
Showing posts from January, 2025

Defeat Darkness

For I AM at work in your midst and I AM going to remove a stench in My nostrils—a show that is repulsive to ME called The View. For they have ridiculed My David enough and they have made evil good and good evil and that is on Full Display but now I AM calling forth My Vengeance upon them and they shall Look Like Fools on the air time and time again and then their show will be cancelled. For they are going down and this circus at these hearings are a Complete Joke but I shall Enter the Fray and shall cause Truth to Prevail. For It Is Time for My Light to Expose the Darkness, but not only that But to Defeat Darkness! John 1:5 “And this Light never fails to shine through darkness—Light that darkness could not overcome!”


Changes~for there are so many Changes happening now during this Transition from darkness to light. For you have been enslaved for so long by the deep state that it’s hard for you to actually believe that life will get better~that soon the prophecy by Kim Clement when he declared ‘death to debt’ will become a Reality. And that the Truth of the health and food industry will be Known and understood and that will bring a Revolution of Change and will usher in a Lifestyle of Healthy Living. For even the weather will no longer be manipulated and the court system will actually bring True Justice and there will be no more bribes taken. There are So Many Changes on the horizon for you that you cannot perceive it but Ask ME to help you make this transition of Kingdom Thinking for this will be a help to you to Receive all the Changes That Are Coming! Romans 12:2 “Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reform...

Watch ME!

For there is a confirmation hearing for RFK Jr. today and behold he will be under intense fire today in extreme fashion for the pharmaceutical companies and the medial field have much at stake if he gets to be the HHS Secretary for not only will he uncover the reality of the medications that have the opposite effect of helping your health but to harm it but also of hiding the medicines and/or supplements that can help you but also How Long their death agenda has been going on. But this is where you come in My Army of Light—take authority over the spirit of the death agenda and render it Null and Void in My Son’s Name and then Loose upon these hearings the Spirit of Truth to be Received and Believed and then Watch ME Work! James 5:16b “for tremendous power is released through the passionate, heartfelt prayer of a godly believer.”

I Long For America To Be Unified

Have you taken note of My David? For he is working hard for you everyday to Make America Great Again! And President Trump isn’t playing around with countries who do not receive their people back again~for he is a force to be reckoned with. For he demands respect for he represents America and he wants this country to be honored and respected again and that it shall! Now I know that America is divided right now for there are many that do not appreciate your new President but I say that I will put things in motion that will open their minds and hearts to the Reality of who Donald Trump is and that he is a man to be revered. For I long for America to be unified and I AM doing things behind the scenes to bring that about! For the song that has been sung for many years will become Reality once again: America! America! God shed His grace on thee. He crowned thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea. (From America The Beautiful)


For I AM working mightily through President Trump for I have given him supernatural wisdom to drain the swamp and especially the federal government right now. And the phrase all hell is breaking loose is becoming a reality for their hold on America is unraveling and the demons are screaming for they are having to give up territory that they have had for generations and this in fact fuels the deep state to retaliate against him. For in their meetings they are screaming at each other for their control over America is literally slipping through their fingers and they know if they don’t do something soon, they will lose it all. But with all their planning and scheming, I will Uncover the Reality of these so called natural disasters that really are coming from the deep state. For I will Open Doors to their secrets of weather manipulation and these fires that have brought such devastation in both California (twice) and Maui for they will Not Be Able To Hide Anymore and their Secrets will be ...

Stones Of Truth!

For I the Lord God wants to impart peace, grace and comfort to you now for soon there will be exposures that will be hard for your mind and soul to receive so Enable ME to help you. So come My Army of Light and Allow ME to bathe you and to saturate you with My peace, grace and comfort so that Truth will be able to be processed and received. For remember My Word that says the truth will set you free and that it shall. For I AM smashing the foundation of lies and deception that this country has falsely believed for generations and I AM rebuilding the foundation to be set on Stones of Truth! John 8:32 “For if you embrace the truth, it will release true freedom into your lives.”

The Opportunity

The deal has been made~just like Judas when he betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver~for behind closed doors the deep state has made the decision and has chosen the means to wreck havoc in America for the final blow came at the WEF following the speech that My David spoke. For he was courageous and spoke Truth to their evil plans of ruling the world. So their wicked schemes have been put in motion but there is Nothing to Fear; in fact, Be Excited for this is The Opportunity I’ve Been Waiting For! For this confrontation needs to happen so that the deep state will be dealt with and Taken Down and My Glory and Power shall be on Display! For My David has access to what is happening and he is aware of their plans as well and I Will Keep Him Safe. And I will use Pete Hegseth in this upcoming confrontation for he will play a key role as well. For All My Plans Are Coming Together! Psalms 37:13-15 “God laughs at the wicked and their plans, for he knows their day is coming! Evil ones take aim a...

