
Showing posts from January, 2024

Every Mountain Will Shake

For there is going to be Exposure after Exposure upon the deep state from people that are a Complete Surprise! And it will come from Every Direction and not just from the government sector! For I have whistleblowers from Every mountain of influence and Every Mountain Will Shake as Truth comes in like a Flood! And the deep state will try and pick up the pieces but then another exposure will come and their hearts will fail them because they thought they had a fail-proof plan but it didn’t occur to them that I HAVE PLANS TOO! For My Plans are to Destroy Darkness in Every Mountain~And that it shall! So My Army of Light~see what I AM Doing? For I AM fighting for you to Save This Nation of America! And as these exposures come, it will be like bombs going off to destroy their wicked plans! For this year of the Open Door is where Evil Is Kicked out and My Kingdom Ushered In! And as I deal with My enemies, so I will bless you for the Opposites will be Fully Engaged! Psalms 35:7-10 “Since they...

Part II!

It won’t be long now for when My Judgment falls on My enemies, so will My blessings fall on My Remnant. And all will know there is a God in heaven. For this will be the beginning of the Turnaround. For so long hell has ruled over the seven mountains and the depth of evil seen and known is almost reached. For people need to See and Understand what has happened to America for in the natural, she is So Vulnerable right now for even the police force throughout your nation wonders if they can withstand the riots and attacks that will ultimately come from these people that have come over the borders. But My Remnant in this month of January I have noticed the fasts you have taken part in, the decrees and prayers you have prayed and behold they have ALL been Received and I PROCLAIM that this country is MINE and CANNOT BE STOLEN FROM MY GRASP~SO WATCH AND SEE THE SALVATION OF THE LORD—PART II! II Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek ...

I AM Looking To You

For the deep state is conjuring up more evil plans that are specifically focusing on the upcoming Super Bowl. So, My Army of Light, this is where you come in—to dispel darkness and eradicate all their evil plans—just like you did at Christmas time and so you shall do it Again! For I AM calling you to DEFY THE WORKS OF DARKNESS IN MY SONS NAME AND DECREE that the plans the enemy has will be EXPOSED and ANNIHILATED and WILL NOT COME TO FRUITION! Also, decree that these evil plans and the people involved will be reported on the MSM so that it will deter others to do such things. Also, I call upon you to Call Forth the Destruction of sex trafficking surrounding this event for the enemy has used the Super Bowl for many such evil activities! Now pray that the Opposite will happen! Call forth My Kingdom come to replace hell’s agenda! Call Forth Miracles and Godly activities to Come Forth! Pray that My Glory overwhelms the darkness and the darkness Cannot Operate in Any Form! For I AM looking ...

A Circus!

For I the Lord will Stand Up for My David in the court system and I will make his opponents Look Like Fools! For I will call their bluff in Every Court Case—even the judges who have heard these foolish cases that have no piece of truth in them! For this is what I call a Circus! For now I AM going to throw the book at them! For Donald is My Anointed and I shall protect not only his body and family from physical harm, but I shall also protect his reputation for I Declare that No Slander will stick to him but Instead It will Backfire on those who would seek to take Donald down. Can you see how desperate the deep state has become? And I say they will lose their reputation for I will put SHAME on them! For I will show the public that Donald J. Trump is a man that can be Trusted! For I AM fighting for My David and No one will win against him! For I laugh at My enemies for they picked the wrong person to come against for actually they’re Fighting Against ME! And they will NEVER WIN! Psalms 2:...

A Mighty Work Of Cleansing

For this is the time I AM setting apart the church for Holy Spirit is about to do a Mighty Work of Cleansing in the Body of Christ. For some it will be Very Difficult as Holy Spirit will convict those who have chosen to be lukewarm. Many leaders have deceived their flocks of their true intentions~for it is Not to serve but it’s all about adulation and getting noticed for their pride and ego is more important to them than their love and worship of ME. For far be it from them to be interrupted in their schedule to visit someone in the hospital or memory care facility. And if they do not repent, they will step down for I will make them Very Uncomfortable with the conviction Holy Spirit places upon them. For I AM cleansing My House~for it will be a House of Worship and Prayer! And for those who have Remained Steadfast—firm in their love for ME—Behold Holy Spirit will open the wells~the wells of Living Water will be Poured Out to bring Joy, Unspeakable Joy into your hearts. And Holy Spirit ...

Come Forth Into The Fray

For I AM going to enlighten you with what is going on behind the scenes for the deep state wants to destroy America and their plans are for major attacks to occur for even on His Glory, Pastor Dave has reported that from his intel he has received, even mentioning 911 for events to happen similar or worse than that. BUT NO IT WON’T for I said through My Prophet Kim Clement that 911 or a terrorist attack like that will Never Occur again in America. For I brought Kim Clement here as My Prophet to Protect America and through his prayers and prophetic words, he has but Now I AM Calling On You, My Army of Light to Come Forth into the Fray for I need you at this time! Pray that the military finds out ALL the plans of the terrorists BEFORE they attack! Pray for the Release of the Hosts of Heaven to bring protection over the military and pray against casualties! And Also pray that Exposure will come forth as to Who the Author is for these attacks! For the deep state is in panic mode and they wa...

The Propaganda Machine

For I AM doing a New Thing now. For I AM casting away and driving out hell in the media. For there have been Glimpses of Truth But soon I will bring a Crushing Blow to the Propaganda Machine that sows lies, fear and manipulation that fuels deception in the hearts of all who hear. For this machine actually casts a spell of control over the public’s hearts and minds so I will Deal with this Personally. For yes, there has been a drip, drip, drip of Truth that has come through but soon a Tsunami of Truth will come and the Deception will BE NO MORE! For I will completely decimate this tool the enemy has used to brainwash many, including those in My Family. For when you see this happen, you will know that Your Freedom is Sure! Colossians 1:13 “For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves.”  

