For My servants—Kat Kerr and Johnny Enlow have both spoken of the Kingdom Era/Kingdom Age and Johnny announced that it’s here! And this shift of control will take place including things happening suddenly and some gradually but I have released My Angel Armies to do this Mighty Task. For many saw the mighty angels that have been released when viewing the aurora borealis recently for their power is mighty and there are more of them than the fallen angels. For your prayers, declarations and decrees are sending them on assignment and they are Getting It Done! But I want you to know that these angels are not only here to take down evil, but they are here to minister to you! (Hebrews 1:14) And one of their missions is to bring healing into your bodies and to encourage you in your inner being—so soak in My Presence and usher in these ministering spirits and ask for the healing that you need. Now—it could be a restoration of a relationship as well~So Come and Let the Healing of your Soul, Body and Mind Come Forth and may you Find Rest for your Weary Soul!
Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
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