Be Fully Committed

For you have so much power available to you to fight off all the enemy’s schemes coming against you, your family and this country you live in! For My Son told you and is recorded in My Word that He has given you authority to overcome all the power of the enemy and that nothing will harm you. (Luke 10:19). And now today is the beginning of fasting and prayer on behalf of Tim Sheets, his family and church for ME to restore the heritage of their family that is to bring healing and restoration. For this day is a Marker of the yoke of bondage being broken in the church. For My Word says fasting looses the chains of injustice and unties the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and to break every yoke (Isaiah 58:6). For I bring deliverance and breakthroughs in many ways. For at this time for all those who take part in this fasting and prayer—behold what you call forth for Tim Sheets, his family and ministry will also boomerang back on you! For this is what I call a Double Blessing~you send it out but also falls back on you! But I also have a warning for you as well~Don’t take this action of prayer and fasting lightly but BE COMMITTED to it so that My Purposes will be Fulfilled! Let ME make Myself clear—Do Not say you’ll do it and not complete it. Do not only do it for a few days and quit. I would rather you not join in unless you are Fully Committed for the Entire Seven Days. For I need My Army of Light to Fully Complete this assignment all the way through in order for the Answers to be Realized.

I John 5:3-4 “In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that’s has overcome the world, even our faith.”


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