The Crumbling

For there is a person of significance that will come forward with very damning evidence against the deep state. For I have kept him hidden until just recently for he has Very valuable information and heads will roll on Both Sides of the Aisle! For Major Treason is involved and until this point in time, it has been hidden but I have said there will be Exposure after Exposure and this one is a Doozy! But I AM calling it forth now to further show the public who they can trust and who they can’t. For I AM making the MSM show how popular My David is as they have tried to slander him, arrest him on false charges and Everything they are doing is Backfiring on them for he’s getting more and more popular each passing day. For he is speaking the truth about the borders and immigration, the economy and how much better the United States was when he was President. It’s becoming more obvious! So the Truth Can No Longer Be Hidden~it’s All Coming to Light! For you are seeing right before your eyes the...


For I have used this spiritual warfare against you to make you strong! For you have chosen to Use My Word and to activate the promises in them for you personally in your life but also to decree against what the enemy is doing in your culture for you have learned to Not Leave My Promises on the Page but as a Means to Switch On My Promises and see them Fulfilled! For many of you have learned that you don’t receive the attacks, but you make declarations and decrees against the enemy in response to them! For again, let ME Remind You—you are a Chosen People, a Royal Priesthood, God’s Special Possession to do what??? To Declare and Decree the praises and My Word into the atmosphere telling your enemy NO! Don’t shrink back and don’t listen to the lies the enemy is telling you but ARISE and CHOOSE TO BE My Royal Priesthood BY DECLARING AND DECREEING MY WORDS IN THE FACE OF YOUR ENEMY! Psalms 119:111, 112 “Your laws are my treasure; they are my heart’s delight. I am determined to keep your decr...

A Hush In Heaven

For there is a Hush in Heaven as they are waiting for they have heard what My Plan is and many people are looking through portals peering down on Earth at their loved ones for they know that Breakthrough is close at hand and they are all so excited for you—the Great Cloud of Witnesses! For the Excitement is Building and I, Jesus am looking forward to showing Myself no longer as the Lamb of God, but as the King of kings and Lord of lords. For My Angel Armies have been fighting for as the decrees and declarations that have been made~through Tim Sheets, the book—Dreams To Save A Nation (Andrew Whalen) and also Dutch Sheets with Give Him Fifteen for these declarations have been keeping My Angel Armies busy and the enemy is sorely losing. For even in the forum—the WEF, Truth was shared and hell was put in a state of shock. For the TIDE IS TURNING as My Remnant, My Army of Light gets stronger in her pursuit of holiness and in fighting evil as well! Once again, My Army of Light~let ME Remind ...

My Infiltrators

For I AM going to astound My enemies in such a Major Way! For once again they are meeting behind closed doors as they work on devising plans to bring you harm but I have My Infiltrators in these meetings who are secretly gathering information of their evil schemes and then they report this information to the white hats within the military and these evil, wicked schemes are disarmed and dismantled. For I have many people I AM using in all the seven mountains to eventually bring the evil that resides in all of them DOWN! For Now you will see more and more arrests, just like you did with Alec Baldwin for I AM At Work to Dismantle Darkness! Job 12:22 “He reveals the deep things of darkness and brings utter darkness into the light.”  

The Battle Is On!

For this day will be unlike any other. For there will be news of what is happening in the seas that the deep state never wanted you to know for the deep state wants WAR! But I will stop it THROUGH YOUR PRAYERS AND DECREES! So My Army of Light pray that EVERY PLAN the deep state has to start WWIII is demolished and extinguished by My Angel Armies! Declare they ALL fall to the ground for I, the Lord God of heaven and earth declare this day—THE BATTLE IS ON against My enemies! For there will be Nowhere to Hide for I AM coming for them! Psalms 21:11 “Though they plot evil against you and devise wicked schemes, they cannot succeed.”

A Wrecking Ball

Wait till you see what My Plans are for this year for now I will throw a Wrecking Ball into the enemy’s camp—for this weapon that I use will Knock Them Down for they Never Saw This Coming! For I AM going to Resurrect 2020 in ways the deep state never thought possible and My weapons of whistleblowers, videos and truth, they will Not Be Able to Disqualify! So My Army of Light~pray for the public to receive this Truth~pray against the spirit of deception and that it’s disarmed in My Name. For when My Justice comes, it will SHOCK people’s minds. So I need you, My Army of Light to not only pray against evil, but for you to show Mercy upon those who have no understanding. James 2:13b “Mercy triumphs over judgment.” Note: Tim Sheets had a dream that he was in Washington DC and an angel appeared to him and he said six times mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy. 

I Shall Reward My Remnant!

For I have shared much of what I shall do with My enemies but now let Me share with you how I shall Reward My Remnant! For I shall endow upon you More Power in this year of the Open Door and this power you will use to fight off the enemy’s advances and you will put your enemies to flight for they won’t be able to stand against you. And I will cause you to be like the sons of Issachar—knowing the times and seasons for No Longer will you have doubts in your mind of which way to go, but I the Lord will lead you! For this power that will be granted will not only be used to fight your enemies, but also to Know and Understand ME! For Holy Spirit will be working in you and through you in ways Not Seen or Known Before! For this is My Kingdom that I AM opening up for you to be used to Enlarge It! I Chronicles 12:15 “It was they who crossed the Jordan in the first month when it was overflowing all its banks, and they put to flight everyone living in the valleys, to the east and to the west.” ...

I Will Make Myself Known

For you have heard My Words from many of my prophets of what I will be doing during this year of 2024. For this year will be Unlike Any Other! For I AM going to come down Hard On My Enemies~in All the seven mountains—it won’t just be the government and the church—No! For I AM going to deal with Hollywood, the music industry, financial institutions, MSM and the family! For the longings of your heart will be Realized for I AM not just a God who sits on the pages of the Bible—No! For many know FIRST HAND who the devil is in the seven mountains for MANY SERVE HIM! But soon the day is coming when they will MEET ME, for just as My servant, Andrew Whalen said yesterday—the Fear of the Lord is coming Back~yes for the church, but also in other spheres as well. For I will not be mocked any longer and I WILL make myself known Personally to My enemies for they will SEE who they’re fighting against Before they fall to the ground. For My enemies will Realize Who I AM when ALL IS SAID AND DONE! II ...

