
Showing posts from February, 2025

Another Blessing

For I have mentioned to you of the blessing of the wealth transfer and now I shall tell you of another blessing that will come on the scene very shortly. And this blessing involves a Mighty Outpouring of My Favor. And what does that involve you ask? This favor involves Knowing ME on a deeper level than you’ve Ever Experienced Before and behold there will be “A Knowing” that will be released upon My Army of Light. For you will have “A Knowing” when something is of ME and when you have a choice to make and you will have an EXACT KNOWING of the right thing to do. For this blessing of favor and KNOWING will make life a joy and a blessing for instead of questions being on your mind, you will have the answers and problems? You will know how to solve them! Proverbs 8:35 “For the fountain of life pours into you every time that you find me, and this is the secret of growing in the delight and the favor of the Lord.”

Great Things

For I AM the Lord and I AM about to do Great Things in your midst. For I AM wrecking havoc in the enemy’s camp for I have released the spirits of confusion and fear and they are doing their job! For they are unable to think straight and they are riddled with panic and fear for they know the writing is on the wall and all the money laundering that has been done from the taxes from the American people have found its way into their bank accounts. And they are hearing the chatter that they personally will be audited too. They are so afraid~just like in 2016 when they all thought Hillary would win~now they never thought their bank accounts would be under scrutiny. They never believed they would be held accountable~just like they never thought My David would be President again! For It’s Time and Justice will come knocking and There Will Be No Escape! Proverbs 21:15 “When justice is served, the lovers of God celebrate and rejoice, but the wicked begin to panic.”

A Blessing And Not A Curse

For soon the wealth of the wicked will be released and transferred into your accounts and you will know what the word PLENTY means. But again My Army of Light I have warned you that the love of money is a dangerous thing and draws many from My Side. So I want you to Plan Ahead of this coming to fruition by committing this money to ME~meaning that you give ME the right to counsel you and help you make Right Choices with this wealth. For My Heart is that you use it to build My Kingdom with it and also to pursue the dreams that I have placed in your heart. For I want this money to be a Blessing and Not A Curse. So use it wisely My Army of Light and Come To ME and ask ME and I will share great things and secrets that you never would have known. I Timothy 6:10 “Loving money is a root of all evils. Some people run after it so much that they have given up their faith. Craving more money pushes them away from the faith into error, compounding misery in their lives!” Jeremiah 33:3 “Cry out ...

Enable ME

For the NEW is coming to America~for My Word says the old has passed away, behold the new has come. (II Corinthians 5:17b RSV). For My David is draining the swamp and the old that has brought slavery, lack, illness and disease and a host of other problems that have affected your lives, they are now on their way out and Behold the NEW will be so EXTRAVAGANT that the memories of the past will be forgotten. And with this wealth transfer that is coming, it will Enable you to live out the dreams that you have had but never had the means to bring it to pass. And Do Not Forget My Army of Light that I AM the One who created you and knows Everything about you so Enable ME to Be Your Resource for I AM AVAILABLE to you for I Know You so Come To ME and Ask ME how to make the dream that you have A REALITY! Psalms 139:13-15 “For thou didst form my inward parts, thou didst knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise thee for thou art fearful and wonderful. Wonderful are thy works! Thou knowest me ...

A Story

Come My Children and sit a spell with ME and let ME tell you a story. So there was a child~a child who was raised in a good family with parents that loved him and he was supported in everything he did~in sports, science fairs, chess club; anything he chose to get involved in but then he began to be pulled in a different direction than what his parents approved of~parties, drugs and alcohol. And his parents and him would argue about what he did with his time and there was a falling out with the son and his parents. So the son decided to leave and live with his friend instead. And the parents were heartbroken. Now, My Friends this is a Very Difficult Situation that I AM presenting to you but it is a Reality in many homes. But I want to bring Hope to the Hopeless and that I Can Be A Help to you in times of trouble! For I AM a Personal God and I say Invite ME to come and Be With You and Behold I will share with you how to respond to difficult situations such as these. So cast your cares on...

