
Showing posts from March, 2024


For this day you celebrate Easter—the day I rose from the dead; the day I defeated hell and the grave; the day I set you free from the punishment of sin and made a way for you to have a personal relationship with the Father, ME and Holy Spirit. For this Day is a Reminder of what I Did For You! And all this last week you were reminded of the false allegations against ME, how the people who were supposed to represent My Father and the Sacred Teachings from Moses, David, Isaiah and many others had their Own Agenda and because I Stood in Their Way, they devised an evil plan to have ME crucified. But I used their plan to fulfill My Destiny of being the sacrifice once and for all (Hebrews 10:10) to all those who would believe. For even My followers, My disciples did Not understand why I didn’t send angels down when arrested in the Garden of Gethsamne; why I didn’t try to resist the soldiers taking ME. For I was like a lamb being led to the slaughter. (Isaiah 53:7) and My actions were fulfill...

The Blessing of Enoch

  So as My daughter was praying, she asked that I take vengeance on My enemies now for My enemies are mocking ME~especially so much during this Easter season where you celebrate My Son dying, but Also Rising from Death and giving you Victory Over Sin! And I have heard your prayers~I have heard them all and I Know You Are Waiting On ME to Save You from your wicked foes-the devil and all who serve him. For have you read the very first words of the Book of Enoch? It reads—‘The words of the blessing of Enoch, wherewithal he blessed the elect and righteous who will be living in the day of tribulation when all the wicked and godless will be removed.’ As you can see, I have been thinking of you for a Long Time! And this that I showed Enoch, is written about this current generation. For I call you the elect and the righteous! And I say that I will honor this blessing that he spoke of and what he saw in his vision will surely come to pass! So, My Army of Light, CALL FORTH this blessing that...

The Goodness of the Lord

For it is with Great Pleasure that I inform you that you will see the Goodness of the Lord. For I have heard your prayers and I know the longings of your heart. For you, My Friends are Very Dear to ME. For I Now Declare that the Beginnings of the Crumbling of the strongholds and principalities are in the works. For your many prayers, decrees and declarations have hit their target. Now, watch for the prideful in influential positions be SHAMED and Ridiculed by their peers and the public. Also, watch for the miraculous to surround My David regarding the election and also these court cases. For I will cause GREAT DISGRACE and EMBARRASSMENT to the judges that have tried to take Donald Trump down. For I will bring BACKLASH upon them in a POWERFUL WAY! And I will Exonerate Donald J. Trump of wrongdoing but also it will be Shown that these charges were made without cause. For your justice system is So Corrupt and Now My Focus is on them and they will be dealt with! For this is My Goodness as ...

Your Focus

For it Looks Like our enemies are winning—that’s because the MSM and so many social platforms are focusing on the Problems and Disasters and they (often) hype up the severity of the situation. Have you seen the video of a reporter reporting on the devastating effects of a hurricane where he is almost blown away and then there are two people walking casually by looking normal and not being phased by their surroundings at all? Oh what the MSM does to ensure their listeners are tuning in! They want you hooked on DRAMA! For our enemies want you focused on negative things all around you and to wrap you up in the cloak of fear and intimidation. For have you noticed the newscasters actually give you advice now if you should be driving on the roads when the weather (seems to be) bad? For they are trying to Think FOR You! But My Remnant does Not fall for such lies and deception-NO! For they have discernment and they know Truth from lies. For many of you know Not to listen to MSM any longer but ...

Your Mission

  For I the Lord have seen the catastrophe that happened yesterday at the Francis Scott Key bridge for this was not an accident and I say that I will bring exposure to this horrific event and the people behind this who planned it will have swift justice against them. For I AM weary of the enemy taking lives and bringing destruction to so many. For I will cause investigations to be done and I will interject and uncover the Truth for them to easily find the cause and who were involved. For when I deal with darkness, these evil people will not be able to devise this kind of treachery any longer for some will Be No More. Be assured that these plans that I have will eradicate the evil forces and societies that bring much death and destruction. So, My Army of Light~pray now for these secret societies and send a spirit of confusion, suspicion and fear to fill each one. Also, declare and decree that their plans of evil and destruction are Null and Void and will Not succeed. Declare and Dec...