A Year Like No Other!

Did you see what I did yesterday? I caused President Trump to win in a Powerful Way in Iowa!! For I ROARED last night Announcing Who Will Win! For the deep state HAS NO CHANCE AT ALL! And they are So Afraid Right Now for even with only 3% of the vote in, the media Had to Say that Trump Won! It was that Decisive! For this Anointing that was given to Trump on Sunday night was Incredibly Powerful for last night—HELL WAS PUT ON NOTICE who My Chosen is and the Gates of Hell will try BUT NOT PREVAIL against Donald Trump. For even though Barry Wunsch said that the election would hang in the balance just means that there will be turmoil but with the prayers and decrees and declarations made by My Army of Light, the deep state doesn’t stand a chance—it doesn’t mean they won’t try to put up a good fight but on whose shoulders is the government on according to My Word???? JESUS!!! For this Very Scripture is what you will be decreeing this year and you will see Strongholds Fall and you will see My...

My Anointing

For yesterday when My Ecclesia gathered together and prayed with Amanda Grace and all those that she brought together—BEHOLD A MAJOR TRANSFORMATION took place in the heavenlies that will soon be evident in the natural realm as well. For as Robin, My Prophet poured the oil as a sign of My anointing over My David—BOOM! My Supernatural plans and purposes have Now Been Released! For this Anointing is Mighty in Power and Nothing will thwart My Plans and Nothing will Harm Donald J. Trump either for now Every evil plan the enemy uses against him will Now be used against the sender—much like what happened to Haman and people will start understanding what this anointing entails~that No weapon used against him will prosper and that now I have placed a shield round about him—that No lie, deception or weapon will succeed against him but All will go back on the sender. For I will show Myself Strong in Defending My David and My Plans will be Fulfilled! For this year is the Year of the Open Door and ...

I Will Protect You

For I AM going to show you something so Miraculous that it will encourage you at this time. For remember I have said that I will Protect you as I protected the Israelites in the land of Goshen? And so I Shall! For I AM releasing a virus on My enemies but it Shall Not Touch You! For I will make a differentiation between you and them. And this virus will not be affected by medication or treatments—it will just take time to be rid of it. And some will not recover for I AM passing judgment upon My enemies and they are receiving what they released upon you. And you will be surprised at some who get the virus. But, on another subject, pray for My David that he stays out of harms way while in Iowa—him and all that works with him and his family. Pray for My Angelic Army to surround him and keep him safe for he is working for you so Pray for Him. Now, My Friends, Rejoice that I AM here and You Are Safe! Psalms 91:8 “You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.” Psa...

My Desire

For this is My Desire for you My Army of Light is for you to be Completely Free from Any and All lies or strangleholds the enemy  uses against you. For Barry Wunsch shared with you that I would cleanse you of all toxins in the crystal sea. So this is My assignment to you today is to search your heart and see if there be any wicked way in you~ask Holy Spirit to help you for He will examine your heart and your body. For instance Patty has had a reoccurring issue with her sinuses. And I brought it to her mind to Repent of her agreement of accepting it for this sickness is Not of ME. So she repented of accepting this and now she has declared that she is FREE from this condition. Now take Psalms 139:23, 24 seriously for I Do Not want the enemy to have an open door into your soul or heart for because of what is coming, I Need you Clean and to be One with ME so that there will be No Hindrances between us and that you would be Strong in ME and be thoroughly equipped for every good work. He...

I Have Provided!

Have I Ever Failed You? NO! And I Shall Not Now! For as I led the Israelites in the wilderness by a pillar of cloud by day and by night a pillar of fire to give them light to show them the way to take so I AM giving you My Prophets and those who hear My Voice My Instructions to lead you in this time of darkness. For you cannot rely on the church and its’ leaders for direction for many don’t hear ME and don’t believe they can. But I HAVE PROVIDED A WAY FOR YOU! So Rejoice in ME that I HAVE NOT LEFT YOU. But did you hear My servant, Charlie Shamp yesterday? He said there would be a time of great deception coming. And even My Word speaks of this. Now PREPARE FOR THIS! Cry out to ME for a download of Discernment upon you so that you will Not be deceived but Even More My Army of Light—lift up these prophets and those who hear My Voice that they will be GIVEN A MANTLE OF TRUTH that will give them overwhelming Discernment to KNOW TRUTH FROM LIES! For you will need them GREATLY in the days, ...

The Release

June 10, 2022 Come now and watch ME and see what I will do. For I AM coming to change hearts and minds and will enable them to receive truth again. But I AM also coming to pour out answers to prayers and this fire of My Spirit that has been released brings with it healing, wisdom, words of knowledge and insight that will flow from My people. And there will be a distinction between My children and the world—just like I did when Moses, through ME, sent forth the plagues. There was a distinction between the Egyptians and the Hebrews and now once again, it will happen and people will see it! People will acknowledge that My power is on My children for Pentecost has come again to bring power upon those that follow ME in the midst of this battle and in this battle, they shall be victorious! Exodus 9:4 “But the Lord will make a distinction between the livestock of Israel and that of Egypt…”

No Longer Hope Deferred

June 11, 2022 For you will see the evidence of things hoped for and the answers to your prayers!! See! I AM all over this! For we partner together and I say that more and more you will see answers to prayers and there will be quick answers to prayers as well! For I AM working with My Ecclesia to change hearts, bring healing and restoration throughout the world. For My Power is being displayed as I answer your prayers! Psalms 23:6 “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life..”  

You Are Valuable

June 12, 2022 For many of my people say, “oh I wish I was born during Biblical times where I could have experienced seeing Jesus doing miracles, or see Daniel shutting the lions’ mouths or seeing Moses raise his staff over the Red Sea…if only….” But I say “you were born for such a time as this, just like Esther was born when I used her to fight for the Jewish people and now I AM using you to fight for America and for the Truth! For you must know how valuable your prayers are for when you pray, the hosts of heaven are released into battle to fight off the enemy for you have learned to use the authority I have given you and when the enemy comes, you take out your sword and defeat him, just like my Son did! You are learning well my children but the fight isn’t over yet. Stand guard, keep armored and partner with ME and the battle will be won!

