
Showing posts from June, 2024

The Shaking

For the clock keeps ticking away and My Plans are coming along quite nicely! But not so for our enemies. For their plans are a complete disaster and they are losing control of everything! For even the democrats are embarrassed by their President and they know they need to do something soon! For there have been secret meetings as the ‘main players’ in the Democratic Party know they have to replace Biden for he no longer suits them. Now watch the shaking start to happen for this is My Doing and there will be a lot of exposures that will happen as they ‘tattle tell’ on each other! For one will start and then another will and it will spread like wildfire! For the shaking that has started in the church is spreading to the other seven mountains!

The Very Best!

I know that My servant, Diana asked you this already but I AM going to ask it again—ARE YOU READY? Are you ready to let go of the old so that you can Fully Receive the New? For this is My Heart for you. Now not one of you is exactly the same as another so this is My Assignment for you this day. Come to ME and ask ME what do I need to do to get ready? For to each one it will be different~some it might be an attitude adjustment, some might be a different perspective, some might need to work on less grumbling and more faith. For in order for you to fully engage in the Kingdom Era, you need to be cleansed of the old so that the new has a place to dwell. Now, don’t worry about what I may do or what needs to change for I Want The Very Best For You! Isaiah 43:18, 19a “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it?”

Another Backfire!

For I AM going to Bless Tim Sheets with a significant healing to show that he is in the center of My Will for this Healing Summit. For this Healing Summit will catapult My Ecclesia into Exactly where I want her to be~Expecting miracles, signs and wonders! For faith will arise as MANY will be witnesses to the miraculous and healings! Oh what a time Holy Spirit will have for He is Very Excited about it! And not only will there be healings, but deliverance too for witches have been watching and are planning to attend! For they want to cause a disturbance and will try many tricks to do so! But I say Army of Light—Declare that any spell, hex, vex, curse, incantation or assignment is null and void in Jesus Name. Also declare that sorcery, witchcraft and divination CANNOT OPERATE whatsoever in Jesus Name! Then pray that they would feel and sense My Love for them and declare that their names be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life! Luke 10:19 “I have given you authority to trample on snakes an...

I Have Plans For You

So you have heard it said that the righteous shall receive the wealth of the wicked~actually a transfer. I think it’s funny that the term transfer is used because that’s Exactly what will happen to many of you. These monies that were stolen from you will be transferred into your bank accounts! For the deep state took meticulous records of the amounts they took from everyone—for they were quite proud of their stealing from you—But it’s going to Backfire because those very records is going to reveal the monies owed to you!! But I want to caution you My Friends and also advise you Now so that your heart will be soft. For My Word talks about the love of money for it can change a person to become selfish and very prideful as well. So~My Army of Light Before this happens~come to ME Now and ask ME how to use this money for I have plans for you~so come to ME so that I can prepare you for your future. I Timothy 6:10 “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for m...

Be A Light

Oh My Children soon the MSM will have you believing that disaster will hit America. Remember now what I have told you—that it will Look Like It and things will go dark—the internet will not work so be prepared and Do Not Fear for these things must occur for it’s Part Of The Transition from the Old to the New. As far as timing—that knowledge will be withheld from you for we are in a time of war and that information cannot be divulged. But through it all—be a light to those who don’t understand and lift their burdens for they will need to hear your encouragement. For I AM the Light of the World and I expect My Children to follow My Example. Matthew 5:16 “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”  

The Glorious Is On Its Way!

For I the Lord God am angry at those who have done evil deeds against the children. For My heart is grieved as I hear them crying out for help while the perpetrators laugh out of glee at their evil intentions. For My Word says that it would be better if a millstone were hanged around their neck and thrown into the sea than to offend one of the little ones (Luke 10:2 KJV). And so I say that I will Make Sure that Justice Is Served to Each One of these wicked people who have harmed the children. First I Will Shame Them Publicly and let the world know their dastardly deeds and then I will Cause My Judgment to fall on each of them~but Death will find them All! For I AM going to bring worldwide respect and honor back to children—in the womb and out of the womb for as I mentioned before the pendulum of morality is moving from left to right for I will change the course of America and the world because the Kingdom Age will be engaged. So rejoice My Army of Light for you have seen the devastatio...

