there will be such a Dramatic Turnaround that you will hardly believe it! For The New Beginnings Are Coming!

The Cleansing

For I AM going to make a way where there is no way! For the deep state has an evil and sinister plan for North Carolina but I Will Stop It! And as you continue to say the decrees—and if any of you have a shofar—Blow It! For you are Declaring War with the deep state and with that, I AM going to bring a Great Turnaround for My Plan Is To Save America, not to let her go down in ruin! For I have noticed many using their horses and mules to get the needed supplies to those in need! I told you there would be Rescue Missions! For yes many have died, but many will be rescued as well! For I say to you that it will come about that many miracles will be known as people share and give testimony for My ministering angels and warring angels have been very busy giving aide and supernatural help! For I myself will curse the evil plans of the deep state~but I AM also cleansing the parts of this area given over to witchcraft and sorcery. So I have a two-fold purpose here~to rescue those in need but also

Awakening of Truth

For the Day of Reckoning for the deep state is Fast Approaching for even now CNN has been doing some fact checking on Tim Walz and doesn’t actually call it lying, but that he ‘misspoke.’ Ha! I laugh at them as they try hard to make the democratic ticket look feasible to vote for. What a scam and now with the truth coming out of the lack of help and support for these victims of the hurricane, it is proof they they do not support America and its citizens. For the Light is Shining on the darkness and it cannot hide its True Identity! For this shaking I AM bringing upon America will have Lasting Effects that will cause an Awakening of Truth that Cannot Be Denied! And then we have the arrest of a popular person who has done much evil at his parties. For I AM just getting started with this situation—for so many people will be Exposed for what their True Nature is! For My Intent for America is To Know the Truth of the secrets of those who are leaders and the Actuality of the Filth and Harm th


What a Travesty that is happening for all those who need rescuing from the hurricane for there is a sinister plot behind it all and with these decrees you are declaring, behold I will expose this plot. But as many people have been lifting their voices in prayer to ME for the victims and their rescue, I will answer for I will overrule the stand down order given to rescue missions and I will bring a GREAT BACKLASH on this administration for their evil intent against those who need their help. For I AM going to bring what has been in the dark to light! And everything that this current administration have been hiding from you Will Be Exposed. For no one will want to vote for Harris/Walz when I AM done! For My Anger is aroused as I hear the calls for help in their prayers of desperation and I will respond! For I will cause a secret rescue mission to take place and the things that will be uncovered will be astounding. For it’s Time for My Judgment and Justice to Be Activated!

My Intervention

Remember when I have talked about the Opposites and how that will occur? For I AM bringing that about Now. For I will give strength to the weary who are working to restore their lives after the hurricane. And I will cause money and resources to come in from various places to bring help to those in need. For I will not abandon those who call upon ME. For I AM available to those who call upon My Name. For there are many things happening that might be confusing for you right now as you might think this strike at the ports is a disaster but what if I told you there is a plan that is going on that will Restore America back to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? So I AM telling you this so that you are not giving yourselves over to anxiety or confusion but once again, I AM asking you to place your trust in ME. Let Proverbs 3:5,6 be Your Guide as it says to “Trust In The Lord with All your heart and lean Not on your own understanding. In All your ways acknowledge him and he will make you

Your War Cry!

For I say these 40 decrees that you are declaring is Your War Cry against the devil and his plans against you and America! For I say if you continue to make these declarations three times a day and believe in your heart the Reality of the Words you are saying, Behold You Will See These Words On a Page Come To Life!! For I will show you the power of your words as the scriptures say that death and life are in the power of the tongue and you will see the result of your speaking these words that send My Angel Armies on assignment. For so long the witches and warlocks have been doing their incantations and spells to conjure up evil in this country, but NOW My Army of Light your words of repeating these decrees are Countering them and giving life to My Words and My Plans! For this Warrior Cry is Imperative for you to continue to declare for the Battle Has Never Been More Fierce—so take Your Battle Stations and Engage in this Warrior Cry and join ME in Bringing Death to the Darkness and Life