
Showing posts from March, 2025

Until Now

IT IS TIME. For I have withheld My Justice and Judgment UNTIL NOW. And All Will Know and Understand the Fear of the Lord for My Might and Power Will Be On Display Like Never Before. And I say to you My Army of Light~Are you Ready? For the Extreme Darkness that is coming will try to shake you to your core~But Stand Firm in ME and My Promises and Worship ME amidst the chaos and I shall Uphold You With My Victorious Right Hand. But for those who have been loyal to the darkness~you have been marked by ME for the awful and dastardly deeds you have wrought will no longer be hidden, but seen by all and you shall Know Fear Like You Never Thought Possible~you who have hurt the children and gone after the innocent. Know this~the devil cannot save you for My Power Far Exceeds All Other Gods! For the Time of Reckoning Is Upon US and The Day of the Lord Is Near! Joel 2:11 “The Lord thunders at the head of his army; his forces are beyond number, and mighty is the army that obeys his command. The day...

You Will Bring Change

My Children~for you are seeing a spirit of dissension that has been released over America and this is bringing and stirring up strife and division. For the enemy is trying hard to Stop My David and the new appointed leaders to have success and they will do everything in their power to do so. So My Army of Light I AM calling on you to Partner with ME now and Declare and Decree that the spirit of dissension is Completely dismantled and becomes powerless and then Counter its actions by your Releasing the spirit of unity across America. For as you do this My Army of Light~you will Bring Change as My Angel Armies work on your behalf! Psalms 46:7-9 “Here he comes! The Commander! The mighty Lord of Angel Armies is on our side! The God of Jacob fights for us! Everyone look! Come and see the breathtaking wonders of our God. For he brings both ruin and revival. He’s the one who makes conflicts end throughout the earth, breaking and burning every weapon of war.”

My David

For I will bless My David for he is seeking ME and longs to bring justice to America and remove the deep state and the evil agenda it has. For I needed to have a person like Donald J. Trump who could stand against evil and not be afraid. For he has had so many attempts on his life, but do yo see him cowering? NEVER! For he has the boldness of a lion and his desire is to bring America back to her True Destiny that matches My Own! And I say that I AM standing up for My David and I will take down his enemies—Watch ME! Psalms 136:24 “He has rescued us from the power of our enemies! His tender love for us continues on forever!”

Swift Justice

For the speech last night made the democrats look like fools! For they have No Interest to Make America Great and to secure your borders from the intrusion of immigrants~especially those who would do you harm. It was Very Evident that they have no qualms of putting your lives in danger and My Heart Is Grieved for you! But I Shall Arise From My Throne and Bring You Swift Justice for they are marked now and My Angel Armies shall Do My Bidding! Isaiah 56:1 “Promote the cause of justice! Do what is just and right, for soon my salvation will come and my righteousness will be unveiled.”

A Chess Game

So what is it that President Trump will share tonight? What is this BIG announcement? Ha! I laugh with My David for he is playing a chess game with his enemies and tonight he will announce Checkmate upon them! Of course he will not come out and say it but he will put the deep state in a corner and they will be so devastated by the actions that he announces that he will take. So don’t be disappointed that you don’t fully understand the BIG thing he shares, but the deep state will have a Complete Understanding. And the deep state will go into a melt down mode and their reaction will be that they need to retaliate against My David. So My Army of Light Call Forth My Warrior Angel Armies to Come and Defend America from All Its Enemies so that she may Attain to be America The Beautiful! For she has a destiny to fulfill and that she will! The chorus from the song America the Beautiful: America! America! God shed His grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood  From sea to shining se...


Relationships. Relationships can be so hard even if both are believers in ME for there are so many opinions and so many point of views that bring division and pain within family members and friendships. For there are those who take over conversations and convince many that their positions are the right ones and everyone else is wrong. Then there are those who only listen and won’t share what they are thinking. And then there are those who side with whomever they are with—much like a chameleon reflecting the colors of their surroundings. So~ what is the answer? TRUTH! For I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life! And I say when you are in these heated discussions, stop and ask ME to join you and lift up your voices to ME and pray and seek ME to give you answers and to bring you clarity. And if that is not possible, then when you are alone with ME~pray that I bring clarity to the confusion for I AM just a prayer away. I Timothy 2:1”Most of all, I’m writing to encourage you to pray with grati...

Until Now

And I say to you that I have held off Until Now My Justice and Judgment to fall on the evil and wicked ones who have chosen to live for darkness and Now Shall They Reap What They have Sown for the month of March will Be Full of Surprises for the deep state. For they will be backed into a corner and Nowhere to Hide! And I shall Make the News Media To Report Truth and the Secrets they have kept will be Front Page News! And many shall be arrested and the word Treason will be used often. And many leaders who were thought to have a high standing will fall off their pedestals~never to rise again! Proverbs 15:11 “Even hell itself holds no secrets from the Lord God, for before his eyes, all is exposed—and so much more the heart of every human being.”

My Healing Touch

And now I shall tell you of another blessing that shall soon be released on you and that’s My Healing Touch! For I Know how hard it has been for many of you as you have suffered with illness, disease, chronic pain and so much more. And I say that many of you will go to bed and when you wake up, your body will be renewed! For I AM planning on doing a GIVEAWAY with Many Supernatural Holy Ghost Heavenly Operations as you sleep at night for I AM going to replace body parts that no longer function well and give you new ones! For I mentioned earlier that I AM repeating the time when the Israelites left Egypt and behold there were No Feeble Among Them and Neither Shall You Be for these Heavenly Operations Will Take Place! Psalms 105:37 “At last, God freed all the Hebrews from their slavery and sent them laden with the silver and gold of Egypt. And not even one was feeble on their way out!” Malachi 4:2 “But unto you who revere and worshipfully fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise ...