
Showing posts from November, 2024

So Many Changes

For I, the Holy Spirit am Very Excited for what is to come! For many of you feel this excitement within you as well—that’s ME for I can hardly contain Myself! For there will be So Many Changes that are Coming Your Way! And I will be Set Free and Have the Freedom to do so many miracles in and through you! For I have been hindered through unbelief, wrong teachings and misunderstandings in the Church at large, But soon these hindrances will be eradicated and the Truth will set people’s minds and spirits free so that I can Soar in the Church again! For I long for the Ecclesia not to limit ME and the Godhead in any way! For the Fire of God will burn bright in her once again and she will draw many into the fold through the many miracles that you manifest through the power that I grant you! II Timothy 1:7 “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline”

My Agenda

So often the Lord’s Prayer is highlighted and certain parts are focused on and Now I AM focusing on the phrase~to deliver you from evil, or the evil one~for in order for My Kingdom to fully Manifest in the earth realm, the evil and/or darkness needs to be dealt with and gotten rid of. So this is My Agenda right now and you shall see My Power at work in ways that will astound you for I say starting now I AM bringing Acceleration to My Purposes and Plans…and this Christmas will be GLORIOUS! Matthew 6:9-14 “This then is how you should pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one (or from evil.) For yours is the kingdom and power and the glory forever. Amen.”


For this day you celebrate Thanksgiving and it’s a day to celebrate and be thankful for the goodness of the Lord~But the cries of the people from North Carolina where so much devastation happened is deafening! And I cannot turn a deaf ear so here is what I want you do My Army of Light—Declare and Decree that the CIC gets involved and makes sweeping changes to get the help they need and to restore their lives, their roads and all the damage that was done. For this cannot be ignored plus the deep states’ agenda needs to be exposed! For justice needs to be upheld and with you partnering with ME, it will! Isaiah 1:17 “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”

A Proud Father

Do you realize how much your prayers and decrees are making a difference in this battle of light vs. darkness and good vs. evil? For I hear the sounds of screaming at these high level secret meetings of powerful and influential people who up to now have ruled over this nation and others. For they are dumbfounded and cannot understand the resistance they are experiencing in putting their plans into action. For even their spells, incantations and curses fall to the ground and do not take effect. For truly My Army of Light, you are learning to rule and reign like the kings and priests that you are! For the deep state has never been so powerless as they are now for even their demons are losing their status of power. For I tell you that I AM a Proud Father in the way that you are manifesting as My Sons and Daughters for I have waited a long time for you to Rise Up and Face the Giants Before You! For you are Fulfilling what My Son started~to destroy the works of the devil! I John 3:8b “The r...

I AM Just Getting Started!

For I say to you this day My Army of Light that you who have been on the front lines~praying and making declarations and decrees against the enemy and his cohorts~you who have been in the thick of battle~behold you shall receive your reward! For in days of old when there was a physical battle and warriors went in to the enemy’s territory and when a city was taken and the leadership was overthrown, they came away with the plunder~meaning the goods of their enemy, their treasure…for you are plundering the enemy when you pray and you are destroying their stranglehold on America and I Myself will put an end to witchcraft in America just like Andrew Whalen mentioned yesterday. For there will be such a Great Turnaround between now and a year’s time that you will look back and say ‘I can hardly remember what it was like to be enslaved for the wealth and freedom and health has all been restored and the morals of our country has drastically changed, but Even More Than That~God is openly worship...

Wake-Up Call!

Tell My people not to fear what is coming for what has been happening in the background will come to the forefront for the deep state has a plan to bring devastation and chaos but take heart for these things are completely in My Control. For the Reality of how evil and wicked the deep state is needs to be Known and Understood for this will be a Wake-Up Call to those who have been asleep and they will be Jolted out of their Slumber! Now My Army of Light I want you to focus on My Word that says ‘Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to God’…For I do not want you worried or upset for I have told you that these things will happen but I have also told you that My Power and Might will be On Display so Rejoice for the end of your being enslaved is near! Philippians 4:4-9 “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anyt...