Awakening To The Truth!

For My heart is brimming with pride for My Army of light for we partnered together and now My David is in the Office of the President of America and he is full of excitement and vigor for he has had four years to plan Exactly what needs to be done to bring healing to America and to Revive her Back to Life again! For he has learned from his mistakes and he has also sought My advice and prophetic voices as well. For he is a changed man wholly devoted to ME and he knows he is called to serve you! And I have talked about suddenlies and surprises and they’re coming Fast and Furious! And now even more things for the Truth will come out regarding the assassinations of a President and leaders in this country~now My Army of Light there are many who Do Not Want this information shared for this Truth will bring guilt and shame to those in politics BUT in order for the healing of America~the Hidden Secrets must be Revealed for America’s foundations cannot be Built on Lies! So pray My Army of Light...


For the time is coming and soon shall be that the deep state will attempt to take back their control for they are in panic mode for President Trump is working hard on behalf of you~the American people  and the Reality and Contrast of what he is doing and what the previous administration didn’t do is Astonishing! For even the most loyal democrats are having their eyes opened to this Truth. So the deep state is in a hurry for the more time President Trump has, the more Benefits the American people will experience and see. For the MSM is trying hard to be critical of him as well but how can you say negative things against hostages being freed in Israel? For this is Also a Wake-Up Call for those who are still sleeping. But soon things will change but Do Not Fear for the deep state needs to be dealt with and I SHALL. Psalms 48:14 “For this God is our God forever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end.”

Overcoming Darkness!

For this time is what is what My David calls the Golden Age and I say—So Shall It Be~much like the Kingdom Age might I add. For I have given My David supernatural wisdom to bring this country from destitute, poor and unhealthy to a country that will be healthy, prosperous and full of ingenuity and skill! And My David knows how to rid this country of its debt and how to generate money for America and will once again be a wealthy nation and she will no longer be laughed at; but be Revered! For I have told you that your future is bright and so shall it be! For the deep state was copying its lord—of stealing, killing and destroying—but My David who is in charge will change all that and this Nation of America will flourish and will in fact be an Example of how other nations can be as well! For the deep state will lose power over All Countries and Freedom Will Ring Everywhere! For My Light Is Overcoming Darkness! Psalms 47:1-4 “Go ahead and celebrate! Come on and clap your hands, everyone! S...

Like Never Before!

For the deep state isn’t done for yesterday they looked the fools and they’re not going to stand for it~so the Big Clash between good and evil is about to ramp up~for it Already is in the heavenliness and now shall be Reflected in the natural realm. For the deep state is LIVID over yesterday’s celebrations of Liberation Day! And in their hearts they are saying ‘you’re not rid of me yet—I’ll Show You!’ So Very Soon the Battle of the Ages shall come forth and as was mentioned, there will be Great Illusions seen but Do Not Fear for their wicked schemes will bring much fear and trembling to many, But Rejoice My Army of Light for I will Keep My David safe and J. D. Vance as well~but in the midst of this Great Battle when it Seems like the darkness is winning and there is No Hope to Survive, I Will Come and Bring My Rescue Party and Deal with the Darkness!!  And once this Great Battle is Over, that is when there will be Dancing in the Streets and a True Celebration of Becoming Free! Fo...

I Shall Protect Him!

For this day will be a day always remembered. And shall I say surprises too? For a lot is happening behind the scenes and the military are actually Very Busy to keep this day Just an Inauguration Day. For the deep state has evil plans for this day to cause chaos so continue to stand but I have Heard the many prayers and I have taken Notice of the fasting of many as well and Behold I Shall Protect with My Victorious Right Hand for even though the deep state is trying to touch My David, I Shall Protect Him! Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.”  

Join ME!

For My David and Melania are chosen by ME to be President and First Lady and if that is True, why do you listen to threats of another assassination attempt? For there have been countless attempts on both of them but I have spared them Every Time and I Will Continue To Do So! Do you not think My Angel Armies are not powerful enough to protect them from every attempt at their lives? Nothing Will Touch Them or Harm Them and My Plans Will Succeed and I Will Stop the Deep State and Their Last Ditch Effort to Bring Death and Destruction to My America! Do Not Fear My Army Light for when you do, you are actually fueling the enemy’s control over you but if you want to engage in this battle~Praise ME, Worship ME and as you do, your praise causes My Angel Armies to be strengthened in their mission to fight the deep state to bring you harm!! Join ME in Winning This Battle! Deuteronomy 3:22 “Do not be afraid of them, the Lord your God himself will fight for you.”