The Effects Of Your Prayers

For the enemy of your souls would like nothing better than to use this day 6-24-24 (666) to bring chaos and devastation today specifically using weather in many parts of this country. But I say to you My Army of Light to Confront their enemy tactics against you this day by declaring No Weapon Used to bring Weather Manipulation Will Prosper! Now Decree that the hosts of heaven be sent Now To Eradicate All their weather devices and Shut Them Down! Decree also that their evil schemes to be Exposed using weather to bring damage to property and also injury and death as well. Call Forth My Judgments against them so that this evil practice Will Be Stopped! For you My Sons and Daughters have great power as you pray and decree and send My Angel Armies on assignment! In fact, pray for eyes to see the angels that you dispatch when you pray. That way you can See the Effects of Your Prayers! James 5:16b “The prayer of a righteous man has great power in its effects.”

Keep Pressing In

For My servant, Derek Johnson is being used by ME to share truth about the laws and orders and the continuation of government. For he is My mouthpiece as well to share things in the natural realm of the government and military side. For he has a keen mind and is able to remember the executive orders and to share what they mean. The reason I AM using him is that many need to be reminded that what is being portrayed by your supposedly current President is for the purposes of people to wake up to the Truth. Another reason is to enable you to see that the CIC is running things in this country. So~Be Aware of what is Real and what is just a Show. For the MSM is constantly sharing lies so you will need to find sources of Truth, as many of you have. For I wanted to remind you that things aren’t as bad as you may think but the Event is still going to happen for then this masquerade will be over and the Kingdom Age released in Full Measure! So~My Army of Light, keep Pressing In to ME to receive...

Nothing Too Hard For You!

For just as the sun brings light and joy to those that have experienced days and weeks of rain, so will My Son have the same Welcome to those that have experienced so much darkness on the earth. For as you well know, the enemy of your soul was given liberty as during his takeover, the church was not given proper instruction so that it was not properly equipped to defend themselves. But That Has All Changed Now! So~after the Rescue, My Church will need to Step up into their responsibility and Occupy and Take Dominion for this is all a part of the Kingdom Age where I use My Sons and Daughters to bring My Kingdom Rule here on the earth. For I have given you Everything you need to be My Manifested Sons and Daughters! For there will be Nothing Too Hard For You! Romans 8:18, 19 “I consider our present sufferings are not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed in us. The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.” (The KJV reads the manifestation of the...

Now Hear This!

Now Hear This! Now Hear This! For I AM Announcing the Deep State Has Lost! For their control over the financial sector has been completely nullified and soon there will be More Evidence that the deep state is no longer in power! But they will make one last ditch effort to try and get back their control which will LOOK LIKE they will take over and recover, But I the Lord God Won’t Let Them! For this is where I will Fight For You! So Rejoice My Army of Light for your Redemption is Near! Last ditch effort meaning—made as a final effort to avert disaster.

My Plans!

For I laugh at My enemies as they are altogether in a room making plans to take down America for they have sought to destroy the family through alternative lifestyles and also trying to normalize pedophelia as well. They have also worked on bringing femininity into men and to bring confusion into gender roles. It has all been planned out to make you weak. For when you are weak physically and emotionally, it’s easier to brainwash your mind and you settle for the status quo. But I, the Lord God will interfere with their evil and corrupt plans for I Have Plans Of My Own! For My Spirit will Be Released and shall raise up a standard against them. For the time is getting closer where My Justice and Judgment Supersedes all the enemy’s plans! Isaiah 59:19 “So they shall fear the name of the Lord from the west and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.”  

