This Journey

For this journey that we have been taking together has had its ups and downs. For it was hard for you during covid, the shot and the many casualties that occurred. And then the election that didn’t go as you thought it would and then having to endure the current (faulty) President as well. But through this journey, your faith has more than doubled, your steadfastness in ME has become firm and your love for ME is a foundation to your soul. When I was on the Earth many left ME (John 6:66) but you have brought ME joy in that you have Chosen to stay and you have also learned that I AM your help and your strength! For I promised you that I would never leave your or forsake you and I see that The Feeling Is Mutual!


  1. My trust is in God NO matter what I see, He sits on the throne, no matter the fear, the anxiety, the chaos, no matter anything. God is in control FOREVER and ALWAYS!! He is the good Shepherd and will always protect his children. Thank you, Lord!!!


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