I AM Cleansing My Church

For last Sunday Pentecost was celebrated and I visited many churches along with My angels. For last Sunday was a marker of the Beginning of My Cleansing My Houses of Prayer! For No Longer will I watch and hear the sermons and teachings of emptiness and words that have no meaning. For I have released Holy Spirit to do His work of Deep Cleaning and also bringing Truth and Conviction of Sins into My Houses of Worship. For some~their doors will be closed and locked; never to open again for My Judgment on the church that chose to align itself with sin will be Shut Down! Then we have denominations that shut out and won’t allow Holy Spirit to be a part of their beliefs~these will be Surprised by Holy Spirit coming Uninvited and baptize many in the congregation—then the leadership must decide how to respond and that will determine their being able to stay open or not for My Intention for My Church is to be OPEN to All the Godhead—not just two of them! Then we have the small churches who have never grown, but have remained faithful in season and out of season and these I shall pour out My favor and blessing and will add to them and will anoint their services with fire! So~My Army of Light Be Aware of these plans and be a Light and a Reassurance to those who are ignorant that this is ME working and not our enemy but I AM cleansing My Church of All that is Impure so that she can be used for My Purposes!

I Peter 4:17 “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?”


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