Wholly Committed To ME

For the movie Wicked was the enemy’s tool for the church to agree that friendship with witchcraft is not only OK, but accepted and celebrated. But I need you, My Army of Light to Defeat this tool of the enemy for it is hindering what I want to do in My Ecclesia. So My Army of Light Declare and Decree that there will Never Be An Agreement of Friendship with the Darkness and/or Witchcraft. Declare and Decree that the Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail Against The Church! Declare and Decree that My Ecclesia will be Wholly Committed to ME and to Not Commit Idolatry but to have a Pure Heart. Also Declare and Decree that Any Agreement made with darkness will be countered with the gift of repentance! For in the coming days, My Kingdom will become more dominant as the light overcomes darkness and I need My Ecclesia to have a heart that is Totally dedicated to ME so that I can use you to hold and impart My Glory! Matthew 16:18 “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I ...


For there is still so much confusion in the church as far as times and seasons. For now that My David has been elected as President and he calls this time as the Golden Age, many in My Church have No Idea how to respond for they thought things were going to get worse and worse until the rapture and then they would safely go to heaven. And I look at many of them and wonder Don’t You Know ME? Don’t you read My Word? Is My Church Glorious Yet? Have you seen My Glory fill the earth? Do you see the manifested sons and daughters of Mine? There are few but not as many as I would like. And has My Son’s prayers come to fulfillment yet? In fact there are two. One is the Lord’s Prayer—thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven—for that is not fulfilled yet and then we have the prayer My Son prayed that His followers would be one as He and I are One and that there would be Perfect Unity. For there is still Much Fulfillment of My Scripture that still needs to take place so My Ar...


For I have the enemy on the run now and I AM laughing at them—actually Dr Fauci, James Comey, all the people that went to Epstein Island and even Diddy’s parties and I shall heal My son—Justin Bieber for he has been so hurt and so deep in the pit of despair but I say~come together My Army of light and pray for ME to Restore him~mind, soul and body for I have plans for him still but I need you My Friends to partner with ME to bring him Breakthrough! Job 22:29 “When others are disgraced, God will clear their names in answer to your prayers.” NCSWIC- means nothing can stop what is coming-mentioned often by Q.

Healing Of America

I just got a picture in my mind of President Trump with his sheriff’s badge and his gun and holster hanging on his waist and he’s coming out of a saloon with both guns blazing against the outlaws/the deep state and he’s coming so fast and furious against them that the outlaws are in shock and up on the roofs of the buildings are his deputies who have his back—all his appointed nominees—the Attorney General, the HHS Secretary, FBI Director, Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense and then of course his Senior Advisor, Elon Musk and they’re making sure that none of the deep state fires back at the President for they will take them down if they try. But what about the deep state and their big scare event that they are planning? For right now they are reeling with all the things coming at them and disabling their ability to retaliate and even now the public are beginning to see the difference between a President who truly represents the people and the ex-President who was clearly very out...


For I have given to My David a much needed friend~Elon Musk. For he is a man of deep loyalty and a man who is very intelligent as well. For he is working as a means of implementing the Executive Orders that Donald Trump has put into law and now Elon Musk is experiencing the same criticisms and dirty looks that My David has experienced for years. For when the darkness is uncovered, there is anger at the person that is uncovering their dastardly deeds. But I have given them thick skins as a means of protecting their hearts and minds to enable them to continue in their tasks of Making America Great Again. For I also gave David in the Scriptures a good friend. His name was Jonathan, Saul’s son. For he was also Very Loyal to his friend; even though David’s enemy was his father. For I know the Value of Friendship for I gave My Son twelve disciples of whom he was close and shared his heart with. So if you My Army of Light are alone and without someone you can share you heart with, Come To ME ...

I AM Bringing Shame and Freedom!

For I the Lord God am going to Astound you in the coming days~for I AM working with My David and he is putting the deep state on notice everyday as he works with Elon Musk to stop the flow of money into their pet projects of darkness. For even now the social security payments are coming under scrutiny and finding many checks going to people that have deceased! For so long you have been duped by your government believing that they are doing a good job in spending your tax dollars, when in reality it’s Being Wasted! And the many senators and congressmen have a net worth far above their means for that too will come to light! For what has been hidden is going to be Seen and Reported for All To See! For I AM bringing shame on the perpetrators of injustice in Washington DC but I will also visit every state and uncover theirs as well. For I AM Cleaning and Uprooting the evil agendas in America and then it will affect other countries as well. For I See All and when USAID is dismantled and done...


