We Must Engage!
Oh how the enemy is wringing their hands in worry and fret now~for the deep state on Both sides of the aisle are in trouble for there is No Real Candidate running besides My David. Who gets such a big audience at their rallies besides him? For he speaks the Truth for the public is weary of all the lies they hear on MSM—how the economy is good and that the border is a non-issue! Ha! People Know the Truth and they are Tired of being misled and deceived so when they hear Donald Trump speak the Truth of the current state of affairs, their ears hear and their hearts agree! For the hearts of the public are getting so tired of the rhetoric! So~because of these things, the rinos and the democrats are in such a state of panic! And I Laugh at Them! For their plans are blowing up in their faces! So~My Army of Light~I need you to Know that when the enemy is cornered in such a way as they are in now, they get Desperate to change the narrative—especially from the latest video that James O’Keefe put out—so PRAY! Pray against violence and witchcraft that will be called upon to take away the focus from the current events. Pray that ALL their evil plans against the innocent—namely children are NULL and VOID. Pray for Complete Exposure that ALL plans of violence are SHUT DOWN! Pray for My Angel Armies to be Released to Protect America! For we are in a War and We Must Engage!
Ephesians 6:12 “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
Rino-republicans in name only
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