Your Future Leader

For I have placed prophets and those with the gift of prophecy around you and you have benefitted much from their insight, direction and even correction that I share with them to give to you. And I want to say to you~My Army of Light~it is No Small Thing to represent ME and share these words to you. For they sacrifice much to give these words to you everyday and so I wanted to bring their dedication to you for you need to understand their commitment not only to ME, but to you as well. ~Now I want to share My Heart with you this day for the darkness is scrambling now as they realize they cannot stop DJT in their courts, nor on the campaign trail. He is unstoppable so now their efforts to do him bodily harm will increase! So Come My Army of Light and Release My Warring Angels to surround Donald J. Trump, his wife and family and all that he works with for they are desperate and they want to take him down! Pray now that their attempts will boomerang and they will get caught And that it will be Reported on MSM. For there have been Multiple Attempts to take down My David but no one has heard. But now Declare these Secrets will be Known and that there will be Heavy Consequences! Also pray for protection for the Secret Service whose job it is to keep him and his family SAFE! For I AM calling you My Army of Light for Active Duty Now to protect Your Future Leader!

I Timothy 2:1, 2 “I urge, then, first of all that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”


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