It’s About To Get Real

June 13, 2022 For the wealth of the wicked is about to be released for the story of Moses saying “let my people go” is about to be re-enacted right down to my people plundering their enemies and the plagues will actually be Holy Spirit gifts that are being poured out and Pharaoh is actually Obama. For I have hardened his heart for such a time as this so that all men will see my glory and the Red Sea parting will be the scare event where people will be afraid for their lives but I will save them! It will be miraculous! For My Glory is about to be seen by the whole earth! And I say victory is mine but it also belongs to the ones who have been faithful to Me. For My faithful ones will receive their reward because they did not back down, they did not shrink back but instead they chose to believe in Me and My words. “For without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6) For t...

The Gift Of Refreshment

June 14, 2022 For I Am going to come to My children~I will visit them and touch them with My healing and restoration fire of My Spirit for the battle has been long and you are being inundated with  voices of intimidation and lies. Remember My children that you have been given all authority over ALL the power of the enemy to destroy ALL the works of the enemy coming against you, coming against those you love and in every circumstance and situation that you see the enemy working. This is the time to take up your sword and fight like never before! DO NOT SURRENDER but instead ENGAGE for I say to you once you engage, it will be like I AM holding you up. Ask of ME and I will give you incomparable strength for in your weakness, you are made strong in My strength.  Luke 10:19 “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” I Peter 5:9,10 “Resist him, standing firm in your faith because you know that yo...

My Recompense Is Coming!

June 15, 2022 So you have heard the scripture that refers to ‘the wealth of the wicked will be given to the righteous’ and many have wondered at this verse. Now, I tell you that this scripture will be fulfilled very soon for My Words do not return to ME empty but it accomplishes its purpose! For one of the punishments of the evildoers is that they will be stripped of ALL their earthly possessions and they will be humiliated in everyone’s sight for many of them have no idea what it’s like to have no money in the bank and no one to do their laundry, clean their house or cook their meals. Life has been easy for them, BUT NOW EVERYTHING CHANGES! For my people have suffered and the enemy has stolen from them but soon the transfer of wealth will manifest and my people will have limitless opportunities available to them, but with this wealth comes a responsibility. Keep away from pride for this transfer is a promise fulfilled and not earned by anything you have done. Also, I expect my childre...

My Breakthrough Is Near!

June 16, 2022 For the breakthrough is VERY NEAR! For the longings of your heart will soon be realized for healings will pour forth onto My children and health problems that people have had for years will suddenly be gone for the prayers of the Saints have been heard. For the season of hardship is nearly over. And My Glory shall be seen and known by My children. But also the anointing to heal will be poured out upon My children as well for I have called you to be My vessels-vessels of My Power so when you see someone in the grocery store or movie theater or restaurant and you notice them struggling with a health issue-I say go and lay your hands on them and pray for them. Do not dismiss their hardship as it’s not your concern, on the contrary—I had you meet them for you to pray for them and to meet ME! Be convinced now that you have a mission to fulfill and that is to love with My Love infused with My Power! John 14:12 “I tell you this timeless truth: The person who follows me in fait...


June 17, 2022 Now I wish to say that I AM coming to set things right! For I AM weary of My churches that are supposed to represent ME—specifically the shepherds who have chosen not to engage in the culture, but instead are ignoring it and are Not leading the sheep! Where have they gotten the idea that they can say anything they want in the pulpit without any accountability? I say that I will NOT put up with this any longer but I need a church that represents ME AND instead of quenching Holy Spirit—to be able to be used by Holy Spirit; to actually be used by Him in a way that does not limit Holy Spirit but instead empowers Him—to be available in season and out of season and to be willing to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. For this is the time where My Spirit want to bring forth miracles and needs a place to be Set Free! So My people~pray! Pray for the church. For she needs to be ready and prepared for this move of My Spirit!

My Answers

June 18, 2022 For I have heard your cries along with many others for ME to come and show forth My mighty hand of victory. For I the Lord am sick of the enemy touting through his minions what their plans are to bring a food shortage, drought and famine upon the earth! For they think they are gods manipulating the weather and I say COUNTERFEIT! For they will NEVER replace ME! For I AM coming to set things RIGHT! And I will DESTROY ALL their weaponry against mankind but I will also reveal to the world all they have done including hurricanes these past few years. For the TRUTH will be announced and with it, will bring freedom! For haven’t I said that I AM the only TRUE GOD? So now, My children, REJOICE IN ME for you have stood faithful and I will reward your loyalty to ME and My Words! Jeremiah 32:27 “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind, is anything too hard for me?” Isaiah 48:17 “This is what the Lord says-your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, ‘I am the Lord your God, who teaches what ...

What A Difference A Day Makes!

 June 19, 2022 For I know and understand your concern about what is happening presently but can’t I change things? Remember that song What A Difference A Day Makes? Well, so shall it be—in the morning, it will be like every other but by evening/night-EVERYTHING will have changed! For this is the time for suddenlies and this is the time for MY GREAT POWER to be on DISPLAY! Don’t be disheartened my children for help is on the way! II Kings 7–This is the story of God changing the circumstances in a day for Samaria.


June 20, 2022 For it won’t be long now. Soon the waiting will be over and these trials that you have gone through—EVERYTHING WILL BE FLIPPED! For the conservatives and the church have been watched through a microscope and the media have looked for ways to tear you down and make a laughingstock out of you. But I say that there will be a GREAT TURNAROUND for I will take the ones who have been critical of your ideas, ideals and morals and I will switch it around for the pendulum is moving and currently what is evil is called good and is good is called evil but that is about to change for I AM renewing the attitudes and beliefs of this country and I AM also taking away the influence, power and affluence from the elites and the liberals, for once the truth and the exposures come out, a great CONVICTION of My Holy Spirit will be released as well~ conviction of sin~ for My spirit will fall on all people. And you will have a great relief from once being attacked to being looked up to. For you ...

