
Showing posts from April, 2024

It Is My Turn

For it is with a grateful heart that I speak with you this day. For I have seen the difficulties you are facing and yet you Choose to Remain in ME and not to turn your back on ME! For you are choosing to love ME in spite of circumstances that have not been kind to you. And behold I will Reward your Faithfulness to ME! For My Word says that without faith, it is impossible to please me because you must believe that I exist And that I reward those who earnestly seek ME (capitalizations mine). And I say that you have been faithful and now it is MY TURN for Now Comes the Reward! For I AM faithful to My Word and I Do Not Forget! So My Army of Light~Receive My Blessings and My Reward to You!! Hebrews 11:6 “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”

My Glorious!

My Glorious Is On The Way! For I look down from heaven and I AM grieved as I notice pain and agony in people’s lives and I say I will Retaliate upon our enemies from all the hardship they have placed upon you! For I will Mark our enemies with a rash and bumps upon their skin. First it will itch and then they will scratch it and then it will get bigger and spread and it will be like fire that is burning on their skin and they will scream out as this will torment them! And My prophets will declare that this is in response to what you have done to bring Covid upon us and many other evils by touching our food and water and to bring harmful drugs as well! And all will know it was ME who brought this punishment upon them! And at the Same Time, I will bring healing to My Own! For My Glory will fall and healing shall take place! Malachi 4:2 “But unto you who revere and worshipfully fear My name shall the Son of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings and His beams,(a ray of light) and yo...

The New Way

What lies ahead is a glorious future and one that you can hardly imagine for once the darkness is dealt with, My plans will unfold and I will need your assistance in praying it in. For even though much of the darkness will be behind you and in the past, now you will see the Reality of the flesh and how it resists change so I will be calling on you to pray for the hearts of men, women and children to have an open mind. For stubbornness and habits will need to change and actually hard hearts will be on display as they want everything to stay as it was. (Remember the grumbling and complaining of the Israelites after I rescued them from Egypt??) For this is something we will partner together and will tear down strongholds that are resistant to change. But again, these books that I spoke of yesterday will help with the teaching of The New Way! Isaiah 43:18, 19a “Stop dwelling on the past. Don’t even remember these former things. I am doing something brand new, something unheard of.”

Hidden Treasures

For I will make sure these hidden writings that Johnny Enlow has referred to and that Holy Spirit inspired that spoke of these times will be Found! For these writings will help bring unity to the church—specifically what will happen in the end times. And these writings will satisfy the hunger for Truth and I will bring solidification of Truth over our present time. For even My servant, Kim Clement spoke of these books and he said that they will make a huge impact on the church. For they have been saved for such a time as this for these books will bring an awakening like never before! Oh how I, the Head of the Church Longs for Unity as I spoke of in John 17. Isaiah 45:5 “I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.”

Behind The Scenes

Did you hear My servant, Derek Johnson? For he is speaking truth—not using scripture but he is sharing what has been written by the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency— and is online for everyone to see. For these plans have been in place for years just like Derek spoke of. For this should be proof to you that everything is going according to plans—plans that will defeat the deep state! For now they are working on freeing the children (and have been for quite some time) for it is My heart’s desire for the children to No Longer be victims of abuse, used for sexual pleasure, death or for adrenochrome. For the enemy derives power from the actions taken against children so all these things are being done Behind the Scenes—so No More Complaining that Nothing is happening but Trust ME that I AM getting things done!!! Proverbs 3:5,6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight.”

I AM Trustworthy!

Are you Ready for the Takedown of the cabal, the deep state and those that control you? For I AM lining things up and currently the deep state is in quite a bit of a panic. And yes, I know from the ‘look of things,’ they are totally in control for his trial in New York is quite a fiasco—literally! But there are signs of truth here—are you noticing them? Is Donald Trump concerned or do you see him smiling and hosting people at Mar-a-Lago? For so many people have mentioned that this is a movie—actors and lines to say and masks to wear. For there are reasons these things must play out as planned~even though you would love to have everything out in the open. For My Word says that there is an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) There is one thing that I want you to be SURE OF is that your Prayers are Being Answered according to My Plans for America. For I want you to Walk by Faith and NOT BY SIGHT! (II Corinthians 5:7) Did Noah have an u...