My Plans

November 24, 2024 Patty Teichroew My Prayer Journal My Plans For My Plans for you are Great and I want you to Believe in My Plans For You for My Word says that He who began a good work in you will shall complete it! (Philippians 1:6) And what can you do to help this process along you ask? Complete Surrender in ME! For I AM the potter and you are the clay and you are on the potter’s wheel and I AM perfecting you and making you into exactly who I want you to be. But if you are not in a state of surrender and get off the potter’s wheel, you will miss My Best for you! Jeremiah 18:1-5a “This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: ‘Go down to the potter’s house and there I will give you my message.’ So I went down to the potter’s house and I saw him working at the wheel. But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him. Then the word of the Lord came to me He said, ‘Can I not do wit...

Our Victory Is Sure!

For the appointed time of My justice has arrived. For so many things have been done in secret and behind the scenes that you do not know of, but are soon to be released. For the Unleashing of Truth is coming and soon to be Known and Understood! For the control of the deep state will be severed completely Never to be Reinstated again! For I AM God and There is Nothing I Cannot Do! But My Army of Light I AM calling for you to release a decree over America as a means of crushing Satan under your feet and his stranglehold over America and this will release My Angel Armies! So declare this~I decree that God is taking His Rightful Place over America and that Satan and his cohorts are defeated and are going down! And you shall see this decree manifest before your eyes! Rejoice for Our Victory Is Sure! Psalms 60:12 “With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies.”

My Favor

For now is the time of My Favor to rest on My Children. For this favor that I speak of will enable you to fulfill and accomplish more than you ever thought possible! For what the enemy has done using the deep state to wreck havoc in your lives, I AM Now going to be spreading a blanket of favor over you and this favor will rest on you in ALL areas of your life and I will open doors of opportunities for you such as you’ve never known before! Rejoice My Army of Light for I AM blessing you with My Favor! II Corinthians 6:1, 2 “As God’s co-workers we urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain. For he says, ‘In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.’ I tell you now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.”


For I the Lord am about to do Astounding Things that will bring Shock and Awe to America that will ultimately affect the world. For I will bring an End to the deep state and all their evil plans against you! For I will not share more than this for My Plans cannot be known but I AM sharing My Ultimate Plan of alleviating them off the face of the earth—much like what they wanted to do to you—for I will cause them Much Fear as they lie in bed trying to sleep at night for the time of My avenging My enemies is nigh and the demons within the deep state know what is coming and they are tormenting their hosts. For the deep state is learning that I AM Real! For they understood My Power and yours as well on election day for your prayers were Very Effective against the darkness and their schemes. For My Angel Armies shut down their attempts of stealing the Presidential vote! For soon the Kingdom Age will no longer be resisted and the darkness will be Overcome by the Light! John 1:5 “The light shi...

An Overhaul

For this is the time when I AM preparing My Church to Know and Understand ME and to rid her of false teaching and doctrines for now is the time of My Judgment to fall for she must be cleansed so I will rid her of shepherds who lead her astray and I will raise up shepherds who will nurture her and lead her into the Truth! For I AM weary of My sheep not having a clear direction. For My Son is the Head of the Church and as I get rid of these heresies in the Church, My Son will be welcomed again, along with Holy Spirit! For My Church will go through an Overhaul of Great Proportions and then she will Reflect ME! Overhaul—to investigate or examine thoroughly for repair or revision. Jeremiah 9:24 “but let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who practice steadfast love, justice and righteousness in the earth; for in these things I delight, says the Lord.” I Peter 4:17 “For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it beg...

Make Things Right!

For I have such Great Plans for you~America, which will restore your bodies, your minds and your souls. For the deep state has had such a stranglehold in so many areas of your life to take you down but all that is going to change. But now I will Repay those who have tried to harm you and has brought death to so many. For the exposures are coming for the food you eat, what you drink and the medical practices and medicines are All going to come out of hiding! But I won’t stop there but I will EXPOSE the authors of this death agenda as well and Justice will Be Served! And that includes abortions as well! For I will Expose the dastardly deeds that are done. For Truth needs to be uncovered in order for you to be free! For I Hurt For You and I Will Make Things Right! Proverbs 20:22 “Do not say, ‘I’ll pay you back for this wrong!’ Wait for the Lord, and he will avenge you.”