Movement of Truth

Did you hear what My servant, Johnny Enlow said yesterday? For he is doing to the false teachings of the church today as to what Martin Luther did to the Catholic Church in his day. For Martin Luther shared the Truth of My Words and thus showed the Reality of the falsehoods and teachings of the Catholic Church. And so Johnny is spearheading Another Movement of Truth into the Church that is Desperately Needed~that I will Save and Rescue you~just like what I have Always Done in the times of trouble for My Own. This includes Noah and his family, Moses and the Israelites at the Red Sea, Jehoshaphat and Gideon with a small army that defeated thousands of their enemies. So why should I change now? Why would My Mercies end and My Power go unused? Am I Not a God of Love? Do I Not Protect those Whom I Love? The Story has Not Changed and as Enoch said and is quoted in Jude (vs. 14,15) ‘Look! The Lord is coming with thousands and thousands of holy angels to judge everyone. He will punish all thos...

In Awe!

For I AM going to Move Mountains on Your Behalf! And it will be very evident to All! For I the Lord am going to Show Myself like Never before on Earth! For I will Reveal My Power and you will hear it said— that has to be God! For there is No Other Entity that will do what I will do! For I will be attributed to the Miraculous Power that will be on Display! For No longer will people hold excitement over what the evil world demonstrates-NO! For My Power will be used to bring justice and judgment and righteousness back into the fabric of America again! And you, My Remnant will be In Awe of how My Miraculous Power will bring the change you Crave! Psalms 84:11 “For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.”

New Day!

For I AM going to make a way where there is no way and I will ASTONISH the world when I come on the scene! For Never Will There Be Such an Event as I Have Planned! For the enemy knows that I’ve been up to something for he sees My Angel Armies and he’s wondering but he has no clue how powerful my Plans are~so that’s why he thinks he has to counterfeit ME during the eclipse because he sees all the Angelic Activity so he thinks he needs to do the same. For he is falling right into My trap—they All Are! I AM laughing at their believing their absolute evil plans will succeed. And for ME~I AM excited for you! I AM excited for you to experience ME in a way you never have before. I AM excited for this New Era to spring upon you and for you to be Renewed, Refreshed and for your life to be full of hope again and no longer hope deferred. Arise My Army of Light and Believe in the New Day that is Coming! Proverbs 13:12 “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.”

A War Cry!

  For the MSM and those that have a voice with many followers are saying that the upcoming eclipse is something to fear and now many airlines are choosing to terminate their flights surrounding April 8. Such a raucous! But our enemy is Very Involved in wanting to Use this eclipse to cause fear and confusion and have made devious plans as well. But what does My Word Say???? It says the heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the works of his hands! (Psalms 19:1) Now, Army of Light I want you to take this verse and make it a WAR CRY against our enemies! Declare My Word into the atmosphere which will send My Angel armies on their mission to destroy the works of the enemy! And remember the darkness needs to be dealt with and so does My justice and judgments so don’t be surprised that the darkness may effect certain facets of life. But Be Convinced that the prayers of My Remnant will be Answered! So Stand On My Promises! Ephesians 6:13b “and having done all, to stand.”

What I AM Saying

For I AM going to ASTOUND Our enemies~for They Think they have a major assault coming against you~the American people for they have plans to come against you from every side to cause panic and fear into you but ultimately they want to Take Over America! But I have heard All their plans and Nothing they do will surprise ME. For you will sense in your spirit—a stirring—for it is My Angel Armies getting ready for this confrontation. So My Army of Light Do Not Pay Attention to naysayers or the MSM for there are many false teachings of what is going on and what is going to happen. Focus on what I AM saying! For it is Imperative that you are not deceived as I need you to Stay the Course. For this battle that is fast approaching seeks to rattle your very soul!! For this is why I have been warning you of what is to come so that you are prepared to Remain Steadfast! Also keep your Eyes on the Prize~the Promises I have given of what is to come—Freedom, Joy, Celebrations, My Glory Falling…for the...

The Part You Play

For I have given you peace and confidence amongst the turmoil surrounding you. For you have Chosen to Rest in ME! For My Word says that I will keep you in perfect peace who mind is stayed on me because he trusts in me. (Isaiah 26:3) Therein lies your peace as you place your trust in ME. And throughout these coming days, people will notice this peace you have and also your speech that does not convey fear, but confidence. For you have no idea the part you play in people’s lives and the influence you hold. For in the coming days, fear will grip the hearts of many and during this time of tumult, you will be a beacon of light to the Truth and the Reality of Who I AM. So, be Ready My Army of Light to share who I AM with others who have No Hope and No Anchor. Note: I saw a short vision of someone drowning in a vast sea waving his arms for someone to save him. Then a ring buoy is thrown at him with a line attached to it to pull him in to safety.  I believe that is a picture of us, the Arm...


