Truth Revealed

 The Miraculous is Coming! For I see Division Everywhere throughout America for there are So Many Factions and Ideas among everyone~for some believe in climate change, others believe that there is weather manipulation, some believe everything that is said on the news, others don’t even tune in. Some don’t visit a doctor’s office~some are taking a multitude of medications that have been prescribed for them and all the while the doctors are receiving a kickback from the medications that are prescribed. (That does not mean I believe all medications are wrong.) Then others believe that Trump will help bring back America to being great; while others hate the man because of the MSM sharing their ideas of him. Everywhere you look throughout the people groups, there are disagreements and dissension regarding gender, family, their belief in God or not at all. And their intolerance for one another is growing and is being fed by the brainwashing of the MSM. For I have been watching and seeing all that is affecting My Remnant and your soul is being bombarded day after day. But I say there will come a day and is soon approaching that the LIES WILL STOP and I WILL BRING TRUTH TO EVERYTHING that is being lied about. Your history, including the Titanic, the John F. Kennedy assassination and who really was the murderer. I WILL BRING EVERYTHING INTO THE LIGHT. FOR TRUTH WILL NO LONGER BE HIDDEN AND TRUTH WILL ABOUND in this nation and the reality of the truth will bring pain to many but Also the Truth will set this nation FREE and this TRUTH WILL UNITE AMERICANS LIKE NEVER BEFORE and it will bring the BEGINNING of Healing to America. Now, My Army of Light when this Truth is Released, cry out to ME for ME to pour out the oil of Holy Spirit to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and to comfort all who mourn. (Isaiah 61) For this truth will be a jolt to many and will be hard to receive and process—but can you imagine what America will be like when everyone knows the Truth? This is the miraculous that I speak of and it will be essential as we move towards the Glory and the Revival that will follow the Truth Revealed.


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