For I used Solomon in a mighty way as King over Israel and he was the wisest man in all the world and also the wealthiest for I came to him in a dream and I said to him to ask for whatever you want and it shall be given you. And his answer to ME was that he asked for wisdom. That filled my heart with joy that he cared that much for the people he was ruling over for his heart was to serve his people well. And I say to you that this Very Conversation happened recently with My David and I. He also asked for wisdom from ME and I AM giving it to him. For he wants to Restore America and to make her great again~to close the borders, to make you healthy, to make you wealthy, to reduce wasteful spending of the government, to protect families, to bring back basic learning into the schools minus the teaching of morals that should go back to the parents…and so much more. For his heart has ached for you seeing how much the deep state has worked against you and he is working hard to make life better...

Truth Will Be Known

For I the Lord have been overseeing the many Exposures that are being uncovered in America and behold it’s just the tip of the iceberg as the saying goes for I have told you that your past needs to be exposed as well~the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and Senator Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. as well plus what really was the cause of the World Trade Center towers to go down on that fateful day of 9/11. For there have been so many cover-ups and so many things hidden that need to see the light of day. For the American people have been deceived for a Very Long Time but there is a time coming when Truth Will Be Revealed In Its Entirety and the Conspiracy Theories will all be laid to rest because Truth Will Be Known, Understood and Received—No Matter if you’re liberal, conservative or somewhere in-between. For these things must come to light in Order to bring Understanding and Unity to America! Romans 15:5 “Now may God, the source of great endurance and comfort, ...

The End Result

For did you hear My servant, Barry Wunsch speak on ElijahStreams? For his heart is broken for his country, Canada as the devil’s stranglehold is strong there and they do not have a Donald Trump to rely on to get rid of the swamp~But they have ME! And I shall save them~for it is coming! He also mentions an event that is coming and is on the horizon for the deep state is conjuring up a Great Delusion using Illusion to bring great deception and fear~for this is what I have often referred to as the Darkness that is coming. For in the darkness you cannot see for there is No Light showing you the way and the direction to take. For this event will cause great fear to many. But I have told you that I will use this Darkness to Show Forth My Power and Glory. So be in prayer My Army of Light and Be Steadfast to help those around you to not be captured by fear when all this takes place~for the End Result Will Be Miraculous! Psalms 47:7-9 ”For God is the triumphant King; all the powers of the ear...

The Scale Of Justice

For I AM your Life-Giver! For I have Everything you need to have life that is Abundant! For I have said that I will bring justice and that I will Right the Wrongs. Now let Me explain that it doesn’t just go to those that need punishment—for there are two sides of justice—for in a trial, if the jurors find that the evidence against the accused is not valid and not viable for a conviction, the accused is set Free and that is their Reward! So Justice has a scale, one for guilty=punishment and a possible loss of funds (if they are being sued) then on the other side is a scale showing not guilty=freedom and reward (as in a lawsuit when they are awarded money for showing cause). And I say Justice Is About To Be Played Out as in the time before the Red Sea crossing when the Death Angel came and took down the first born in all of Egypt including the animals, But I Protected the Israelites from death, those who had put the lamb’s blood on their doorposts and I also Rewarded them with health and...

Jolt Of Truth

For I hear so much complaining in My ears from those who have lined their pockets with taxpayer money and truly their complaints are falling on deaf ears! For there is a New Sheriff in town and this Sheriff wears a badge with pride and does not put up with stealing from the American people for he is Fed Up With Corruption! For truly Law and Order is his mandate that he will accomplish and fulfill. But there is So Much More for the uncovering of the assassinations of JFK and RFK are key to understanding what happened to America those many years ago and who took control of her and what agencies went rogue and chose to dismantle and harm America. For deception has been at the helm and has led America far from the calling I gave her. So prepare for a Jolt Of Truth that is coming~but all these things must occur to right this ship to its proper course! James 3:4 “And the same with mighty ships, though they are massive and driven by fierce winds, yet they are steered by a tiny rudder at the...

Yes There Will Be!

