
Showing posts from June, 2023


 June 18, 2023 For this day is Father’s Day that is celebrated throughout this country. And My heart is to restore relationships between fathers and their children. For the enemy has come against fathers in a strong way—first masculinity is looked down on and this gender confusion as well. Then we have pornography…so there are a lot of temptations trying to lure them away from their commitments. But I, the Father of Lights will illuminate a path for the fathers and I will grant them the motivation and the confidence to keep on the straight and narrow way. For I need the fathers to become Strong In ME. For there is a great need for them to stay the course. For it is My Desire to use fathers to Be an Example of who I AM!—To exemplify My Character first to their families, but then to all they come in contact with. For I AM HERE FATHERS to give you that Supernatural Strength to do what you cannot do in the natural! Matthew 7:13, 14 “Enter ye in the strait gate:for wide is the gate and ...

I Hear You

 June 17, 2023 For I the Lord God am Not Late in fulfilling My Promises—No! But on the contrary, I AM waiting for the repentance of some that I AM calling out. For these events that are on the horizon will definitely come to pass but remember when I said that there would be Saul’s turning into Paul’s? Pray My Overcoming Army of Light that these specific people have the courage to make the correct changes, but Also to Believe in My Love and My Forgiveness! Now-I AM bringing your attention to the Great Changes that will be taking place. 1) I AM granting you More Power and Authority in your prayers. For you will see quick answers to your prayers. 2) The enemy is losing their control and you will see it by the constant whistleblowers and exposures about to be revealed. 3) My Church—I AM setting her on fire with the Fire of God. This fire will burn the dross, bringing conviction of sin, wrong beliefs and the conviction of being lukewarm. For this fire will NOT LET THEM BE LUKEWARM—they ...

True Perspective

 June 16, 2023 Did you hear My servant, Johnny Enlow yesterday? For he was speaking TRUTH about the end times and what is to come. For My heart is grieved knowing that a very large percentage of the church believes in the doom and gloom of the church. For it has been prevalent for many, many years for when Hitler came on the scene in Germany, many pastors and leaders of the church aligned themselves with him and they hung the swastika in the church! What a travesty that was! So, instead of fighting evil, they joined it! But My servant Johnny spoke of a different and TRUE PERSPECTIVE of  the GLORIOUS CHURCH that I speak of in MY WORD. Oh My Overcoming Army of Light—pray against the Spirit of Religion that has tried to snuff out the TRUTH OF MY WORD! And I want you to CALL OUT TO ME for an anointing with fire to SPREAD the TRUTH and do NOT be fearful but ask for BOLDNESS. FOR I WILL GIVE YOU THE WORDS TO SAY for I need you to be the LIGHT in the DARKNESS of the church! FOR THIS ...

A Warning

 June 15, 2023 For I have given My Ecclesia power and authority for you have My Name at which the enemy flees and when you pray using My Name, answers come, you may claim My Blood which protects you, My Word which is a weapon of warfare but also it is full of promises for you to receive and be blessed by. And then you have worship that lifts your soul out of despair and reminds you of who I AM and who you are too. These are all very important to use in your daily lives. For these are my gifts to you and I want you to shun arguing and quarrels for what have I to do with that? Come My Army of Light and purify your hearts and remain in ME for the enemy wants you distracted and to have a divided heart. So I AM warning you of the enemy’s schemes for I AM a jealous God and I want ALL OF YOU and NOT JUST PART. II Timothy 2:22-24 “Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. Don’t have anything to...

Tune Up

 June 14, 2023 For I AM wanting to do a TUNE UP on you-My Army of Light. For just like a car that needs the oil changed, perhaps a new battery, tires rotated, or maybe even a new set of tires-for as the mechanic looks over the vehicle and determines what it needs, so I WILL do an evaluation on you! For I have DETERMINED that you need to be CHARGED by HOLY SPIRIT—like a car that needs the battery re-charged. I also notice that some are sick and need their immunity system to be re-booted to fight it and cancel it out. And then I note that some have more serious issues as the mechanic will bring in a new part and replace it…so CAN I! For there is actually a Body Parts Warehouse that My servant Kat has spoken of. So~My Dear Ones, come and seek ME before you fall asleep at night and ask ME for these things will be done while you are sleeping and in the morning, you will be REFRESHED and RENEWED! BUT YOU NEED TO ASK FOR IT…it will not be forced upon you. James 4:2b “You do not have becau...