The Gift Of Supernatural Abilities

June 22, 2022 For I the Lord says for those that join my army, behold I will give them special abilities to see into the supernatural and to see the chariots of fire that surround them, like Elisha did. I will also open your eyes to see angels all around you for this battle will not only be fought in the natural; but in the supernatural realm as well. For you have been in training up till now, but this is where the real battle begins. II Kings 6:17 “And Elisha prayed, ‘Open his eyes Lord so that he may see.’ Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”

All My Promises Are Yes And Amen!

 June 23, 2022 For you have heard my promises how I will rescue this county out of the enemy’s control BUT I will also bring you into your destiny!!!! During this time many of my promises that I have spoken to you personally will manifest. Don’t let your faith dwindle for these promises that you have held close to your heart, instead Call Them Forth! For you do not know My timing and remember that this is a season of surprises! And this is also a season of miracles! Remember too that I have come to bring abundant life, even in the midst of despair! Keep believing, keep trusting in what I have said for the reward is a promise! Job 22:28 “Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: And the light shall shine upon thy ways.” KJV John 10:10 “The thief comets not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy; I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” KJV Hebrews 11:6 “But without faith it is impossible to please him ; ...

It Doesn’t Mean The Enemy’s Plans Will Succeed

June 24, 2022 I couldn’t sleep last night and I could tell there was something on the Lord’s mind so I got up and opened my journal and started to write. This is what I heard: “So just because the date today adds up to 6-6-6 (6-24-2022) doesn’t mean the enemy’s plans will succeed. For today I AM calling you to completely nullify ALL his wicked schemes that has planned for this day! Engage my warriors in this battle! Call forth my hosts—my angel armies to enforce My words and promises! Take authority over ALL the power of the enemy and declare that the gates of hell shall not prevail! Take out your sword and decree Psalms 91. Declare this day that Roe v. Wade is overturned! Pray for the Supreme Court Justices stand firm and uphold the Constitution! Pray that they remain focused on their calling and mission. Pray for righteousness to prevail for this day is an important day.”

I AM Celebrating With You!

June 25, 2022 For I AM celebrating with you as well that no longer is Roe  v. Wade a law that has been used against you. And I say that there will be many more victories that you shall celebrate. For as we partner together in this battle, the enemy will be thwarted on every side for your decrees and declarations along with your standing on My Word has great power against the devil. For even as My Son used the scriptures when he was tempted and was victorious, so I AM directing you to do the same. For this is just one victory but I AM calling you to bring forth many more. Definition of “thwart”—to oppose successfully; prevent from accomplishing a purpose 

Be Aware

June 26, 2022   For it is good to be aware of the enemy’s schemes so that you are not caught unaware and see I have taught you how to war against evil. For I have given you everything you need~My Word, My authority, your prayer language and the armor of God, EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO BE VICTORIOUS! For I want My church to engage in these battles and NOT BE COMPLACENT! For it is time for MY BRIDE to take her place alongside ME and win! II Peter 1:3-4 “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”


June 27, 2022 For My heart is giddy with excitement for as I come to rescue your country from its’ enemies and their plans to not only control you but to take your life away, once that evil adversary, the devil has been dealt with, it will pave the way for MY GLORY to come in. For this is why the battle has been so fierce! For My Glory will come on the heels of the battle being won! For My Spirit will fall on EVERYONE and there will be revival breaking out for the conviction of sin will be released along with the gift of repentance. Gifts of healing—physically, mentally and spiritually will simultaneously take place! And you, My Church will be MY VESSELS to be used in this great revival that will take place! For I will fill you and anoint you to bring healing, to speak MY WORDS and also to do “the greater things!” So…make sure your heart is right and ready for I can only fill what is CLEAN. John 16:8 “When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin…” John 14:12 “Very...

Rewards And Judgments

June 28, 2022 For I will not only reward the faithful but I will pass judgment on the evil! For ALL their dastardly deeds and plans will be exposed and uncovered for ALL the world to see and there will be SHAME attached to them. For no more will they be respected but they will be jeered and booed for they will be ridiculed by the masses before they are put away from the public for good. For JUSTICE will return to this nation once again and NEVER AGAIN will evil get the upper hand!!!! Psalms 64:7-10 “But God will shoot them with arrows; suddenly they will be struck down. He will turn their own tongues against them and bring them to ruin; all who see them will shake their heads in scorn. All mankind will fear; they will proclaim the works of God and ponder what he as done. Let the righteous rejoice in the Lord and take refuge in him; let all the upright in heart praise him!” NIV

Big Changes Are Coming!

June 29, 2022 For I AM going to ANNOUNCE that the vote for the Presidential Election in 2020 was fraudulent and that Biden is out! I AM NOT LETTING IT GO! They’re ALL going down and I say I’VE HAD ENOUGH! ENOUGH OF THIS CHARADE! For watch this week~EVERYTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE for the Supreme Court is now going to get involved. Pray against riots on the street. Pray against the involvement of Antifa and BLM. Pray that they lose their financial support and that their funds run dry. Take out the SPIRIT of LAWLESSNESS and the SPIRIT OF VIOLENCE BY YOUR PRAYERS AND TAKE AUTHORITY OVER THEM. Loose upon your country unity and division will leave for YOUR PRAYERS ARE WHAT IS NEEDED TO REVERSE THE ENEMY’S PLANS AND TO RESTORE AMERICA AGAIN. I Thessalonians 5:17 “Pray continually.” 

Take The Temperature Of Your Soul

June 30, 2022 Do you know the song “It is well..with my soul?” Well~this song tells of the soul that puts their complete trust in ME! It doesn’t matter what circumstances they’re in or what their needs are; their soul is at rest. Remember when Paul and Silas were in prison and they were actually singing hymns in prison? This is the example I have set before you: TO REJOICE IN EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE AND I SHALL GO BEFORE YOU AND MAKE YOU THE SALT OF THE EARTH AND THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD! Acts 16:24,25 “Upon receiving such orders, he put them in the inner cell and fastened their feet in stocks. After midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God and the other prisoners were listening to them.” Matthew 5:13 “You are the salt of the earth.” Matthew 5:14 “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Vs. 16 “In the same way, let your light shine before men.”