The Reality

Come and join ME My Army of Light and Rejoice with ME for hell has been dethroned over America and no longer are you slaves to the deep state BUT the Reality of it will not be fleshed out right away But Very Soon! For the deep state doesn’t want to admit that they have lost control and they are even now scheming and planning but here is where you Partner with ME and Declare and Decree that No Weapon Formed Against America, Donald Trump and the Inauguration will prosper! Declare that All their plans will fail and that after the inauguration festivities are over that there will be Mass Arrests! For the Reality of Light Overcoming the Darkness Will Be Clearly Seen!

You Will Experience Victory!

For you have been in fighting mode for so long My Army of Light and soon the fighting will be over and the battle won and you will Experience Victory! Now~for some of you it will take some effort to change your mindset from a warrior mode to a receiving mode. For there will be Showers of Blessings coming that will be non-stop and for some of you it will take a bit of time to recalibrate yourself to receive all that is coming. Some might even feel guilty that you don’t deserve it—don’t receive that lie for My Word says that I love to give good gifts to My Children. So My Army of Light, once the Battle is over, Get Ready to Receive the Plunder and the Benefits of Being on the Winning Side! Note: Just because the battle will be over doesn't mean we will no longer experience warfare from the devil. We will still have that but in a lessor manner as hell will no longer have control over the seven mountains. Matthew 7:11 “If you, imperfect as you are, know how to lovingly take care of you...

My Justice

For the battle is fierce now for many of you saw the interview with James O’Keefe uncovering a story with Jamie Mannina—a former senior Pentagon advisor and a former FBI special agent discussing plans involving retired military officials to protect people from Trump. For like I have said multiple times, the deep state is in a frenzy and cannot stand the thought of having Trump in office as President for they know many will lose their place of influence and will no longer be a part of the administration for they know their lifestyle of evil and corruption will be displayed and will no longer able to hide it. For I AM causing fear to take over them and even the demons are harassing them now. Do Not Be Surprised if you see some of the Senators or members of Congress have Complete Meltdowns! For Justice is running after them and They Cannot Hide! Proverbs 21:15 “When justice is served, the lovers of God celebrate and rejoice, but the wicked begin to panic.”

I Will Not Let You Down!

Note: The first sentence here is in response to my prayers and then the Lord shares with us what is on His heart. For you are Right in praying for My church now for I have need of them to Arise and show themselves Strong and Victorious in battle—for it is not a time to listen to heresay and what-ifs, NO~It is Time instead to Declare My Victory Over My Enemies! For I Do Not Come in response to complaints and a heart that is full of fear—No—on the contrary, what moves My heart is Your Faith in ME that I Can Move Mountains! For what does My Word say? It says that is impossible to please ME without faith (Hebrews 11:6) So My Army Light if you want to get My Attention, fill your hearts with faith! And how do you do that? I will tell you! If you are going through a difficult time~Focus and Recall all the times I have been there for you, all the times I have answered your prayers, the times where you almost hit a car while driving, when you fell asleep at the wheel and suddenly you woke up f...

It’s Harvest Time!

For their is evil lurking in the deep state and I can hear them laughing and see them wringing their hands together as they devise a most evil plan to bring destruction to America on a Grand Scale—but this is What I Have Been Waiting For My Army of Light~for this is When I Will Intervene and Fight For You! For the deep state has conjured up evil spirits to help them devise this evil and wicked scheme against you for this is a MAJOR THREAT that if their plans would succeed, this MAJOR CATASTROPHE would bring death to many, many, many people. But these days have been written about in the Book of Enoch and the scriptures. Remember the parable of the wheat and tares? For the wheat and tares (weeds) grew together and then at harvest time, the harvesters gathered the weeds first and tied them in bundles to be burned and the wheat was put into the barn. (Matthew 13:29) For the deep state knows there is not much time before the inauguration so they are under a time crunch and there will be mis...