For I AM Lambasting the democrats through Elon Musk as he constantly uncovers the waste and fraud using USAID to fund ridiculous things such as sex change operations in different countries and now Elon is going to check out the Department of Education—wait till you find out what lurks behind closed doors—it will be disgusting! But all of this needs to happen~the complete exposure of what truly is happening inside the federal government and how corrupt they really are! And the deep state’s response is to sue Elon Musk, arrest him and put him away. For they would NEVER admit that they have done ANYTHING WRONG! BUT I AM! And I know what you are thinking My Army of Light—that even though there is Great Exposure, there will be No Accountability! And My Response to you is~Yes There Will Be! For My Justice Has Descended on Washington DC for My Angel Armies are doing their own research and are deciding on what their punishment will be… Psalms 78:49 “Finally, he unleashed upon them the fierce...

To Vindicate You!

  And behold I will vindicate you to your family and friends~to all those without an understanding of what I AM doing in America and how I AM using President Trump. For many are blind to this and have been brainwashed by the MSM~but I shall do a deep cleansing in the hearts and minds of those with no Kingdom understanding for My Word says that I will give them a New Heart and that I shall. And I shall also work in My Church to be fully Awake to Holy Spirit and the gifts of Holy Spirit for there is a spirit of condemnation against Holy Spirit and a false teaching but I shall rectify this situation as well for My Word speaks of a glorious church without spot or wrinkle and My Word shall be fulfilled. So rejoice My Army of Light for I AM working on your behalf to Vindicate You! Ezekiel 11:19 “I will give you a new, undivided heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will remove your stubborn heart of stone and give you a tender heart that responds to me—a devoted heart.” Ephesi...

Victory Is In The Air!

For there is Victory In The Air this day! For the Enemy was Defeated and shall be again and again! And today the votes will be cast for the nomination for the FBI Director and the Secretary for the HHS. And behold this day will Show you that You are On The Winning Side! For in a speech Donald Trump gave he said ‘we’ll be winning so much, we won’t be able to take it anymore!’ Actually it’s the deep state who won’t be able to—But You—it will be like a breath of fresh air and So Rewarding! Psalms 44:5 “Through your glorious name and your awesome power, we can push through to any victory and defeat every enemy.”

Shield You From Harm

What if I were to tell you that the deep state longs to bring fear to the American people and to punish you for electing Trump as your President for he is making their lives miserable plus they really want to get rid of this President once and for all as well. For the deep state has plans but I say woe are these troublemakers that want to un-do what has been done~for if they dare to come against you or My David, behold I will step in and Guard you and Protect you! For not only will I Shield You From Harm but I Will Fight For You Just Like I Have Done For My David! Deuteronomy 3:22 “You must not fear them, for the Lord your God Himself fights for you.”

Righting The Wrongs!

For the deep state is furious about USAID being uncovered and shown to the public where your tax dollars goes to. They thought they were hidden from the public and that there was No Accountability Whatsoever. It’s like they had a blank check to use for whatever they wanted and whenever they wanted. So now with this knowledge of how the liberal side of government is choosing to spend money and to put America into a deeper hole of debt, the public is getting the True Picture of Reality. For this will cause President Trump’s ratings of approval to go higher and the public will have an understanding that he truly is for the people. And I Love how My David is protecting the girls in their sports now for they will no longer be vulnerable, but to have their privacy—the way it should be! For My David Is Righting The Wrongs!

Wake-Up Call

For I AM going to deal with the lawlessness in America for you can definitely see it in the leadership for there are mayors and governors who are choosing to not abide by President Trump’s laws on immigration. These people are so used to having the backing of the democratic party and having things go their way. But they’re going to get a Wake-Up Call for My David will Not Stand for their rebelling against the law. These people have never known accountability their whole lives until Now! Some have pulled the race card to excuse their behavior and some have used other means to gain power and influence to get their leadership role. But it doesn’t matter now~their rebellion against authority and the laws on the books will be brought to light for I AM Cleaning not only the White House and the federal government but now My focus is on the states as well for the constitution gives states power to make decisions and I need leadership who is willing to serve the people in their state and not h...

It’s Coming!

For justice is coming to America hot and heavy, fast and furious from every direction for My Angel Armies have settled in for this Great Turnaround that is in progress. And they have come wielding their swords and tearing down the strangleholds of wickedness, thievery, and violence that has taken over America. For slowly and surely the sleeping ones are awakening to the reality of the liberal agenda of destroying America. And soon Every media outlet will be attesting to the Reality of the goodness of President Trump and the great job he is doing to Make America Great Again! For what is coming and the Truth that will be Released of long-standing beliefs will be shattered and when all is Revealed~a Great Unity Will Fall Upon America! It’s Coming! Psalms 133:1 “How truly wonderful and delightful it is to see brothers and sisters living together in sweet unity!”