For I the Lord say to you this day that today is a special day for even the date reveals it 4-24-24. For 24 means perfect government made manifest and this number is very important to ME. And that is why I chose this year to bring mighty changes in the Earth for I will do Great Things! And My David is very much a part of these changes. For I have downloaded to him what perfect government means and once all the swamp is dealt with, then comes the New! Now, currently you are blinded to what Donald Trump is doing and how much control he really has in our country and that is on purpose for so many are still blinded but there will be a time coming where their eyes will be forced to be open to Truth! Once again, let ME assure you that not everything is as it appears. Now, today, I AM placing My focus on the financial side of things so Be aware that the finances in America have been manipulated for years but I am going to BRING CHANGE! For I AM going to UPROOT their evil crimes and do away wi...

Through You!

For it is I who shows you how to love for My Son gave you a Perfect Example! (And He also came to destroy the works of the enemy.) For didn’t He say the last will be first and the first will be last? (Matthew 20:16) For He came to serve and that He did! He healed the sick, taught thousands of the Kingdom life, He loved the unloveable, showed the Pharisees the error of their ways and broke barriers between men and women and races as well as he dared to speak to a Samaritan woman. For He chose to place importance on the poor and the wretched. He also reached out to the ten lepers who were the downcast of society and He made them whole. And these very opportunities will be yours as well! For when I pour out My Glory, many of you will be Glory Carriers and I will call you to do the same things as My Son did—to love and to bring healing to the body but also social healing as well. For soon after the darkness has gone, healing must take place and My Love in you will bring healing to the mind...

Your Marching Orders!

Rise Up My Army of Light~Rise Up! Come and Do Not Relent to the enemy’s schemes, lies and snares that have been released against you! For do you not know that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world? (I John 4:4) for I released a war cry yesterday through My servant, Tim Sheets for the darkness is trying to take over and take you out of the fight but I have called you to Engage and Decree that God wins and defeats all our foes! For your declarations and decrees are needed NOW to send My Angel Armies on their missions of destroying the platforms, rulers and authorities in the heavenlies for this battle is raging and the results are hanging in the balance and needs more reinforcements~so I AM calling on you, My Army of Light to Engage in the battle between good and evil! Declare that the enemy is defeated! Declare that every plan and purpose that he has to take down America is disarmed and annihilated! Declare that the devil is a forever loser! Declare that Light comple...

A Kingdom Lifestyle

For I want My Army of Light to Reflect Who I AM. And I AM a God Who Forgives! Do you recall in My Word when Peter came to My Son and asked Him how many times should I forgive my brother who sins against me, up to seven times? Do you remember My Son’s response? He said not seven times, but seventy times seven! (Matthew 18:21-22) Then My Son shared a parable about forgiveness. This is Very Important to ME that the grace that I continually show you day after day as I forgive your sins, that you must show that same mercy to those who have hurt you. And Don’t Forget Yourself! For My Word says to love your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 19:19) One way to do that is to forgive yourself when you do something wrong. This is Actually a Lifestyle of Grace. For it is not a one and done situation but a continuous one! And soon this lifestyle will become easy for you as My Grace flows freely from ME to you! For My Word says that my compassion does not fail and my mercies are not consumed but they a...

The Joy Set Before You

For there shall come a time not far off that you will forget these times you have gone through with their many trials, hardships and difficulties. For the joy set before you will overtake all that you have been through and it will be but a memory for you. For I AM already working on the Restoration of America—but not only this country but the world~for the deep state has had their hands in most every country, for their greed for control and money pushed them to want it all. But that will All Change for hell’s control is soon ending and My Kingdom and Light will Shine Brightly! For there is Nothing to Fear as you see the darkness closing in but it shall be a sign for you that Light will Overcome Darkness! Romans 8:18-21 “That’s why I don’t think there’s any comparison between the present hard times and the coming good times. The created world itself can hardly wait for what’s coming next. Everything in creation is being more or less held back. God reins it in until both creation and all...

Greatest Times On The Earth!