Your Focus

For there are Many Voices right now clamoring for your attention and many of these voices are actually lying spirits for they want you deceived into believing in the doomsday narrative that is being pushed right now. But where should Your Focus be right now? It should be Completely On ME! For I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life so Do Not Be Brainwashed by the MSM and if you hear what their message is—Respond this way—I Declare and Decree that you are going down—you and your lies of brainwashing and propaganda! For Truth is Overcoming Your Lies! And soon you shall be no more! For the deep state has made plans to bring destruction and chaos to America by using technology but like was said before—illusion will be used as a way to trick many. But Know and Be Convinced that My Plans to Deliver you will Not Fail! Rejoice My Army of Light for the days your heart have longed for at at hand for the Battle of the Ages is about to commence~but Remain in ME for I DO NOT FAIL! Psalms 34:4-7 “I sou...

They Will Lose!

For the deep state’s control is dwindling away more and more everyday and the proof will be in the financial side for soon the Federal Reserve will be no more for things are ready to be Shaken. And the MSM will be Shaken as well for even now they are being convinced that their propaganda isn’t working on everyone. For they are losing their influence and power on how you should think! For Babylon is falling! And soon the facade of everything being hunky-dory will be popped—just like a balloon. But, as I have mentioned before the deep state won’t surrender easily and they will want to fight for their right to control you. For the illusion will be strong that things are in disarray and chaotic but I AM leading President Trump and you will be rescued from your enemies who seek to control and basically destroy you. For I MYSELF and My Angel Armies will stand in their way and their plans and schemes will Backfire and they will be the ones who will lose their freedom and control! Psalms 16:...

Radical Change

For President Trump is announcing and giving notice to the deep state that he’s not going to put up with lawlessness any longer! For he has always said that he is for law and order! For every new appointed leader is one that will not be bribed and/or coerced to be manipulated and controlled by the deep state for they are all men and women of moral character and will stand and support the constitution Completely! For this new administration that is being formed will be a force against the deep state that will not tolerate treason and anything that counters being safe in America. For I say that the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution will No Longer Be Ignored or Neglected by the courts—the Supreme Court and every justice system throughout America but instead it will be adhered to FULLY! And soon you will be safe walking down the street during the day and at night! And the police will have the support they need and respect will be given them as well. For t...


For the democrats, the MSM and many people in America are dumbfounded and still cannot believe the results of the election. For the MSM thought they had convinced the American people who to vote for. Ha! They thought they had control over you, but they are So Wrong! The Voice mentioned rural America and that they didn’t count on their vote—But they neglected to include you—the Body of Christ!!! But I say that you have become a formidable foe to those who want to bring division and strife to America and you are Rising Up to meet this challenge~not only in voting but also in your prayers and decrees that did a Mighty Work in the spiritual realm for you Negated the Powers of witchcraft, sorcery and divination which normally worked for them! For you are learning to have victory over the devil and I want to say to you again My Army of Light—Well Done! For truly you are crushing Satan under your feet and ushering in My Kingdom to overpower darkness! You have brought ME JOY! Zephaniah 3:17 “T...

The Transition

For I will protect My David from All Harm for My Plans for him and My using him to Restore America + more will Stand and Not Fail. For the powers of hell are No Match for My Heavenly Armies! For Satan was cast out of heaven by My Seraphim and if they can do that, can they not protect My David? So Do Not Fear but yes, it is good to pray on his behalf. Now~as I’ve mentioned you are on a roller coaster ride~some days there are good news and other days there is not but this transition from dark to light is a Process but there will be times when this process is accelerated. Now My vessel, Andrew Whalen spoke of events having an illusion and also a scare event for these things will surely happen but they will also be used to open the eyes of the blind and to waken them from their deep slumber. For things are going just as I have planned so Do Not Worry or Fret but Continue to Trust ME and Keep In Mind Proverbs 3:5,6. Psalms 37


Note: I began writing down my prayer/declaration that was inspired by Holy Spirit and then it turned into a prophetic word. I will share when the prophetic word starts. Even though we have seen and known hardship and many evils abounded all around us, You saved the Best for Last! For you shall use Your David to take down the deep state and they shall be No More! For You Almighty God have set-up a plan against our enemies that Shall Not Fail! But even though DJT is in on taking them down, Your Power and Majesty will be Seen and Known and it will Not Be Questioned! For just like when the Israelites were in a place of having the Red Sea before them and the Egyptians behind them and there was No Way Out and then You Did the Impossible~by parting the Red Sea! (Prophesy starts here.) And I say My Power Will Be On Display Again for the deep state is making plans against you even now—but I laugh at them for they will come against you Oh America and it will Look Like you have No Way Out but the...

A Mighty Work!