Sweeping Changes

For are you seeing the Sweeping Changes that I AM bringing to America? For everyday there are new ones! And now Pam Bondi is confirmed as your Attorney General and she will cause the Justice Department to Truly Reflect Its Name! For now she has the title and the authority to do so! And many more confirmations are coming as well for I said that Light Is Overcoming Darkness and You Are Seeing It In Action Everyday! And have you seen the democrats whining about their loss of their USAID involvement there? For they received so much wealth from money laundering through it. For Truth is being exposed Revealing where your tax dollars are spent and this Reality is Shocking! For I AM dismantling all the power structures over All the Seven Mountains! The demons are screaming as they are replaced by My angels. For with these sweeping changes that are in effect comes My Power and Glory…for the Glory Train is Coming Down The Tracks! Daniel 2:21 “He alone controls the changes of times and seasons. H...

I AM Putting You On Notice!

For My David has received from ME a download of heavenly intel that he is going to use against the attacks of the deep state against America! For even now he is pushing their buttons and cornering them with their backs against the wall for he is in fighting mode and he is motivated and determined to drain the swamp and Take Them Down! For their evil and wicked ways are going to Come Out of the Darkness For All to See for I Myself Will Ruin Them and will Bring Them Shame Publicly for they have stood in front of a podium pointing their finger and accusing My David of doing things underhanded and wrong but I WILL TURN YOU UPSIDE DOWN AND I WILL SHOW THE PUBLIC WHAT YOU DO TO CHILDREN AND WHAT YOU CALL PIZZA! YOU HAVE OFFENDED ME BY HARMING THE CHILDREN AND YOU WILL BE SEVERELY PUNISHED—ALL OF YOU! For you will be made an Example of—of what happens to those who use the children to abuse, to make adenochrome and to ultimately kill. For I AM putting you on notice—THE END IS NEAR FOR YOU! Luk...

I AM Cleansing America!

For the deep state is in a panic, like a frenzy~for all their ways of obtaining money through the government will be coming to light~no longer hidden. For all their money laundering schemes are coming front and center. For President Trump is Very Aware of what has been going on and he is Done with all the handshakes, winks and nods of bribes and all so he is doing things that will STOP this continuous lining of the pockets of politicians through using your tax dollars—the American people! For your government will be going through a HUGE DOWNSIZING and CLEANSING like Never Before for this is My Doing for in order for ME to Use America and for her to be a Light, the darkness needs to Leave and this is the Very Thing I AM doing—from the Top Down I AM Cleansing America! Ezekiel 36:25-27 “I will sprinkle purifying water over you and you will be cleansed from all the filth of your past. I will wash you clean from the defilement of worshiping false gods. I will graciously give you a new, tend...

I Shall Do It Again!

For I AM going to fulfill My Promises that I have told you for let ME remind you that I have referred to this upcoming confrontation with the deep state like the Red Sea parting when the Israelites crossed it and I made a way where there was no way but FIRST BEFORE this great miracle I performed, I did a miraculous thing BEFORE they left Egypt. For they plundered the Egyptians before they left and they were given silver and gold PLUS among ALL the tribes of Israel, there was not one feeble person—for I Enabled them to make that long journey into the wilderness! And I Shall Do It Again! And you shall see and experience My Miraculous Power Released Upon You! Psalms 105:37 “At last, God freed all the Hebrews from their slavery and sent them away laden with the silver and gold of Egypt. And not even one was feeble on their way out!”

Major Exposures

For there are Many Things that will be Uncovered through these plane accidents~or so called accidents. For there are Major Exposures coming forth that will cause much commotion and will even go back as far as 9/11. For there are so many evil things that the deep state has done over the years and I AM HOLDING THEM ACCOUNTABLE! And I AM using My David as a My Tool to do it. So do not think he is harsh when he responds to certain events for he knows a lot what happens behind the scenes and he is letting them know and putting them on notice. So rejoice My Army of Light that I AM taking the bandage off the sore so that it can be healed! Luke 8:17 “For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.”