For I AM taking over and Re-Claiming My Lordship Over America for she was dedicated to ME by your founding fathers and also the pilgrims that came here~that crossed the sea to find religious freedom and now we have a stranglehold of evil in this country that is threatening your freedom once again and this time it’s not a church that is run by the government; but evil itself that wants to be in charge. Oh, but evil shall Not Win for Enoch saw this time in visions and he wrote about them and he prayed into this time and made declarations and these things shall surely come to pass for This Time is Tumultuous where Everything Will Change and this tumult will be experienced by our enemies and they will be replaced and My Righteous Ones will see and experience My Goodness. Rejoice My Army of Light for you are witnesses of one of the Greatest Times on the Earth! Psalms 86:9-10 “Lord Almighty, you are the one who created all the nations. Look at them—they’re all on their way! Yes the day will ...

The Kingdom Age

For Now is the Time that I Call you My Manifested Sons and Daughters as it says in My Word. For I AM calling you manifested for a Reason~for I want you Now My Army of Light to use the authority that I’ve given you and My Son’s Name and go forth and Act Like and Live Like You are My Heirs! And how do I do that you ask? Whenever you come across a situation or an event that is directly opposite of My Kingdom—Counter It! Nullify it, Oppose it in the spirit realm for what you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. (Matthew 16:19) For these are the Keys of the Kingdom and you will need to use them as we are entering the Kingdom Age! But you say—how can we be entering the Kingdom Age when darkness is all around? My answer to you is~don’t you know that you are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14a) and I have called you Now to let your light shine before others (Matthew 5:16) for this is why I have given you Holy Spirit that dwells withi...

Wonder and Awe!

Note: Once again I was writing down my prayer and the Holy Spirit was inspiring my words as I was praying and then the Lord responded to my prayer. How lovely is He who brings good news! I will share when He responds. Oh Lord, thank You for giving us the book of Enoch. Thank You for choosing Enoch to write this book for us~to give us hope and to let us Know that All is Not Lost! And that the plans of the enemy will Not Come to Fruition but that Your Mighty Angels will come and eradicate evil and that Your Original Plan for the Garden of Eden will be Restored! How Glorious is Our Future that we will become the manifested sons and daughters of the Most High God! (This is where He responds) Yes I have Never Given Up on My Original Plan for I AM preparing the way Even Now. For I AM dealing with the evil not only in America, but throughout the world. Then upon that being accomplished, then the Healing and Restoration of all things will take place which will include My Glory falling on all m...

I AM On The Move

Note: I started declaring what God’s plans were as I met with Him today for the Holy Spirit was very strong this morning and I feel led to share what Holy Spirit was directing me and then it turned into what God was revealing to me. I will share when it changes from me to Him. Come and carry me into the supernatural~into the holy of holies where You dwell! Come! I Welcome You! Come and take me where You want me to go! I give you this day to move in a Most Powerful Way! May today be the beginning of us seeing and witnessing Your winning and witnessing the look on our enemies’ faces of complete surprise~yet also the look of dread~knowing that their actions DO MATTER! For You are the God of Justice and You’re not going to let them get by without consequences!! Hallelujah! Our God Reigns on Earth and in Heaven! And now He is Standing Ready to make His Calculated moves with precision~knowing Exactly where to start and with whom that will cause one domino to fall and then another and anothe...

Great Change!

For I have been speaking much of what will happen to our enemies and what their fate is. But now, this day, let ME share what your fate will be. For I will bring Truth to this nation and throughout the world and through the Truth being shared, it will bring validation to your beliefs and what I have shown you. For once Truth has come, the public will be repulsed by lies and deception. For they will actually Long for Truth~and therein lies a BIG REASON why the Billion Soul Harvest will occur. For people will have an understanding of who the father of lies is and will no longer be drawn to its’ evil ways. That in itself will bring huge changes to the seven mountains and to culture itself. It will also bring Unity of hearts and minds. For Truth will be known of your history and all that the deep state has done in regards to wars, finances that were controlled, the rigging of politics and even sports. There are so many things that have happened over the years that were no accident but ther...

It’s About To Get Real!

For it won’t be long until your heart’s desire will be completely fulfilled for I AM now in the process of depleting the enemy’s supply of funds and behold I will uproot them from their mansions and manicured properties and they will be in a place where they never thought they would be. For some will find themselves in prisons and in jail cells for they never thought their actions would have consequences. They thought they could do whatever they pleased but they are in for A BIG SURPRISE! For I MYSELF will Rule from Heaven and will make Judgments against our enemies that No Man Can Repudiate. For it’s About to Get Real! Psalms 97:10 “Let those who love the Lord hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.” Proverbs 11:21 “Be sure of this: The wicked will not go unpunished but those who are righteous will go free.”  

