The Truth Will Set You Free!
Now Here This! This summer is going to bring Major Changes in this country—America! For the Shakings that I bring will include Major Exposures to all the seven mountains! For I AM starting with the church but I will also include government and a major whistleblower will have access to the videos that were taken of people in office and children that were victimized in unheard of ways and then Hollywood will be exposed with many selling themselves to the darkness in exchange for fame and fortune. I will also uncover Disney and their secrets that have been hidden. Then I will uncover government agencies as well who have done surveillance on many of you without your knowledge using social media—so much will be exposed but I AM telling you now so that your mind and hearts are ready and prepared for this. Even so~when these exposures are revealed—pray for My Grace to uphold you and strengthen you—for that will give you the peace that you will need. Also, remember these exposures are for the cleansing of this country and to bring Morality Back to America! For the Truth Will Set You Free!
John 8:32 “Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”
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