Your Future Is Brighter Than You Think!

July 1, 2022 For there is coming a time when your heart will be at rest, complete rest and your joy will be so full. For I know each one of you and the struggles you face, but I say the struggles will soon be exchanged by MY INTERVENTION! For not only will I rescue this nation from evil, but I AM going to INDIVIDUALLY TOUCH MY CHILDREN, for each one has different needs and I say I have an answer for ALL OF THEM. For this is the time of ANSWERED PRAYER AND REWARD. For I hear each prayer and soon the cries from My children will be answered! FOR MY LOVE IS GREAT AND HAS NO END! Luke 18:27 “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” Jeremiah 29:12 “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.”

Let Freedom Ring!

July 2, 2022 This weekend~this weekend is a holiday weekend where you celebrate your independence and winning freedom from those who wanted this country to be under their rule. Now I say that you will be celebrating for more than what happened in the past for this country will be celebrating for a WHOLE NEW REASON for there will be more exposures and you will find that the elites have been stealing, taking away your rights and manipulating laws and they had future plans of more disasters to follow. BUT NO LONGER ARE THE ELITES IN CONTROL! So this 4th of July there will be dancing in the streets for once you were slaves and now you are FREE!

I AM Done!

July 3, 2022 FOR I AM COMING  and I will shake the church of its’ leaders that do not revere or worship ME, but instead they just want the adulation of men.  For I want true shepherds of MY flock to truly represent ME and NOT their own interests. FOR I AM DONE with pastors who change MY words in the scriptures to fit their ideals. I AM DONE with them so I will remove them from their “center stage” and I will replace them with shepherds that I CHOOSE for MY church must get ready and be prepared for the coming revival for I want the lost to come into MY church and hear the TRUTH of the gospel and not some watered-down message that lacks MY power. So do NOT be surprised at these upcoming events for it is ME doing it and NOT your adversary. So rejoice for I AM cleaning MY HOUSE in preparation for REVIVAL! EZEKIAL 34:10 “I AM AGAINST THE SHEPHERDS AND I WILL HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE FOR MY FLOCK. I WILL REMOVE THEM FROM TENDING THE FLOCK…I WILL RESCUE MY FLOCK….”

Show No Partiality

July 4, 2022 For the MAJESTY OF MY GRACE is soon going to be known. For when My Spirit falls on all men, women and children, you will be surprised at whose names I write in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Now I want My children to get rid of all judgment and criticism for the lost for many will be your brothers and sisters in My Family. Remember My Word says “SHOW NO PARTIALITY” so cleanse your hearts My children and ask ME for MY COMPLETE AND PERFECT LOVE. FOR THAT IS HOW I WANT PEOPLE TO DESCRIBE MY CHILDREN—You Shall Know Them By Their Love! For this love is one of the fruit of the Spirit so abide in ME and it will be Yours. James 2:2-4 “For if there come into your assembly a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel and there come in also a poor man in vile raiment and ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing and say unto him, Sit thou here in a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool: are ye not then partial in yourselves and are become...

I Feel Your Pain

July 5, 2022 And I say for those that have been misunderstood, ridiculed, laughed at, made fun of by family members, friends and others that you know because of your faith in ME, your believing My prophet’s words and My promises, I say ENOUGH! For I AM going to release the TRUTH for all to see and UNDERSTAND. AND I SAY I WILL VINDICATE YOU! FOR MY HEART FEELS YOUR PAIN and I will not let this continue! My children, My love for you is great and surely I will STAND UP for you and place healing ointment on the wounds of your heart. For I will make those that have hurt you, come to you and make amends just like I did for Job and once he forgave them, I blessed him. For those that have put their trust in ME, I will make things right. Job 42:7-10 “he said to Elisha the Temanite, “I am angry with you and your two friends, because you have not spoken the truth about me, as my servant Job has….my servant Job will pray for you and I will accept his prayer and not deal with you according to your ...

Put ME First

July 6, 2022 For I want My children to put ME FIRST before anything for doesn’t My Word say to SEEK ME FIRST? Let ME be your source of joy, your source of the direction and guidance you need in life. For I AM a JEALOUS GOD and I do NOT want My children to have idols and worship anything else besides ME. And the test of having idols would be~where do you go to for comfort? Where do you seek guidance for when you need answers for your life, like where to live or what job to take? For My Word says “I will instruct you in the way you should go.” I want to be the ONE SOURCE you go to FIRST. AND WHEN YOU ARE TROUBLED AND YOUR SOUL IS WEARY WHERE DO YOU GO? COME MY CHILDREN, COME TO ME FOR I AM YOUR GOD AND IF YOU ASK ME, I WILL ANSWER. Matthew 22:37 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all of your mind.” Exodus 20: 5 “You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I the Lord God am a jealous God..” Psalms 32:8 “I will instruct you and teach you in ...


July 7, 2022 For there will be many that you thought believed in ME, many that you respected and revered but their love for ME is cold and now their main concern is how much did we get in the offering plate? But I say I will REPLACE those who have worked their way into people’s hearts by deceptive means with anointed men whom I have chosen. Rejoice for this is the time of REPLACEMENTS and not only in the church BUT ALL the seven mountains of influence for I AM cleaning out all of them so that MY KINGDOM CAN TAKE RESIDENCE IN EACH MOUNTAIN! For this is a time of the great TURNAROUND from DARK to LIGHT for the enemy sought to change times and seasons to his benefit but I say NAY! IT SHALL NOT BE! And you shall see many changes now as this turnaround will become manifest and signs of your enemy losing will be very apparent! Now that the devil sees the writing on the wall of his doom, he and his followers feel trapped and want to cause more violence and release more devastation. Pray and t...