Harvest Begins

  For the day is coming and soon will be that I will shake the earth and our enemies will shutter in fear for they will know that I AM real and that I Require a Reaping for what they have sown. For they thought they could do whatever they wanted and that’s there would be no accountability; no consequences for their evil deeds that brought death and destruction to many! Ah~but they are So Wrong! For I Require this justice and judgment to happen here on earth and our enemies will experience a turnaround~for No Longer will they control what a happens to them~it will be the Exact Opposite! They will Not Control Anything for I AM bringing PERFECT JUSTICE for it won’t matter how much money they have or the place in society they hold~what will matter is what were their actions while in their prominent position? Was it all for evil gain? Did theycommit treason? Did they harm the children? Did they sell secrets for money? Is it all about money and pleasure? For it will Cost Them! And there ...

Your Source For Life

Do you want to Delight My Heart? Then Come to ME and spend time with ME. Do you not know that I created you and I Know Everything about you for I formed you in your mother’s womb and I created your DNA and your personality. So, if you have questions about your life and what you should do, wouldn’t I know~your Creator? If you needed repair done on your car, would you take it to a blacksmith? If your refrigerator stopped working, would you call your cable company? No! Of course not! So, why, if there is something you are struggling with; why do you search for answers on the internet~are you sure they have the right answers? For I want you to Understand and Know ME as Your Source For Life. For I AM just a prayer away Plus My Word promises wisdom to ALL that asks for it. For you have So Much Available To You!! COME AND TAKE YOUR FILL! Jeremiah 9:23-24 “Thus says the Lord: ‘Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his...

Be Convinced

For you have been through so much and the deep state has tried so hard to make your life even harder but I stopped them and I wouldn’t let their plans of evil and destruction continue. In fact, they will Now start going Backwards! What I mean is this~whatever they try to do~they will be unable to succeed! Every plan of theirs will FAIL! But~there is One that I will Not interfere with because it is the One that brings the darkness. For I will counter their plans and use them to fulfill MINE! And I want to say that Nothing is Hindering My Plans Whatsoever! For the deep state is literally scrambling because they had high hopes that their plans using the eclipse would enable them to Reach their Goal. Ha! I Laugh at Them! For I will Not let them use My Glory seen in the heavens to come against you and the earth I created. Oh how foolish our enemies have become! For they are losing and now they are Desperate and will use Desperate Measures. But Be Convinced My Army of Light that America will...

Show Forth My Love

You can Rely on ME. For Everything I say is True. For there are Words that I have said that are months away from being fulfilled and there are words that have already come to pass. For My Words are Faithful and True and I have come this day to bring you Hope. For soon this whistleblower that I have spoken of will come on the scene and do Great damage to the deep state’s control and narrative. And the deep state’s control will diminish more and more. For their plans for the eclipse were totally defeated for many were in prayer and My Prophet Robin D. Bullock closed the portal as well for I have many who are fighting for righteousness in this country but all you hear is the bad news. Let me tell you that there are More on the Side of Righteousness than evil. Although the voices of evil are loud, so you would expect there are many~yes, but the amount of prayer warriors are growing and as you My Army of Light show forth My Love at every opportunity~behold that will make a huge difference a...

I Will Protect You

For I have spoken how I will protect you as I did the Israelites as the Egyptians felt the devastating effects of all the plagues~ but not the Israelites in the land of Goshen. Now I know these are troubling times and the deep state is doing all it can to bring you harm~especially to your health. Now—here is what I AM calling you to do as a way to defend yourself from the daily onslaught of their schemes. Use the Keys of the Kingdom! Before you eat or at the start of the day, bind anything in the food you eat that would bring you harm—including chemicals, GMO’s (genetically modified organism) and toxins. Bind it and cast them out. Do the same with what you drink as well. And then loose upon you all the health benefits it gives you. And as far as what you have already eaten and drank~pray that I detox your body of chemicals and toxins and anything that harms you. Pray for My Blood to Eradicate any and all sickness and disease and pray that My Blood cleanses your mind, body and soul. For...