My Wrath

 May 31, 2023 For I AM about to do exceedingly and abundantly more than you could EVER IMAGINE! For I the Lord God am going to POUNCE on My enemies for they don’t know WHO THEY ARE DEALING WITH! For I AM the God who created the Earth, the animals, the vegetation and man and woman and now the deep state empowered by the devil and its’ demons dare to change My creation from one sex to another and the children are victims to such atrocities. This evil is WORSE than Sodom and Gomorrah and did I stand by and do NOTHING? NO!!! I rained down burning sulfur out of the heavens! For MY WRATH has been KINDLED against My enemies and it will not be soothed until it is poured out against them! For I AM coming from EVERY SIDE against them! I will dry up their finances, I will use MSM against them with the TRUTH, the death angel will be released, there will be a plague I send upon them with no cure and also sores on their skin and I will deal with the justice system now and they will judge righteo...

Worth It!

For it’s ALL Going to Be WORTH IT! For you, My Army of Light have experienced so much during these past few years—the disappointment of the fraudulent election, the coronavirus and then the immunization—those that took it and those that did not and the pressure to take it through the workplace or family and/or friends. Then if you did get the virus—the absolute DEATH PROTOCOL at the hospitals for the unvaxed was a true WAKE-UP CALL of the Biden’s DEATH AGENDA. Many of you lost loved ones and then there were the lockdowns as well. And now inflation, the food, so many things that the deep state is involved with is coming against you. BUT now that we have covered what the enemy has been doing, let’s discuss what is on MY AGENDA! For I AM coming to bring healing—for the body, mind and soul. For I will bring your rightful President back into office and I will take care and rid the 7 mountains of its’ evil control. Truth will be shared on the airwaves and there will be a UNITY OF HEART AND M...


 June 1, 2023 For even though what you see in the natural realm looks so bleak and wearisome, but HAVE I GOT A PLAN FOR YOU! For things are going to Change Quite Suddenly for even now the deep state wants Biden to go for he will be de-platformed for all of his unlawful and hideous deeds along with the whole family, as all is coming to light so then like I mentioned that the court system will now be made to judge justly for things are coming to a head for the cabal is showing their true colors now of who they worship and they are pushing their agenda of Satan worship onto the public now. And this is where I STEP IN and say ENOUGH! So—My Overcoming Army of Light do NOT let your hearts be troubled for things may look chaotic, but TRUST ME—things are going according to MY PLANS. My enemies are NOT IN CONTROL, I AM! Psalms 27:13, 14 “I would have despaired had I not believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for and confidently expect the Lord; Be...

Sweeping Changes

 June 2, 2023 For WILL SHAKE THE EARTH WITH TRUTH and the public will KNOW WHAT THEIR LEADERS have done with the children for I WILL UNCOVER THE TRUTH and those that did these dastardly acts against the children will pay with their lives! But first they will KNOW the public’s disdain and their anger against them. For they will be spat upon and ridiculed and their lofty mansions and possessions will be stripped away from them and they will be treated like dogs. (Dogs that have no owner that have to fend for themselves.) And all those that did their bidding for a price against the children will be included FOR NONE WILL GET AWAY! I WILL MAKE SURE OF THAT! And My Rainbow that was a promise and a sign to Noah that I WILL NEVER CAUSE ANOTHER FLOOD like that to cover the Earth —BEHOLD I AM taking it back!! FOR I WILL NOT ALLOW Satan to make My promise a defilement between a man and another man and a woman and another woman. For I AM going to SHOW UP and SHOW OFF and make changes on this ...