Many Embarrassing Moments

For I AM going to cause My enemies to have many embarrassing moments and they won’t be those just on the left side of the aisle for they will include both sides. For I will cause the spirit of confusion to fall on the enemy’s camp and you will see them on TV stammering for they will not know how to answer a question for I will cause their minds to be EMPTY and have completely No Idea how to respond. They will look Completely Foolish for normally they would be Full of Lies and Deception in their responses but I AM doing something only I Can Do~for just like in the movie Liar Liar where the actor couldn’t lie and so shall I do this very thing to My enemies—they won’t be able to lie but will Actually Speak the Truth—to their detriment—for they will Not Be Able to Control their Tongue! For this will bring about such calamity to their careers! For this is just a Small part of My Judgment playing out against them! Enjoy! James 3:5b-6 “It only takes a spark, remember, to set off a forest fi...

I AM Coming To Renew My Church!

So you have heard that I AM cleansing My Church for more and more leaders and pastors are getting called out for their hidden sins for I will Not Put Up with their putting on airs and acting righteous when they are Not! And now that this trend of exposure is happening in churches throughout the United States, thee are some leaders who are quite concerned as they have secret sins too—for some it is immorality, for some it is stealing money but I say None will be Able To Hide for it’s Judgment Time for the Church! For while I was on the earth, I called out the Pharisees multiple times as I was fed up with their religious rules and their deceiving their followers and I AM doing it again to fulfill My Word (I Peter 4:17). So My Army of Light pray for the church you attend and pray that there would be repentance of sin revealed and if there is none, pray for an outpouring of Holy Spirit power to be ignited over them! For I AM coming to Renew My Church! I Peter 4:17 “For it is time for judgm...

The Choice Is Yours!

For My Mercies are flowing across America now and My Healing Power will be More Evident each passing day. For the fast, declarations and decrees that Tim Sheets instigated are being used as many of My Remnant joined in plus I’m using Nathan French to bring healing and miracles as well. And I say to My Army of Light~Do you want It? Do you also want to be used in this way? For I AM looking for those who believe in the Impossible, who are Ready Constantly for I will say to those who want to be used used while in a grocery store—do you see that person limping? Go to them and pray for healing! For I AM Looking for Audacious, On-Fire and not-caring- what-people-think—kind of believers in ME who will Put Themselves Out There For ME! For you have been given much, Now It’s Time to Share It! So~My Army of Light if you want to be used in this miraculous way—ASK ME! Ask for ME to pour out the FIRE OF GOD on you and it shall be given! But you must USE IT or you will LOSE IT! For it needs to be exer...


For you know the Event is near for it is My Desire to save you from being enslaved. For I have So Many Things Planned For Each of You that cannot be done in this evil-infested world! For since there is no accountability for the evil that is constantly being displayed, I will Get Involved and will deal with My enemies Myself~I and My Angel Armies! For the phrase~there will be hell to pay will become a Reality for Many! And the phrase from the famous prayer in My Word—My Kingdom come, My will be done on earth as it is in heaven will see its’ fulfillment! For so many of your ancestors longed to see these things come to pass, but I have chosen you to be alive at this time and to witness My Power Revealed such as Never Before for this will Effect the Whole World and Not Just America! Never Before in history will such a thing happen for My Power will Not be Denied~for only I can eradicate evil on such a Grand Scale and in such a small amount of time! Rejoice for your Freedom is Near! Matth...

Be Ready!

For you know how much I love you and my heart breaks for you as I see how much the devil’s works against you have brought pain and devastation. But this day I want to give you hope, My Remnant that the time of hell ruling the earth is Rapidly Ending and I say the more you pray against the evil you encounter, the Quicker you will see the results! For My Angel Armies Stand At The Ready~listening for your Orders to Eradicate the evil that surrounds you. For the time of the Event is Fast Approaching and your enslavement will be OVER! For these are not just words on a page but A PROMISE YOU CAN RELY ON! For My Power and Glory will be Released upon the earth like Never Before and No One will be able to deny the Reality of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! So~My Army of Light Be Ready for the darkness to fall and the temptation to be full of fear will be real but Do Not Give In But Declare the Promises of Psalms 37 to Become Reality and Declare that My Angel Armies and I, Jesus Defeats All...