Great Change

For this is the month of the beginning of Truth, Justice and Judgment for My Fierce Anger is being released on Our enemies and the children will receive My Protection and no longer will I hear their cries and I will change the heart of America to put the children as a priority and not as a way to manipulate or harm them anymore. I will eradicate abortion and I will change the narrative of morality in this country through My Presence and My Glory. For the evil in this country needs to be dealt with for I will Not tolerate it Any Longer. For the Great Turnaround starts today to rid the evil that has made a home in America, but I will Boot It Out and this Great Change that takes place will Renew Your Hope, My Army of Light, but will bring Great Dread to those whose hearts are full of darkness. For the things you have heard and the longings of your heart will be satisfied! For I Keep My Word and I Do Not Lie! Numbers 23:19 “God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man that he shou...

Truth Revealed

  The Miraculous is Coming! For I see Division Everywhere throughout America for there are So Many Factions and Ideas among everyone~for some believe in climate change, others believe that there is weather manipulation, some believe everything that is said on the news, others don’t even tune in. Some don’t visit a doctor’s office~some are taking a multitude of medications that have been prescribed for them and all the while the doctors are receiving a kickback from the medications that are prescribed. (That does not mean I believe all medications are wrong.) Then others believe that Trump will help bring back America to being great; while others hate the man because of the MSM sharing their ideas of him. Everywhere you look throughout the people groups, there are disagreements and dissension regarding gender, family, their belief in God or not at all. And their intolerance for one another is growing and is being fed by the brainwashing of the MSM. For I have been watching and seein...

My Perspective

For the enemy of your soul is very active right now~seeking whom he may devour. He comes to bring lies and to deceive you into Not Believing ME! His very first words to Eve were ‘Did God really say?’ For he wanted to cause doubt into Eve’s mind and then Adam’s.  For they were told not to eat from the tree of good and evil. But then the serpent promised that they would be like God—knowing good and evil. Now, the enemy’s devices are to cause division and suspicion~whether it be among friends or family members or between you and ME, or Both. Now, this is your Line of Defense—Come to ME before reacting to people or situations in your life so that you can get MY PERSPECTIVE. For the enemy of your soul is spewing out lies right now. And how do you know My voice? My voice does Not bring guilt, condemnation or blame—No! My voice brings instruction, guidance, awareness of faulty ideas or beliefs and hope~hope that brings peace to your soul. Another way to know whose voice you are listening ...

My Answer

Right now there are so many voices clamoring for your attention! For there are also deceptive spirits behind these voices that would want you to fall into the enemy’s trap of misunderstanding the times and season you are in and thus believing in the doom and gloom narrative instead. But that Is Not what I have told you is in your future. For I have said that I will protect you and that now is the time for the wicked to have an Understanding of Who I AM! For I know their plans of using CERN. I also know what NASA has planned. I know that evil is trying to steal the show of the works of My Hand but It Shall Not Be! For Too Long you have seen the evidence of evil in your midst and the forces of evil are getting darker and darker. BUT I AM GOING TO ANSWER their threats! And you, My Remnant have stood by and Chose to Believe in My Words and Promises and I say You Are My Delight! For this eclipse is a sign of the darkness covering the light~the moon overshadowing the light of the sun but it ...

This Journey

For this journey that we have been taking together has had its ups and downs. For it was hard for you during covid, the shot and the many casualties that occurred. And then the election that didn’t go as you thought it would and then having to endure the current (faulty) President as well. But through this journey, your faith has more than doubled, your steadfastness in ME has become firm and your love for ME is a foundation to your soul. When I was on the Earth many left ME (John 6:66) but you have brought ME joy in that you have Chosen to stay and you have also learned that I AM your help and your strength! For I promised you that I would never leave your or forsake you and I see that The Feeling Is Mutual!

I AM Your Victor!

  For I AM Your Victor! For in ME and through ME, you are covered and shielded from the devil’s evil and wicked plans for many of their plans will boomerang back on them. Plus I have promised you the opposite. For this wicked will receive their punishment and the righteous will receive PLENTY~plenty that includes many areas of your life for My Blessings will abound and My Favor will Rest on you~My Army of Light. And I see huge smiles on many of you and laughter will be heard often for your heart will be Merry and Your Joy Will Be Full! John 15:11 “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”