For I, the Living God, the Maker of Heaven and Earth give you a Promise this Day that I will undergird you in and through the darkness that is coming! Let this Promise bring you hope and encouragement now but also during the darkness. During the darkness~call forth then My undergirding to be released for you and those you care for~whether it be family, friends; whomever you believe needs it. For you have been warned of the darkness to come, but many are not aware of this that is coming. For I the Lord know that this darkness will want to shake your foundation in ME for this is something that you have Never experienced before and this is why I place My Promise before you so that you can call upon it for it is available to you~much like My written Word is. For this undergirding that I speak of will be a shelter for you but you need to ask for it My Army of Light. Now, in the meantime, let ME say that I AM proud of the way you are responding to problems and difficulties that come your way...

The Eclipse

For you are Mine! And I love to give good gifts to My Children! For did you hear My servant Johnny Enlow share My heart yesterday? For he spoke of the Eclipse that is coming and its’ meaning. For it is Nothing to Fear, but on the contrary, it is I making a Declaration of War against My enemy, Satan. For the prior eclipse was a declaration of what was in your future for it had to do with exposures and there have been so many with Q, Covid and learning of the dangers of pharmacy, what is happening with the children, your government and how devious they are, voter fraud, deep state and their agenda and so much more. For it has been hard for you to be Awakened. But I Needed To Show You What I Was Saving You From!! And now this next eclipse that is coming shares the altercation that is to come with the Devil. And this altercation is fast approaching and will soon manifest itself but Rejoice My Friends for there is Nothing to Fear, except for those who are on the side of darkness. For My Eye...

The Pendulum

Listen now My Army of Light for I want your attention~hear My Heart that is spoken directly to you! For this day will be served as a Marker—the day it All Begins! For this Avalanche of Truth is going to Overcome and Overtake Our enemies and they will not be able to respond or retort for the amount of Truth that will be thrown at them, for they will not be able to repudiate. And this Truth will have its way as it sets the prisoner of lies and deception FREE, but Also brings justice to the ones who authored it. For I AM Releasing the Spirit of Accountability for it will bring a FRESH WIND of Clarity to the Meaning of Reality. For our enemies have sought to redefine reality of having a deceptive perspective. But you, My Army of Light Know Truth from Lies from the discernment you have received. So this Spirit of Accountability is being sent to support the Justice that I require across this land. Watch as you see the Pendulum move from lies and deception to TRUTH! Proverbs 26:26 “Their mali...

Be Assured

For I the Lord Am Here and I have been watching and listening in to the enemy’s plans against America and its’ people. For they have been planning the destruction of America for generations. It has not been just the last few years. But because I have been Exposing what is happening which included the development of Q that was created and so many people began to understand the deep state, the connection of worshipping satan and also the children. It was a shock to many but for those who love Truth, many were drawn in and many realized that the MSM were feeding you lies. But this just didn’t happen overnight. For President John F. Kennedy saw the true colors of the enemy within and was working on ruling over them through the making of laws. Remember in a speech when he spoke of the secret societies? He knew and he was assassinated for trying to change their agenda and schemes and then years later Donald Trump became friends with John F. Kennedy, Jr.. Don’t you wonder what their conversat...

My Vengeance

For Everyone will Know that I AM a Mighty God! For before this conflict occurs, I AM going to tear up and tear down the deep state’s power grid over the media. For I will cause many reporters to ‘slip up’ and actually report the truth! And now comes the Big Guns of My Ammunition against My enemies! For I AM going to bring a Major Whistleblower that Cannot be Discounted by Anyone! And this person will do Incredible Damage to the deep state’s control of America. For Too Long good has been called evil and evil good and I will Not let this continue! For I have heard your cries—just like I did Lot living in Sodom and Gomorrah for his heart and soul were distressed constantly living amongst such evil and now many of you can relate to this same distress. For I AM going to answer you and cause calamity after calamity to fall against Our (yes I say our as they are not only My enemies but yours as well) Enemies. For I will fulfill My Word that says I will take vengeance on my adversaries and rep...


The Showdown is coming soon and I need you ready. I need you to be full of faith and not fear, hope and not hopeless, and full of resolve that you will Not cower or back down from your belief in ME. For this conflict will impact you but it Must not pull you away from ME, but let it draw you closer! For the darkness will seem overwhelming and it will seem like I have left you~but Do Not Believe It! For I encourage you to use your prayer language and let Holy Spirit pray through you for you might not have an idea how to pray. And take the Bible off the shelf and draw strength from it and draw upon My Promises. For this Showdown has to occur and the deep state has to be dealt with. And once this is over, you will say in your heart—what a Difference a Day Makes for yesterday everything was doom and gloom but TODAY the Light has Come and Is Shining Bright! For the New Era that He has Promised Has Begun! For under the guise of darkness, miracles happen. For just as My Son died and darkness c...