The Momentum

Have you ever been to a football game and one team was dominating another and then there was an interception and the momentum changed from one team to another? For this is what is happening here in America! For so long the deep state and the cabal called the shots in Every Area of your life—But Now the momentum has changed from them to the Anointed Ones that I have chosen to engage in this war and to bring change across this country so that the Light Completely Overtakes the Darkness! For there is so much happening behind the scenes that cannot be spoken of just yet but there is coming an event that will be the catalyst that will SHAKE YOU COMPLETELY FREE and then the arrests will clearly be seen and all that has been happening without your knowledge will be shared! This time is fast approaching for the enemy’s timeline is getting smaller and smaller. And this will be a sign to you that the deep state has lost complete control is when you hear and see Truth reported on the MSM! For tha...

The Importance of Faith

Do you, My Sons and Daughters Realize the Importance of Faith? For without faith it is impossible to please ME (Hebrews 11:6) For through faith you believed that I died on the cross for your sins and you accepted ME into your heart. When you pray with faith in your heart, miracles are released! Just like I did for the centurion for he said to ME ‘just say the word and my servant will be healed (Matt 8:8). For his faith amazed me as I mentioned (Matt 8:10) and My own mother called forth a miracle from ME even though I told her my hour had not yet come! (John 2:4) But then her response to the servant was to do whatever I tell them! (Vs 5) Her faith Initiated a Miracle into ACTION! But the opposite is true as well and is mentioned in My Word where it says I did not do many miracles because of their lack of faith (Matt 13:58). Do you realize that your faith either initiates ME into action or the lack of it hinders any miracles to come forth? And how does faith grow? By reading My Word, for...

Complete Joy!

For there are our enemies that are gathering together to take down nations as Barry Wunsch said yesterday. Now their plans are actually hurrying the process of your Freedom to come more quickly for they feel the need to bring their vengeance against Israel, Canada and America Before DJT has an opportunity to lead America again. But Do Not Fear as the news will report the danger you are in. For I Will Fight For You (just like I did for the Israelites Exodus 14:14) for Your Freedom and soon Complete Joy will fill your soul in Unbelief at how Good Your Life Is!

The Shakings

For the shakings have started and will continue for many months until all the seven mountains are cleansed of darkness. For you have heard of another leader in the church resign for his sin and many more will do so for My Word speaks of a Glorious Church and in order for that to be realized, the darkness needs to leave! For so many leaders in the church have been misled by their pride thinking that sin is OK if part of their ministry is successful. For behold I will Pull the Covers Off of their hidden sin and Reveal to All who they are behind closed doors! For No Longer will leaders of the church get by leading a Double Life! For I said I will judge the church first and that I Shall! So, do not be surprised My Army of Light what is happening in churches~it is ME cleansing out darkness so that My Light and Glory Can Replace It! Ephesians 5:25b-27 “Just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word...


For I AM calling forth Surprises! For My Word says ask and you shall receive, knock and the door will be opened and seek and you will find! (Matthew 7:7) For many of you have found answers to prayers are hard to come by but I AM going to Change That! For I AM going to grow that seed in you that I talked about earlier about the cottonwood trees releasing seeds that is a picture of Holy Spirit releasing seeds of the miraculous and signs and wonders. So I AM calling on you, My Army of light to grow these seeds that have been placed in you by praying for things that are IMPOSSIBLE! Pray for the MIRACULOUS! Pray Holy Spirit Power to be Released through you~for you are My Heirs and you are Kings and Priests unto ME. So do not hold back this power that Holy Spirit has granted in you~but Engage My Power so that you can be My Vessel to bring forth Miracles! Acts 19:11, 12 “God did extraordinary miracles through Paul so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the ...