Spread Forth My Kingdom

July 8, 2022 For it won’t be long now MY children for your prayers have been heard and the tables are turning for the elites that have had a stranglehold on this country are having to loosen their grip as I, the Lord am forcing them to do so. For I AM dealing with the enemy through the prayers of My warriors. For My hosts~My angelic army is fighting against strongholds and principalities that have been controlling the narrative…till now for I AM setting this country FREE from the demonic strongholds that have tried to strangle this country~specifically the church. And I AM also CALLING OUT MY CHURCH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE AND TO SHINE YOUR LIGHT BRIGHTLY~ ONE OF LOVE, MERCY AND COMPASSION to ALL those around you. For the enemy is loosing it’s grip so NOW replace the enemy’s narrative with MY KINGDOM!!! COME TO ME, ASK OF ME AND I WILL FILL YOU WITH MY SPIRIT AND ANOINT YOU WITH MY LOVE. Galatians 5:16 “So I say, live by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature...

Change Of Events

July 9, 2022 For everyone will see MY GLORY and yes the death angel will once again visit my enemies and EVERYONE will KNOW that there is a GOD! For I have opened the WORD and have anointed with wisdom and understanding the times and seasons to those who are seeking after Truth, just like I did with the sons of Issachar. See, it won’t be long now and there is NOTHING to fear for I will PROTECT MY CHILDREN as the enemy is losing its’ grip of control now and the elites don’t want to admit that they see doom and gloom for their future and they are ASTOUNDED  that the BOOMERANG effect is in play for remember the story of Joseph, how he was sold as a slave and ultimately came up with a plan to save Egypt and the surrounding area from death? What the enemy meant for evil, I turned it around. SO NOW I AM TURNING  the enemy’s weapons that were used against you to BOOMERANG against them! They will be ASTOUNDED at the change of events-for they never saw it coming! Plus I will make the M...

Our Place In The Kingdom

July 10, 2022 For just as the rain comes and waters the earth and causes the trees and plants to be nourished and to grow, so will My Presence and Glory come to nourish and grow MY CHURCH but also to re-direct their lives from distractions and draw them to their KINGDOM PURPOSE. For My voice will be easily heard and understood and My children’s complacency will be a thing of the past. For I AM going to ANOINT My children with a DEFINITE PURPOSE AND CALLING and Holy Spirit will show them what it is for for I WILL CAUSE EACH ONE TO KNOW WHAT MY WILL IS and not only will they know it but I will EMPOWER THEM TO FULFILL IT. And My children will COME ALIVE MORE AND MORE as they see THEIR VALUE IN MY KINGDOM. For once the battle has been WON, My KINGDOM WILL BE ESTABLISHED and that INVOLVES YOU MY CHILDREN! After the Israelites left Egypt, God instructed Moses to build a tabernacle. The following verses show how God empowered them to do so: Exodus 35:31 “and he has filled him with the Spir...

Be My Instruments Of Grace

July 11, 2022 For I AM moving, moving in ways you never thought possible and I AM causing the enemy to fear the future for he always thought the future was his and his alone and that he had control of it all. For the people he thought he owned are now choosing to see the TRUTH and are actually switching sides for HOLY SPIRIT is touching their hearts and IGNITING HOPE AGAIN for they thought when they sold their soul, it was for a lifetime, but I have revealed MYSELF to them and MY HEART OF COMPASSION and many who have been deceived are coming INTO THE LIGHT. So My children, just as Saul was deceived and persecuting My church and putting to death My own, BUT THEN HE SAW A GREAT LIGHT, so it is HAPPENING AGAIN! So as I used Ananias to bring healing to his eyes and become a friend, so I AM asking MY CHURCH to have an open mind and heart to new believers and people you think might have a questionable reputation. Listen to MY VOICE OF INSTRUCTION AND I WILL LEAD YOU TO MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES...

My Church

July 12, 2022 For I have sustained My Church during these difficult times through My Prophets and those that hear My voice. For My words that I give them bring you direction and guidance in how to walk through the maze and the fog. For the enemy would have you be confused, distraught and hopeless! But I have given you the ability to know MY HEART and what My will is for you at this time! I have taught you how to partner with ME in prayer and to use My Authority as well BUT NOW I AM CALLING YOU TO DO A NEW THING in the battle against your enemies. I AM calling you to worship ME and sing praises especially  as the battle rages on and gets more fierce and you will see a GREAT VICTORY FOR THE BATTLE IS MINE! II Chronicles 20:21,22 “After consulting the people, Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the Lord and to praise him for the splendor of his holiness as they went out at the head of the army saying ‘Give thanks to the Lord for his love endures forever.’ As they began to sing and ...

Change Is Coming!

July 13, 2022 For I AM going to COME AND SET THINGS RIGHT in this country again! For I WILL REMOVE the elites and their evil plans against you! For it is time for the GREAT REVERSAL to take place! For I will remove the wealth, pomp and circumstance from them and their plots and schemes to decimate My church will be exposed and there will be SHAME ATTACHED TO THEIR NAME from that day forward! And the plans they had for you will fall back on them and I will grant that MY OWN WILL HAVE PLENTY AND NO LACK! And the lies, deception and propaganda that you hear constantly coming from MSM, I AM calling on You to eradicate controlling spirits and spirits of manipulation and completely remove them and release onto the MSM MY TRUTH AND LIGHT. For My judgement and justice will prevail in this country for I have called her to REPRESENT ME TO ALL NATIONS! Psalms 132:15,16 “I will bless her with abundant provisions; her poor will I satisfy with food. I will clothe her priests with salvation and her...

Plundering Your Enemy

July 14, 2022 Are you ready? Are you ready to receive MY BLESSINGS? Are you ready to see the SUPERNATURAL POWER that I have being DISPLAYED BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES? Are you READY TO RECEIVE the REWARD from the battle? ARE YOU READY TO PLUNDER YOUR ENEMIES? For I say ‘IT IS COMING!’ For I shall come with HEALING IN MY WINGS and I shall PUT THE ENEMY UNDER YOUR FEET and I shall RENEW, REFRESH AND RESTORE you for there is NO ONE LIKE YOUR GOD and I say that the GLORIOUS IS COMING so lift up your heads for YOUR REDEMPTION DRAWS NEAR! Micah 4:1-3 “For behold the day cometh that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. But unto you that fear my name shall the Son of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes...