My Journey To Complete Surrender

Note: The Lord has asked me to share my journey of surrender with you. I have a dear friend who is a retired pastor from our church that I’ve known for 50+ years. He has cancer and is dying. My first response was that I needed to eradicate all the cancer cells in his body through the power of prayer and to take authority over the spirit of infirmity and I did that for months fully believing that God was going to heal him. But when I would see him and visit him he would tell me of the pain he is in and his appetite is not there and he is wasting away. He has been on hospice now for months and my prayers are not taking effect at all. My heart is grieved as I watch his wife, kids and grandchildren in grief knowing the soon outcome. And how have I handled it? I have let go of my ideas of how things should go and I have released my friend and his family to God. I am reminded of the verse that says that every human being is appointed to die once (Hebrews 9:27) and so I have surrendered to Go...

Take Advantage Of What Is Available To You!

For My son after He was resurrected and returned to the earth, He taught why His death was important and also was prophesied about in the Scriptures. But He also mentioned that He needed to go so that the Comforter would come! For I want to share with you the Role of Holy Spirit to grant you understanding but Also for you to Engage into the workings of Holy Spirit! For I believe you need Him more than you know! For My Son told His followers to wait and to stay in Jerusalem until you are clothed with the mighty power of heaven (Luke 24:49) Then came Pentecost and all the disciples were gathered together and Holy Spirit came as a pillar of fire and engulfed them and they were inspired to speak in tongues. But Holy Spirit does So Much More! He convicts the world of sin. Do you want someone saved, do you want someone convinced of a certain sin in their life? Pray to Holy Spirit to convict them. Is someone you know deceived and caught up in lies? Pray Holy Spirit to come and bring Truth to ...

My Promise To You!

For My Purposes and Plans are well on their way to become Reality. For the deep state’s agenda of death and destruction is Very Evident from the fires that happened in California. For through tragedy comes the Truth of what the left stands for~they want control of your possessions and control of how you live! But soon as more and more Truth comes out of what the deep state has done, It will Be Very Apparent that your Newly Elected President~Donald Trump will Bring Healing to America! For I Will Bring Justice to America and My David will follow through with it. And the travesty of the insurance companies will be dealt with as well! For I See All and this will Not Stand! Come to ME—all that are heavy laden and I will Give You Rest! Do Not Fear for I Will Never Leave you or Forsake you for This Is My Promise To You! Matthew 11:28-30 “Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll ...

The Battle Of The Ages!

For did you see it? Former President Barack Obama speaking to My anointed Donald Trump at the funeral? For Barack Obama chose to sit next to Donald Trump for certain things he wanted to communicate to him and My David was not threatened at all. In fact when you saw Barack Obama chuckle from a response DJT gave him, it was because My David shared what Barack Obama’s future will be. For this will haunt Barack Obama and will cause him to be very, very concerned for his well-being. For My David has always made it clear that he is a law-and-order President and this term will be evidenced by it! And now Barack will be frantic to stop him and will lead to desperate and hasty decisions to spare his life but also his reputation! For this will start and bring forth the Battle of the Ages!

Now It’s My Turn!

For this day will be written in history books—The Day God Showed Himself! For so long the devil has been revealing himself through Hollywood, the government, basically all the seven mountains—BUT NOW IT’S MY TURN! For there will be No Question or Doubt who could reveal Such Presence to such a Magnitude than God Himself! For My Kingdom is Moving Now and I will Bring Great Shaking to the hearts of the wicked and those given over to darkness! For It’s Time for the Lord’s Prayer that has been prayed by the Church for thousands of years to Become A Reality~My Kingdom Come, My Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven!!!!! Amen!

The Boomerang

For I The Lord God am about to release a sign to show the deep state My Power for there will be something that will happen during this funeral for President Carter that will rattle them immensely! For all the troubles they have caused My David~behold the boomerang is coming for them in a way they never would have believed! And I AM choosing to not mention this surprise and what it is for I will keep it hidden until it reveals itself. But My Word speaks of My character and it says that vengeance is mine and I will repay and so I shall! Romans 12:19 “Beloved, don’t be obsessed with taking revenge, but leave that to God’s righteous justice. For the Scriptures say: Vengeance is mine and I will repay, says the Lord.”

I Will Intervene!

Do Not Be Surprised if My David takes office before the date of the inauguration. For I have deemed it necessary for him to hold the Office of President ‘earlier’ for the current President is no longer presiding but he is making a mockery of the Office of the President of the United States, So I Will Intervene! For there are things that are happening that will soon come to light and you will then understand the reason for this necessity. And soon things will align to My Plans and the deep state will be in a deep panic mode! For they have been so used to everything going according to their plans! Ha! I laugh at them and their evil schemes because they will not come to pass! Proverbs 1:25-26 “Because you have laughed at my counsel and have insisted on continuing in your stubbornness, I will laugh when your calamity comes and will turn away from you at the time of your disaster. Make a joke of my advice, will you? Then I’ll make a joke out of you!”