 June 3, 2023 For I, the Lord God has a plan that the enemy CANNOT DEFEAT! For I AM going to infiltrate the enemy’s camp with the power and conviction of Holy Spirit. And there will be people in the enemy’s camp as a result of Holy Spirit falling on them will become DEFECTORS. And these defectors will be used to reveal the enemy’s plans and be whistleblowers that will ultimately cause their plans to be nullified! For I laugh at the arrogance and pride that the cabal is displaying. For they are duped into believing that there is no one that can stop them, but again they NEVER THOUGHT that I WOULD GET INVOLVED and some don’t even believe I exist—BUT THEY WILL FIND OUT! For SAULS will become PAULS! For I can change the heart of ANYONE I CHOOSE! And if you need someone whose heart you want to see changed~I say Come! Come and ask ME~ask ME to change their heart from stone to flesh and also to dismantle the enemy’s work in their lives! For I AM about to do MIRACLES! Ezekiel 36:26 “I will...

Trust ME

 Do Not fret or fear—everything is going to be all right. For I AM asking you to TRUST ME when you don’t see answers yet to your prayers, TRUST ME when there is no money in your bank account, continue to TRUST ME in the dark for I WILL PROVE MYSELF FAITHFUL. For I have given you promise after promise of how I will Never leave you, of how the wealth of the wicked you will receive, for I AM FOR YOU AND NOT AGAINST YOU. Do Not believe in the enemy’s threats for they are NOTHING! This is what I want you to hold onto—TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND DO NOT RELY ON YOUR OWN INSIGHT! KEEP TRUSTING—KEEP BELIEVING—even in the darkness. For this is a time where you Don’t go by your feelings BUT YOU MAKE A CHOICE, YOU CHOOSE TO FOLLOW ME, YOU CHOOSE TO BELIEVE. FOR YOU WALK BY FAITH AND NOT BY SIGHT! FOR EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALL RIGHT! Proverbs 3:5, II Corinthians 5:7

I Show Up!

 June 11, 2023 For I the Lord God am about to move powerfully AGAINST MY ENEMIES. For the evil that has been done as a form of worship to the devil has reached its fulfillment and I WILL NOW hold them ACCOUNTABLE. For I look down from Heaven onto the Earth and what do I see? I see chaos in the enemy’s camp and they’re in a bit of a FRENZY—part of it is that they truly believe they can STOP MY DAVID. They believe they CAN CONTROL and NOT HAVE HIM RUN FOR PRESIDENT. But—DO I HAVE SOME SURPRISES COMING! For I will INTERFERE with their plans, for they have GONE TOO FAR! Watch ME for I AM about to do ASTOUNDING THINGS! For when things look IMPOSSIBLE, that’s when I SHOW UP! So ~My Overcoming Army of Light pray and declare that Freedom has Returned to America! For I Will Not Abandon Her! Psalms 22:26,27 “To the faithful you show yourself faithful, to the blameless you show yourself blameless, to the pure you show yourself pure, but to the devious you show yourself shrewd. Shrewd-having o...

Dethroning & Dismantling

 June 10, 2023 Patty Teichroew My Prayer Journal For things have been hidden from you from what is REALLY happening behind the scenes but the rule of the enemy and the powers and principalities are losing its’ brainwashing abilities upon the public. For the eyes are being opened and their ears are recognizing the deception they hear. For your prayers are making such an impact in the spiritual and natural realm! And the public is ACTUALLY BEGINNING to come to conclusions on their own instead of falling prey to the narrative of the MSM! And I say that your prayers that are targeting the weather manipulators and the enemy’s use of them are being effective. For I say My Word that says ‘the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof’ (I Corinthians 10:26) will come back to haunt them for I AM taking back My control over the weather for I WILL NOT BE REPLACED by My enemy, the devil! But I will TAKE MY RIGHTFUL PLACE ONCE AGAIN! For just like the Georgia Guidestones that were destroyed,...


 June 4, 2023 For I have NOT left you empty-handed ~but on the contrary I have given you divine power to demolish strongholds and to defeat the enemy’s plans. But today, this day I also call forth a REFRESHING FOR YOUR SOUL! For some are battle weary and this refreshing will bring encouragement to your innermost being and it will RESTORE YOUR JOY. For many of you are on the front lines in warfare and need My help to be restored. So come and sit at My feet and ask ME for this REFRESHING and it shall fill you and will even cause laughter to come bursting forth upon you. For laughter is used to bring healing to your soul but is also used as a weapon against your enemies. For it reminds Satan that his plans aren’t working to defeat you. Come now and find rest for your soul and BE RESTORED AND REFRESHED! Proverbs 17:22 “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”