I AM Here For You!

July 15, 2022 For I know many of you are struggling, many are hurting. BUT MY LOVE is reaching through the hurt and pain you feel. Let My mercy and compassion touch the depths of your soul. Continue to choose to praise ME in the midst of your pain, believing that My Power is released through your faith! DO NOT LET YOUR FEELINGS RULE YOUR PERCEPTIONS AND PERSPECTIVES on life BUT INSTEAD let MY WORD AND YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH ME DETERMINE your outlook. Push out the negative attitudes and enable MY KINGDOM PERSPECTIVE by believing MY WILL and PURPOSE versus what you see in the natural. Believe that MY POWER IS AVAILABLE FOR YOU! It’s not just a story in the Bible (that shows my miracles and healings) but it is an EXAMPLE TO FOLLOW! FOR I AM HERE FOR YOU! Luke 7:3-7 “The centurion heard of Jesus and sent some elders of the Jews to him, asking him to come and heal his servant…He was not far from the house when the centurion sent friends to say to him,’Lord, don’t trouble yourself, for I ...

We Are Winning!

July 16, 2022 For My Angel Armies are being released when you pray and are doing a mighty work to bring down strongholds and principalities that have been ruling over your country for many years. For the battle has been fierce but as my prayer warriors continue to pray against the evil that they see coming against them and use My Name and its’ authority and My Blood that covers a multitude of sin, BEHOLD YOU WILL SEE THE MIRACULOUS UNFOLD! For even now you are hearing of governments and leaders resigning and losing their office. For I AM removing the puppets and their masters from control and soon it will happen here as well! FOR YOUR PRAYERS HAVE GREAT EFFECT IN MY KINGDOM! II Corinthians 10:3-5 “On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God..” Colossians 2:15 “And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them triumphing over them by the cros...

I Will Save America!

July 17, 2022 For the UNRAVELING has begun! For my enemies are feeling a heavy weight of pressure now, one they’re not used to and one they don’t understand for they thought with having a President on their side, there would be No opposition, BUT THEY NEVER THOUGHT THAT I WOULD BE A FACTOR IN THEIR GOAL OF CONTROL! But I have been watching their every move—for they cannot hide from ME! For it NEVER entered their mind that I would enter into the EQUATION! For they thought they could hide everything and that the god they serve would be there to protect them! But I, the Lord God of heaven and earth will NO LONGER let the enemy go ANY FURTHER in his plans of destruction and taking over America! For I AM here to decimate the enemy’s plans for there will be NO ESCAPE FOR THEM! For your prayers have been heard and I WILL SAVE AMERICA! Isaiah 41:11-13 “All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish. Though you search for y...


July 18, 2022 Oh My children, many of you are hurting physically from what the elites have done to the air, pharmaceuticals and food that are full of chemicals and preservatives and so much more. And when I speak of exposures, it includes the attacks on your health and well-being and not just a virus. For ALL the dastardly deeds will come forth—BUT it’s for a reason—not to just show you how bad it was and is BUT that I’M coming to eradicate these evil practices and I say that there will be a GREAT REFORM in medicines, soil, air quality and the food you eat. Don’t think I have come to just SHOW YOU HOW BAD IT IS BUT I HAVE COME TO RESTORE! FOR I WILL MAKE ALL THINGS NEW! Now come with a GRATEFUL HEART FOR ALL I AM DOING! Isaiah 44:3 “For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring and my blessing on your descendants.”

From Persecution To Vindication

July 19, 2022 For ALL of those who have felt wronged by those around you—who did NOT understand you and how you think`~for ultimately since they do not understand ME and My ways; nor do they understand you! For you have not been influenced by what the world is saying. No, for your focus has been solely on ME and what I AM doing and not what your enemy is saying and doing. And I say for all the misunderstandings, hardships and broken relationships, I say that I WILL VINDICATE YOU, FOR MY TRUTH WILL SWEEP OVER THIS COUNTRY AND WILL COMPLETELY eradicate the lies and deception that have covered and blinded people’s eyes and ears. And behold I will cause relationships and hearts to be mended and I will bring UNITY LIKE NEVER BEFORE! Psalms 135:14 “For the Lord will vindicate his people and have compassion on his servants.” Matthew 5:11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is you...

The Manifestation Of God’s Word

July 20, 2022 For this IS THE YEAR OF THE LORD’S FAVOR~where I WILL turn mourning into dancing and bind up the brokenhearted and you will have a garment of praise instead of despair for this is the day of vengeance of Your God! FOR YOU WILL BE ASTOUNDED HOW THIS YEAR UNFOLDS! For after the battle has been won, immediately your rightful President will take his place and will make sweeping reforms under MY GUIDANCE AND EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE! And there will be no more lack but you will have PLENTY! Isaiah 61:1-3 “He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn and provide for those who grieve in Zion—to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.”

The Wait Will Be Worth It All!

July 23, 2022 For I know that the wait has been long for this rescue operation to occur BUT BE ASSURED IT WILL HAPPEN! And the RESULTS of this rescue will be KNOWN FAR AND WIDE! FOR THIS IS NOT only for America~NO! FOR I AM SETTING EVERYONE FREE (but not those who have sought darkness) from bondage of the lies, control and hardship caused by the enemy. And this will make way for breakthroughs in the medical field including cancer, dementia and Alzheimer’s and many other diseases and conditions FOR I AM BRINGING HEALING TO THIS COUNTRY which will manifest and IT’S TRUE DESTINY OF BEING A LIGHT TO THE NATIONS WILL APPEAR. Rejoice My Children and DO NOT FEAR FOR NOTHING CAN STOP OR DENY MY PLANS! Psalms 62:8 “Trust in him at all times, O people, pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.” Psalms 64:9,10” All mankind will fear; they will proclaim the works of God and ponder what he has done. Let all the righteous rejoice in the Lord and take refuge in him; let all the upright ...