Coming To Pass!

For from the prayers and petitions that I have heard and am continuing to hear for I AM sharing this need for repentance across this land and to other countries as well~for this healing needs to take place for this is the month of My Strength to begin to be Revealed for I will have mercy on My Army of Light but My Revenge is saved for our enemies. For the deep state has always had control of the finances—BUT NOT ANYMORE! For I AM disarming their ability to print money for this fiat currency will completely lose its’ value. For this is One of My Ways to Defeat Them! For they will become paupers and you~My Army of Light will have more than enough! For the Realities of what I have been saying is Coming To Pass!

Proverbs 13:25 “The lovers of God will have more than enough, but the wicked will always lack what they crave.”


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