For so long you have been hearing through the MSM what the deep state has been up to but I say now you are hearing what I have been doing through My vessel, Donald Trump for I have been sharing with him how to bring about a Turnaround in America and you have already heard of the many plans I have for America—to get your bodies healthy again and bringing truth about immunizations and now there will be more and more truth about the covid shot as well. And there are plans to make your border secure as well~for Donald Trump is working on restoring America for the American people to believe that he has Everyone’s best in mind and Not just for those who voted for him. For he longs to restore Unity in America and I say the ones who are vile against him and speak in hurtful ways about him will No longer have a huge following for even now I AM changing hearts and making people see the benefits of having DJT as President. For they will see him as an ENGAGED President and one who cares about ALL ...


For this day will bring Reformation in America and This Day I will Curse those whose hearts are wicked! For I have warned those given over to darkness countless times and now your time of mercy is over for so many in the world see ME as a merciful God but their perspective of ME will change because of what I will do next. For I AM clearing a path for righteousness to dwell in America and in order for that to happen, justice needs to be imparted FIRST. For the plans of the deep state are evil and dastardly and they plan to bring great harm to America but now My Army of Light I Need to you to wreck havoc on the enemy this day by Decreeing—America Is Anointed by God and all the powers of hell are STOPPED and ERADICATED~FOR AMERICA’S DESTINY WILL BE FULFILLED! Once you decree this~My Angel Armies will be Released En Masse to defend her! And you shall see Miracles Performed On Behalf of America!

The Timing of the Kingdom Age

For the battle is heating up and the deep state is putting together evil plans against you, the American people for they want to retaliate for people voting for Trump and they also want to take back the control and ensure that they keep it. For Donald Trump is going after them by sharing all the policies that he will be doing away with that were meant to go after the family institution and destroy it. But I shall judge the wicked ones and I will interfere with their plans and all shall see the Removal of Evil! For what I revealed to Enoch shall surely come to pass and I shall nullify the notion of the rapture happening now for the  timing of the Kingdom Age has come and shall Not be Interfered With! Isaiah 47

The Assignment

For this is the time of the transition from dark to light! For you already have Trump elected as your President but the lamenting of the left is drowning out the Victory that was wrought on Tuesday. So My Army of Light, I have an assignment for you~for this assignment Will Bring Forth America to her True Destiny! ROAR over America! For there is No weapon the enemy has in his arsenal to defeat your ROAR! ROAR to Bring Unity to America and Behold the Angel Armies will be Released to Do the Miraculous through America! ROAR to see America Saved and Unified!  

Sweeping Changes

For I hear the demon’s screeching as DJT continues to make announcements to America of the Sweeping Changes he will make from abortion, to transgenderism, to the foods you eat and the immunizations given to children for he has been planning these changes for years. For he has known the evil agendas of the deep state has had to bring sickness and disease and to also to break up families too. The MSM is used as well to bring their propaganda to cause division between the left and right, different races and even the vaxed vs. unvaxed for their evil plots against you are now ending because of DJT for he is here to fight for you and this nation of America and these sweeping changes that will take place will not just be for America but will spread throughout the world. For I AM dealing with the darkness and they’re going down. But do not think the deep state will just give up and wave goodbye. For they are making plans even now to bring chaos on the streets. But there is nothing to fear for ...

Dealt With

For My people thought the words I gave to prophets in 2020 about the Red Tsunami was for the 2020 election. Although the 2020 election was stolen, the Reality of the Red Tsunami I spoke of is for for the 2024 election. For my Words that I speak manifest when I choose to do so. Just like My Prophet, Kim Clement when he shouted Death to Debt and many called him a false prophet because it didn’t happen right away. How inappropriate for My Children to be so deceived by the religious spirit. For My Prophet, Isaiah prophesied unto us a child is born…in the years 739 to 681 BCE (Before the Christian Era). For My Children must learn to Trust in My Timing and even now My David’s timing to be President in 2025 is PERFECT! For in 2020 the deep state was still fully engaged but I will make a way where there is no way for My David for his enemies—foreign and domestic will be dealt with and he shall not be opposed and I shall bring healing to America for both sides of the aisle for the Restoration o...

