I AM On The Move
Note: I started declaring what God’s plans were as I met with Him today for the Holy Spirit was very strong this morning and I feel led to share what Holy Spirit was directing me and then it turned into what God was revealing to me. I will share when it changes from me to Him.
Come and carry me into the supernatural~into the holy of holies where You dwell! Come! I Welcome You! Come and take me where You want me to go! I give you this day to move in a Most Powerful Way! May today be the beginning of us seeing and witnessing Your winning and witnessing the look on our enemies’ faces of complete surprise~yet also the look of dread~knowing that their actions DO MATTER! For You are the God of Justice and You’re not going to let them get by without consequences!! Hallelujah! Our God Reigns on Earth and in Heaven! And now He is Standing Ready to make His Calculated moves with precision~knowing Exactly where to start and with whom that will cause one domino to fall and then another and another…(and this is where He takes over) for this Spring has been chosen to be a start and to be the beginning of the end for the cabal and the deep state. For No One will be able to Deny that there is a God when all this is said and done!! For this is My Time to Show Up and Show Off who I AM and what I stand for~for I AM a God of Justice! For I will use what the enemy has done and I will cause a Great Turnaround and I will cause the Righteous in the land to Rejoice and I will cause the wicked to be No More. For My Plans are So Glorious that you cannot Comprehend Them! Prepare to have your minds blown and your spirits to soar! For I AM ON THE MOVE AND I WON’T STOP until the evil is Completely Dealt with and My Glory Seen and Experienced by All!!
Psalms 89:14 “Your glorious throne rests on a foundation of righteousness and just verdicts. Grace and truth are the attendants who go before you.”
Psalms 86:8-10 “There’s no one quite like you among the gods, O Lord, and nothing to compare with your works. All the nations you made are on their way, ready to give honor to you, O Lord, Ready to put your beauty on display, parading your greatness, And the great things you do—God, you’re the one, there’s no one but you!”
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