My Power

For I AM going to Prove Myself as the GOD OF THE IMPOSSIBLE! So when difficult situations arise in your life—Don’t Give Up—but Keep In Mind who I AM and that I can Deliver You from All your fears! (Psalms 34:4) For I want to Remind You of My Power for there are no boundaries for My Power is Endless! So when a situation arises in your life, Do not be confounded or disturbed by it, instead Reach Out To ME—EXPECTING MY POWER TO BE ON DISPLAY on Your Behalf! One thing I have mentioned to Patty years ago was to Never Limit ME and this Very Thing I AM telling you as well. For when you EXPECT ME to Do The Impossible, You Honor ME by Believing In My Power! Now when you need My Power to be utilized, come and ask but Also Come Believing in whom you are asking from~FOR I AM AVAILABLE TO YOU!

Psalms 55:22 “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.”


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