Surprises~for I have many that are coming that will bring Shock and Awe to first America and will spread throughout the world! For I know things look bleak now but look who is resigning in Canada! For this is just the beginning of many deep state leaders that are Going Down! So do not be downcast My Army of Light for things are happening behind the senes that will soon Come to Light! Remember My Plans Will Succeed! Proverbs 19:20 “May are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”

You Can Count On It!

For the decrees you have been making and the prayers against your enemy, the devil and the deep state are having an effect. For if you could hear the conversations in the enemy’s camp, you would hear fear that is overtaking them for they cannot stand the thought of DJT coming back as President and they are trying everything they can to stop it from happening. Now, My Army of Light Declare that All their plans FAIL and Come to Nothing! But they will become so Desperate that they will release something much more evil but I Will Protect You~for when I AM needed, I Will Fight For You!! You Can Count On It! Jeremiah 1:19 “They will fight against you, but they will not win for I promise I am always with you to rescue you. I YAHWEH, have spoken.”

Your Mantle

For I the Lord know that this battle has been a long and difficult one but through it your growth and faith in ME has grown exponentially! For you have learned to persevere when the going has gotten tough and instead of running away from challenges you have chosen to meet them head on! I especially appreciate the lack of fear you have now for your enemy, the devil for instead of running and hiding from him, you use the authority you’ve been given and you stop the weapons he uses against you and you negate his lies and you choose to believe what My Word says and not his. I have waited a long time for My Remnant to have an understanding of the authority they have been given and that they are not victims of the devil’s attacks, but instead they are more than conquerors~and so you are! And this is why this time has been chosen for My Rescue for once the evil and darkness has been dealt with, You My Army of Light will make sure it will Not Return! For this is the mantle you will carry—to ta...

Stay The Course!

For I know the weariness of your soul and you ask ME~how long must we wait for Your Rescue? For we have heard of the magnificent plans that You have for us and yet we feel stuck and we are feeling more and more unsafe in America everyday. When is it oh Lord that You will Rise Up and fight for us? And behold I will Answer you~much like I did Job when he had questions for ME. Can you see what I see? Do you Know and have All Wisdom of the Ages? How do you discern when the perfect timing is~when it affects just you? For I see clearly the Whole picture including every country that is on earth and I AM Very Aware for I See All! But You Do Not! For I have been hearing grumbling and complaining in My ears lately. For how can you say you trust ME and call ME Lord and yet complain? For I dealt harshly with the Israelites when they complained to ME and My servant, Moses. For I need My Army of Light to Stay the Course and Make Choices to Continue to Trust in ME despite what you see going on around...

My Plans Unfold!

For the enemy that is using the deep state is in a quandary and is very, very afraid of the reality of Donald Trump becoming President again so they are using violence to stir up strife and fear throughout America~but haven’t I said that I have plans too? Do you think this is a surprise to ME? NO! Now My Army of Light come together now and with One Voice destroy the enemy’s plans against you and Make This Decree against them—I Decree and Release Heaven’s Angelic Army to Eradicate Any and All forms of riots and/or violence! I boomerang back on them the fire of God, the power of God and the gift of repentance to fall on everyone of them! I decree that I am crushing Satan under my feet including any and all plans to stop Donald Trump from entering the office of President of the United States! For from these decrees, you shall see My Plans Unfold! Job 22:28 “Thou shalt also decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee: And the light shall shine upon thy ways.” Romans 16:20 “And...

Continue To Love

For the enemy has ramped up his attacks against you My Army of Light and also against DJT for he knows that he is a tool that I use against him. So~this battle is heating up even more now and you must be aware of the enemy’s attacks against you. For did you hear My servant, Barry Wunsch speak of people close to DJT having a Jezebel spirit for the enemy has released a more intense form of witchcraft now but what does My Word say? My Word says that you have been given authority over All the power of the enemy. For you are to Overcome! Now, there is a test that is coming your way in the year 2025 that I AM making you aware of now. For this wealth transfer is well on its way and My Word speaks of this test for it says you cannot serve two masters—ME and the love of money. For this coming blessing can be a curse if you allow it to be. But I say even now Surrender this money to ME—meaning ask ME for wisdom and discernment in how you spend it and Do Not Let It Control You but Continue to have...