Be Victorious!

For I the Lord God love you and My heart is saddened to see the place you are in. For so many of you are suffering for the deep state, that is empowered by the enemy, is behind so many of the problems you face. And I say that I will come like a BULLDOZER and Dismantle and Disarm all the weapons that the enemy uses against you BUT YOU NEED TO ENGAGE and speak the words using the authority and dominion I gave you. So My Army of Light Armor Up and Let’s Do This! Declare and Decree that No Weapon Formed Against You Will Prosper (Isaiah 54:17) and that the Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail Against You! (Matthew 16:18). For My Word does not return to me void but accomplishes it purpose! (Isaiah 55:11) So use My Word to benefit your life and the church and to war against the devil just like My Son did when He was tempted. For I Long For You To Be Victorious! Isaiah 54:15-17 “Behold, they may gather together and stir up strife, but it is not from Me. Whoever stirs up strife against you shall fal...


For in these troubling times when you see more of the devil’s handiwork than Mine, Behold all of that is about to change. For the devil and his servants, the deep state is about to lose their influence and power as much more evidence will be released against them. For look at all the information about the deep state’s agenda that you are aware of now. That’s because I uncovered it for you to pray against it. For so long their plans have been hidden. But soon you will see My Handiwork as I bring breakthrough into all the seven mountains. For I AM taking down the Federal Reserve and the IRS and they will be no more. For each of the seven mountains will be touched by ME and I will be dismantling all the evil empires that have been controlling them. And as the darkness is overcome by the light, you will see the evidence of more Freedom, Justice and Peace. And instead of being weary of living in an evil world, you will witness the Greatest Move Of My Power To Eradicate Evil Ever! It Will Be...

The Surprises

For the rest of this month is going to be known for the changes it brings and most notably—the Surprises! For what if I told you that there will be no need for another election? What if I told you the fraudulent election of 2020 is still in play? For I will Not Let Go of the fraud that clearly took place in this country. For I AM at work behind the senes and Soon Everything Will Come Into the Light! And the January 6th event is also going to see Justice and Truth! For the deep state has caused such pain and evil deeds against those patriots and many of them have cried out to ME and I Will Answer Them! For Too Long there has been injustice in this country that has taken over the courts. But now I Will Get Involved and I Will Overturn many court cases and I Will Put Many To Shame! For I AM Here To Eradicate Injustice and Behold the Radical Left Will Be Dealt With By ME! Proverbs 21:15 “When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.” Isaiah 30:18 “Yet th...


For you have waited long for My Rescue to occur but you have also learned the Art of Waiting. For you have learned that just because you want something does not bring it closer. For the art of waiting includes an attitude of surrender. It’s an awareness and an acknowledgment that My Ways are Higher than yours. (Isaiah 55:8, 9) For I see the Big Picture and you see a fraction of it. You are affected by the discomfort of the situation you are in. I see all the people and their needs and I also see those who need a Savior. (II Peter 3:9) You have also learned to press in to ME as you disregard your complaints and seek ME for strength in your weariness (Isaiah 40:29-31). For I have shown you what is good and it is to walk humbly with ME (Micah 6:8). I have also sent you prophets and those who hear My voice (Amos 3:7) to bring you encouragement and to share My heart with you and to give you understanding and also a teaching of who I AM but also who you are in ME. So you have learned much th...

Who I AM

For I the Lord am about the show the world who I AM and they will also be reminded of the Fear of the Lord. For the deep state have been having meeting after meeting trying to figure out what to do about Donald Trump and the upcoming election. For they were hoping to show that Biden was still a good candidate during the State of the Union address, but it was a Big Failure. He didn’t convince many at all. For he stood up at the podium yelling at everyone and talked about ‘my predecessor.’ I laugh at him as he doesn’t even acknowledge him as the former President. Their lack of acknowledging it is showing their extreme fear. They are running out of time and it shows! So what does the deep state do when they are fearful? They cause a disaster. For I have listened to their plans behind closed doors and I MYSELF will render their plans powerless but I will also Expose their evil plot. And I will cause many to stumble and I will Interfere with their idea of bringing harm and destruction. For ...


  For did you hear My servant, Barry Wunsch yesterday? He was speaking the words that I gave him and one of the things he mentioned was the wealth transfer. For I have been sharing this concept through many of My voices and prophets and I wanted Barry to share this with you as I wanted to re-iterate that IT’S REAL! For My Word mentions it in Proverbs 13:23. For this has ALWAYS BEEN MY PLAN since the very beginning of creation. For I knew this time was coming where the enemy, the devil had done so much damage in the world that there needed to be a GREAT CHANGE to bring restitution, recompense and restoration. For the deep state has been stealing from you for so long and you have been getting by but not able to accumulate wealth and to be in a position to bless others as much as you would like. But soon the day is coming when the Quantum Financial System will be known for it already has been activated and tested as well. For My Plan of the righteous being wealthy will become a Realit...

Watch ME!

For I the Lord am so disgusted at this so-called leader of the United States for his speech last night was Absolutely Hideous and FULL OF LIES! He is the Reason you have all these immigrants coming through your borders and the drugs, such as fentanyl coming as well! For the deep state filled his speech with COMPLETE DECEPTION to deceive the American people that EVERYTHING IS FINE ~you have no inflation—the economy is great! Where are the FACT CHECKERS? If you had honest ones, most of what he said was COMPLETE LIES! And then he goes on to mention the character of honesty and integrity! He thinks the American people are FOOLS because he expects you to believe him! What happened last night at the State of the Union address was a Complete Travesty! And Now I Will Respond to this so-called President. Watch ME for he will be held responsible! Deuteronomy 32:35 “It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon the...

Dark to Light

For I want you to recall a time when you have flown on an airplane when it’s on a dark and cloudy day. There may be some turbulence you go through as the plane goes through the clouds and as the plane gains altitude, all you see is darkness. It can be quite wearisome BUT THEN the plane gets high enough to RISE above the clouds and ALL OF A SUDDEN you see it—Blue Sky and the Sun Shining! It is So Magnificent when the plane Breaks Through and Rises above the cloud barrier. And I say that this will be what it’s like when darkness will come on the earth. For the darkness will try hard to take over but as you, My Army of Light place your Trust in ME and praise and worship ME in the midst of the darkness, behold My Angel Armies will be Released and also the military in the natural as well for there will be many arrests during the guise of darkness. And slowly but surely the darkness will dissipate and light will return. Now while darkness occurred, secret missions did too and soon the Truth ...

Victory is Ours!

For I AM fed up with what the deep state is doing and also their future plans to bring more chaos and disaster. I need you now, My Army of Light to Engage with ME for they are about to release rioting on the streets such as never been seen before. So come My Remnant and Denounce the enemy’s plans against you and Defy them by Disarming once again the spirit of chaos, but also the spirit of destruction as well. Disarm and Deactivate them and declare ALL their plans are Null and Void! For the deep state sees how much Donald Trump is winning in the polls and are very much afraid of his popularity and trembles if he should win in November. But I have a surprise coming that will further wreck havoc in the enemy’s camp and I Shall Not Be Denied! For I the Lord will Dominate and Overcome My enemies and you, My Army of Light have been a part as you have Partnered with ME! For the Victory is Ours! Psalms 60:12 “With God we will gain the victory and he will trample down our enemies.”

My Invitation

For I want to reiterate the importance of what My servant, Diana, shared yesterday—the importance of spending Time with ME. For there is so much warfare currently happening and the enemy is focusing on the faithful ones right now looking for a way to get you out of his way so that you don’t continue to engage in fighting against him or his plans. But if you take time to be with ME, I will share with you tactics on how to respond to the enemy. I also will unveil to you mysteries, things that never entered your mind for I will reveal to you why you are going through struggles. I also will warn you of events that will happen to you as a way to prepare you. For this is a time when the battle is heightened and your relationship to ME is Paramount to enable you to continue to Overcome and be Victorious. Remember in your weakness, I AM your strength and power. So take advantage of My Strength and don’t be ashamed of your weakness, but be thankful for without your being weak, you wouldn’t need...

It Is Time

For I AM going to shower you with My Blessings. For as the darkness will reap what they have sown, so will you who have sown into My Kingdom. For you have known sorrow, sickness and hardship but I say All of this is about to Change! For I will bind up the works of the enemy who have sought to do you harm and I will bring a BACKLASH upon My enemies in such a way that people will say Only God Could Do Such A Thing! For I AM going to release a nasty virus upon the deep state and they will Not Be Able to Hide It for I will Mark Them with a Rash that will Cover their skin and it will get so deep into their skin that it will leave scars and they will Never Forget that I, the God of All touched them to punish them! And some will not recover from this virus and it will bring Fear into their souls and all their spells and sorcery will Not have an effect on this virus and it will stay for as long as I determine. And the doctors will have no antidote for they will be at a loss to know how to trea...