Sound The Alarm!

NOW HEAR THIS! The deep state has been sitting at a table and are wringing their hands in delight for they have an evil, heinous plan that will bring death to many in this country. For they will use technology against you and will seek to bring hell on earth so that your body is actually set on fire. Now I do not say this to cause fear. I AM saying this to SOUND AN ALARM for you MUST, MY ARMY OF LIGHT STAND UP NOW and FIGHT!! So Now Render this Plan Null and Void and Declare their Plans ARE COMPLETELY FOILED! Declare that the connection they need using cell towers will be DEACTIVATED and Rendered COMPLETELY POWERLESS and then DECLARE AND DECREE THE BOOMERANG comes back at them in FULL FORCE! For I AM shining a Light on how Evil the deep state has become! For I Will Not let Their Plans Go Unpunished but Instead It will be Broadcast and Everyone will Know How Wicked They Are!!!

Proverbs 11:5 “The righteousness of the blameless makes their paths straight, but the wicked are brought down by their own wickedness.”


  1. What about all those Christians who don't read these from God? Will they be distroyed by it all?


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