The Battle Isn’t Over

For yes this is a Time to Celebrate for DJT will be President! But~do not think the battle is over. For there will be a backlash that the deep state is planning to create riots in the streets. But even this backlash will be used by ME to bring a Greater GOOD. For the enemy knows a major reason for their loss is the Army of Light prayed and used its authority. For My Remnant is learning who she is! For this very reason you need to be On Guard and Understand this battle is about to get more fierce but I have given you everything you need for you have been equipped for what lies ahead. Now Do Not Be Discouraged or Downcast. For did you think the deep state would just accept their losses and surrender? So Be Prepared My Army of Light and Put On The Armor and Pray In Tongues for soon their fierce anger will be on display but Do Not Fear but instead make a Decree that I will send My Angel Armies to protect America and that Justice Will Prevail! Psalms 80:19 “Restore us, Lord God Almighty; ma...

The Appointed Time!

Note: As I was spending time with the Lord and writing out my prayers this morning for the election, I realized that my words were being inspired by God as they came with mighty power and authority. Because of that, I am sharing them as they are anointed by Him and my prayer is that they inspire you as well! I dedicate this day to You for the election! I pray Your Power be evident today and that voter fraud will be Completely Nullified in Jesus Name and by the Power of Your Blood! I also Take Authority over All incantations, hexes, vexes, spells, curses and assignments that would bring sorcery, divination and witchcraft into this election. I Render Them Null and Void and Completely Powerless and I Send Them All Back 100 fold to the people and persons that send them!!! May they Understand that their powers are only as powerful as they are negated by Your power that You have given us! For these are the Days of a Glorious Church Ignited by the Power of God and the power of Satan and his m...


For you are Now Entering the Final Phase of this Notorious Battle Over America of good vs. evil and what and/or who will lead her into the future. For in the earlier years she had a war called the Revolutionary War to fight for her freedom from England and I was with her then. For America had what was called the Minutemen to fight and be ready at a minute’s notice. And now, once again, I AM calling you to fight—not physically but in the spirit realm as you continue to ROAR, worship and make decrees for this shoots bombs into the enemy’s camp and brings destruction to their plans! For the devil is a loser and he will know it when all is said and done! For in this way you are Contending for America’s future and her destiny! And I AM enabling you to crush Satan under your feet! For Victory is in the air and will soon become Reality Across America and then the world! Psalms 60:12 “With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies.”

The God Of The Impossible!

Now I told you My Army of Light that this will be a roller coaster ride so Do Not expect everything to go smoothly during and after the election for you will be greatly disappointed. And the MSM will enjoy themselves for awhile as they try and stir people up for they will try to bring chaos and riots in the streets~for even President Trump while in office mentioned that It’s the calm before the storm in 2017. Well—this week the storm will be in effect. But Do Not Worry or Fret. For there is a plan and it is My Plan and even though things will look messy—I’VE GOT THIS! For Do Not Think the Deep State will let go of their control easily—NO! But—Rejoice for as the storm gets more fierce and looks impossible for anything good to come as a result—I WILL HAVE MY WAY! So do Not be Downcast or Disappointed for when things look Impossible—Remember I’m the God of The Impossible!! Mark 10:27 “Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but not with God: all things are possible wi...

The Sleeping Giant

And I say there has not been such a concerted effort on behalf of My Ekklesia to fight against hell and its power in this country in a Very Long Time! For Holy Spirit has aroused The Sleeping Giant and my Ekklesia is on fire! For through your prayers, decrees, declarations and worshipping ME, you are tearing down strongholds in this nation that have had a foothold for generations! For I have released prophetic voices in this season to wake you up and to show you who you are and the position you hold in this battle between good and evil. For many have said yes to the call and soon you will see the evidence of your prayers and decrees. And you already see one~the fact that My David has been protected in spite of all the attempts on his life. Well Done My Army of Light! James 5:16b “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”


For I mentioned to My Prophet, Kim Clement the phrase hypnotic November and this is the November that I spoke of. For this month comes the decision and the results of the vote and of the election for President, Vice President and other such leadership roles in the government. For you will see My Power on Display and No One Will Doubt who I AM! For by the time you celebrate Thanksgiving this year~your hearts will have Reason to Celebrate and to Be Thankful! And Christmas~many people will celebrate the Real Meaning of Christmas who have not done so before and places of worship will be Filled! For these things you have yearned and longed for~for America will be fulfilled! Rejoice for America Will Be Saved! For I will gather your prayers and petitions~the golden bowls of incense and will be poured out over America using my Angel Armies to Eradicate Evil and to Restore Her to Fulfill Her Destiny!