I Myself Will!

  For this is a Time Like No Other while you will witness our enemies going down~massive amounts of exposure And not only exposure But There Will Be Judgments put into effect because of them. For I AM Calling Forth My Angel Armies to get involved with the affairs of men, women and children. For what your justice system chose Not to do to those who have committed crimes, I MYSELF WILL! For I say Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming and I will Enforce Justice in this country—and that includes the Biden family! For soon your hearts will rejoice at My Power Being Displayed—not only in America but throughout the world! For I AM putting our enemies On Notice that You Cannot Hide from the Living God! Watch your back for I AM Coming For You! Jeremiah 16:17-18 “My eyes are on all their ways; they are not hidden from me, nor is their sin concealed from my eyes. I will repay them double for their wickedness and their sin, because they have defiled my land with the lifeless forms of their vile im...

Holy Spirit

For those of you who listened to Holy Spirit & Fire Conference last night heard My servant, Nathan French and to many he looked drunk for he was laughing, rapping and giddy! For he was full of Holy Spirit and and the Spirit in him was Very Excited for Holy Spirit said through him that It Has Started! What you ask? The fulfillment of My Promise that I spoke to Joel where I said that I will pour out My Spirit on all people! (Joel 2:28) So~in the midst of this darkness on the earth, Holy Spirit will begin to move in such a way that has never been done before! And behold this move of Holy Spirit will also partner and converge with what Tim Sheets is doing through the Healing Summit. For I have seen the need for Holy Spirit to come and invade Earth and this will Counter the enemy’s schemes and also Holy Spirit will embolden My Remnant and also empower her as well! For this is all a part of the darkness losing its grip and ushering My Light and Kingdom to Replace it! For I have so many w...

I Got This!

For it is My Will and Purpose that I put DJT behind bars. For haven’t I said that Everything Is Going According To My Plans? For there are things going on that you know not of. But hasn’t Derek Johnson told you about the continuation of government and the EO’s that are still in place? And I say President Trump will be imprisoned for a time—a short time but he needs to be Kept Safe for a reason and a purpose for many have tried to bring him harm and this will be used not only to keep him safe but also to keep him from being blamed for things out of his control. So~when you see this happen—don’t start complaining that the devil has too much power—NO! For this is why I AM telling you Now so that you Know This is My Idea and My Plan! But rest and have peace~the darkness is almost here and once that is over, then the Revelations of Truth will be Released. I Got This—My Army of Light!

For Interview with Diana 6/6/24 Your Assignment to Restore My Church

Pray for churches to be drawn by Holy Spirit to join Oasis Church and the Healing Summit. Pray against the religious spirit to not interfere or hinder what God wants to do. Pray for hearts to be open to this move of Holy Spirit. For God wants many churches to be involved. Pray for unity and pray for hearts to be open to what God wants to do!

I Want To Restore My Church

For there was a Major Move of Kingdom Power that was released during the fast this last week and it is Only the Beginning! For this move of Holy Spirit to bring forth healing, signs and wonders and miracles has been waiting to be Called Forth! For I AM showing Tim Sheets that It’s Time and this Great Manifestation of the Miraculous will Not Be Stopped! For I shared with My servant, Tim sheets to have this Healing Summit but also to invite other churches to come alongside and join them during this Live Stream for I want to Unite My Church altogether in One Accord and to Believe Together for healing and for My Healing Power to Be Released! So~My Army of Light I have an assignment for you. Pray for churches to be drawn by Holy Spirit to join in. Pray also against the religious spirit as well so that it won’t interfere. But pray for hearts to be open to this move of Holy Spirit. For I want Many Churches to be involved! Pray for unity and pray for hearts to be open to what I Want to Do! For...

We Are Winning!