The Trap

 Now, My Children, I want to speak of a current event—Donald Trump~for he has been indicted, just like I said he would be. BUT DO NOT FEAR and DO NOT THINK the deep state is winning—NO! For this is the trap that they fell in for their greed for power and their hatred for TRUTH—which DJT represents is in FULL DISPLAY. But MY FAITHFUL ONES, this is a part of MY PLANS. For he has been a scapegoat and the one the left blames for EVERYTHING. Now, I AM not going to share My complete plans with you but BELIEVE IN THE IMPOSSIBLE for this is a part of the TRANSITION! Now I AM having Patty share what I said last year in regards to this that will give further understanding on 11/21/22….

Do Not Give Up!

 June 5,2023 Patty Teichroew  My Prayer Journal For you My Overcoming Army of Light have been chosen—chosen to bring My Light and diffuse the darkness that seeks to overcome and quench My Light. For when you come in prayer using the authority that I have given you, My Power is RELEASED through your prayers and so are My Angel Armies, so DO NOT GIVE UP and DO NOT STOP praying for your prayers have been used to counteract the enemy’s plans. For even though the enemy would want you to THINK that your prayers cannot affect what the enemy is doing~it’s the OPPOSITE! For when you pray to nullify the enemy’s plans and schemes, it causes a paralysis in their minds and causes them not to be able to think straight and they lose their effectiveness to carry out their plans. SO CONTINUE TO FIGHT and do warfare against their evil plans for NOT ONLY is their target children, but women as well. For women carry and bear children and so they are a target as well. So My Overcoming Army of Light...

My Plans

June 6, 2023  Patty Teichroew My Prayer Journal So, you’ve heard of the Jesus Revolution and what I did in the 1960’s and 70’s. And you remember the Revolutionary War when America gained its’ independence from the British and now I’m calling forth a whole NEW REVOLUTION ~IN THE CHURCH—A CHURCH REVOLUTION where the teachings of old that have been held back what I want to do will be totally REWRITTEN. For you cannot put new wine into old wine skins for I have done this before; for after My Son died and the church was born and also the gospel came into being and becoming My child (or My people) had nothing to do with lineage or family line. For being a child of Mine became AVAILABLE FOR EVERYONE and not just the Jewish people. And then after My Son died, the temple veil was torn in two showing that you do not need to sacrifice anymore for Jesus paid it all—nor do you need to go to a priest for forgiveness of sin for you have complete access to ME. Now~this next BIG CHANGE in the churc...


  For the deep state has been busy manipulating the weather. Have you noticed weather patterns that are stuck and not moving? And then we have the fires in Canada that their smoke is wrecking havoc in New York City. And I say that you~My Overcoming Army of Light have the authority and power that comes from My Name to do something about it! For the prayer of a righteous man (and woman) availeth much! (James 5:16b) Now, DISMANTLE the control of weather patterns and also that its’ origins are exposed. Then pray and send a powerful low pressure system over the fires in Canada to bring a deluge of rain to take them out! But also pray for exposure for it WAS NO ACCIDENT! For even though things look bleak now, it’s only because the deep state and all its’ antics are being revealed and exposed. For it has always been their plan to depopulate the Earth—BUT IT’S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! For My Plans are working too—even though you don’t see them. For many people’s eyes are opening for they see t...

Time Like No Other

 For this is a time like NONE OTHER! For I will leak out the TRUTH through the airwaves using the MSM. For they will NOT HAVE A CHOICE in the matter. For I AM calling forth EXPOSURES and WHISTLEBLOWERS to come forward NOW and it will SHAKE the deceptive stronghold that has been in control for decades. But NOW I AM Bringing Freedom to the airwaves for up till now I have said before that it is good that you DON’T watch the MSM but NOW I think you might be interested at ALL the TRUTH that will be brought forth! You will be quite surprised! And the deep state that have been setting the narrative for so long will realize that they can’t stop THE FLOODGATES OF TRUTH any longer! And the deep state will SHAKE from FEAR for BOOMERANG is NOW set in motion and SO IS MY JUSTICE and JUDGMENT. For they have been caught and the tide of events, the narrative and their control is turning. For they have LOST THEIR GRIP on the culture for they have gone TOO FAR and when the TRUTH comes out about the ...