For so many of you in My Army of Light have had difficulties that you have gone through during these last few years and I want you know that I see and acknowledge your pain and sorrow. For I saw the pain and suffering when the Israelites were in Egypt and were slaves as well and that was when I called Moses at the burning bush. And I say to you that I have many that are fighting for you against the deep state~working at freeing you and this country, America from your being enslaved. For the CIC has the alliance working on your behalf to bring freedom. But there will be a time not too far from now that I and My Angel Armies will actively engage in this battle as well and people will see there is a God! For the deep state sees the public’s perception that has changed for DJT and his support has more than doubled from this recent trial against him. And now desperation in the enemy’s camp has taken over in their discussions for they are losing the narrative and their control as well. For t...

Truth Being Revealed

For I AM on the move now against our enemies in a manner never seen before! For even Dr. Fauci is afraid for his life and his family’s. But is he repentant? Is he sorry? For his reaction to the death threats is fear; but not remorse and this reaction will be seen often now for they (the deep state) feel bad that they were caught but not sorry for their death agenda and their complete involvement in it!  And this mindset of pride will be a detriment to the deep state for they have no concept of being wrong but They Will Pay for their evil deeds for this is the Time of Truth Being Revealed for Hiding Is No Longer An Option and soon Truth will be believed whether one is liberal or conservative and this will lead many to anger and depression for many have side effects and didn’t want to admit the cause of it. But I have a response for this as well for I will reach out to them in their need. Psalms 34:18 “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit...

The Celebration

Oh my~if you could see the celebration that is going on in heaven~for they are dancing and worshipping as they know what is going to happen on earth~for it will be said~how the mighty have fallen~never to get up again! For I have released my angels onto the earth and there will be Great Upheaval that will occur in the enemy’s camp. For whatever they put their hand to, Nothing Will Succeed! And then after many continuous tries, they will get desperate and try to lead this country into a nuclear war! But Remember I AM aware of our enemy’s plans, BUT MINE ARE GREATER and the forever loser will be overcome BY MY POWER! And Everyone Will Know There Is a God! And soon this celebration will not only be in heaven—but on the earth as well! Psalms 36:12 “See how the evildoers lie fallen—thrown down not able to rise!” Psalms 58:11 “Then people will say, ‘Surely the righteous still are rewarded; surely there is a God who judges the earth.”  

I Will Turn The Tables

For things are changing rapidly in this country now~for just as the democrats were celebrating their win in the court system~they’re already seeing the Boomerang! For DJT’s support is growing in a way never expected~not only by mouth, but financially too! And just as former President’s had Never Been charged with a crime before in history~Now the Door has been opened to Possibilities for their foolish acts will come to haunt them in a way they Never Expected! Oh what a web they have weaved and this summer I, the God of Justice will Have My Way! For when My Son was in the temple filled with anger at how the money changers were deceiving and bribing people and overturned the tables (Matthew 21:12, 13) and so I in My disgust of the Justice System here in America will Turn the Tables on those who have thought they could do anything they please. Ha! They Will Be Held Accountable By ME and they will Learn There Is A God that they Have To Answer To! And you, My Army of Light will Receive Your...


For the deep state is right where I want them—TRAPPED! For they are laughing at what the think they did to DJT but watch this BOOMERANG on them in a way they would Never Believe! For they opened the Door Wide (the year of the Open Door) for Justice to Prevail and they will be Shocked at what the future brings! For the deep state’s future will come to nothing and all their secrets of evil deeds will be known! For My Plans are being fulfilled each and everyday and soon you will be shown what has been happening behind the scenes for years! For the momentum has shifted from the darkness to the light. For the darkness is losing their power more and more and soon many will not be seen for they will have been judged by ME. So it has been mentioned often that there will be a time of darkness coming~where the deep state tries in a desperate attempt to take their control back but it will FAIL and their rule will Completely END! Rejoice My Army of Light that We Are Winning! Proverbs 12:13 “The ...